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  1. Just emailed you with all of the information requested. Thanks Dani
  2. Ok, shall I just scan it in to the computer?
  3. Its Liverpool County Court 'Before District Judge Bellamy sitting at Liverpool County Court, Liverpool, Civil and Family Courts, 35 Vernon Street, L2 2BX. Upon the Courts own motion. The Court has made this order of its own initiative without a hearing. If you object to the order, you must make an application to have it set aside, varied or stayed within 7 days of recieving it IT IS ORDERED THAT 1. the claim struck out. Dated 25 July 2007
  4. Can anybody give me a bit of guidance on what to do next?
  5. Gutted! I cant believe it just got a letter from the court and it says that my claim has been struck out! I'm so upset. Its says if I object to the order I must make an application to have it set aside, varied or stayed within 7 days of recieving it. I wanted to make a new claim for new charges and to the credit card companies but I'm to afraid to now.
  6. Oh thank you, so your a Liverpool fan! Thats where I live, horay for Liverpool.x
  7. Thanks a million.x will let you know how I get on.x
  8. ok sounds better if I just wait untill the claim has finished. Should I send a letter to the banks solicitor and the court stating what i am doing? Such as I am withdrawing my request for the additional payments etc.. This seems much easier, I have been getting myself into a stress all day with the interest and stuff. The court have asked that I let them know if the case has been settled. What is the best way to write this in a letter?
  9. Thanks for those links above. The bank actually gave me statements back to 04/10/2000 so that is how I was able to put them on my claim.
  10. 'defence using s.32 of the Limitation Act 1980' Also where can I get information on this act? I have to send a letter to court tomorrow to say the bank hasnt settled.x
  11. sorry i sent a letter without knowing to fill in an n244
  12. Hi Zoot Thankyou so much, I posted a letter to the court and bank on 21/06/07 requesting that I add further charges to the claim. So the banks solicitors already have the letter!! The court got back to me and said I need to ammend it on the N1 form in read. They have also said I need to let them know if the bank have settled or not, I'd like to know how to write this letter to them. Shall I withdraw the application for the new charges to be applied or would the bank think I was silly?
  13. Hi can anbody help me? I'm at the court stages with Lloyds and nobody seems to be replying to posts! Is there anybody that can help me?
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