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Everything posted by penntopaper

  1. Oh my GOd - THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!! I have been putting this off for days, it's really stressing me. YOU ARE AMAZING!!! What would I have done without this forum? I just can't get over this. People are so helpful and supportive. I've never done anything like this before - I fear paperwork and numbers so much, but I am just DRIVEN by the thought that the bank have been so out of order for so long and I can't let them get away with it. So thank you for helping me, I really really really appreciate it.
  2. I have NOT accepted the pathetic goodwill gesture offer they made me. I am going to court... My question... What do I fill in on the details of claim on the Moneyclaim website? Is it just a sketch outline - is it enough to say "Reclaiming unfair bank penalty charges" or do I need to go into it. Argh. I don't want to :x :x it up at this stage...???
  3. AHAHAHAAAAAA Don't say that!!!! HAHAHA!!!
  4. Ah, thank you that is reassuring. I mean, I guess I'm only going to find out by trying...
  5. What do you mean by that?? I am confused...
  6. So I sent my Letter Before Action, as very kindly advised by people on this site, thank you so much. But Barclays have turned me down. So I guess now I have to follow it through... BUT I AM REALLY SCARED!!!:o :o :o Here are the things I am worried about, and I know that the answers are probably all on the site here somewhere but I am so rubbish at all of this - I am trying to find them but without luck. If anyone just has 5 minutes to respond, I would be so gratefull. I am feeling rather stressed and would never normally do things like court action, but i so much need the money that i am going to have to. 1. they offered me £280, but they owe me £700. I NEED the money - will I definitelly get it back in court? Because two hundred and eight to me is better than nothing - also i think i have to pay to do the moneycliam and this is expensive. 2. i am more than £700 overdrawn. Is it possible that they will say "OK we owe you £700, we will pay it, but we will close your account, so now YOU owe US" Could that happen??? 3. Is it just as simple as following the box instructions on the moneyclaim site? I am half way through but i keep thinking it should be more difficult than this... IF ANYONE CAN HELP SO MUCH APRECCIATED!!!!
  7. Brilliant - oh thank you so much. I am still giong to read through the FAQ's though. I see a long night ahead of me. I am just so not financially minded - I think I was hoping they would just refund me first time round. this happened to my cousin, he was with HSBC and he got over a thousand pounds back just by writing the initial letter. Still, if you reckon I can do it, then this encourages me to think it is manageable. thanks so much (sure I will be back with more q's at some point soon!!!)
  8. Wow - thanks guys. I would really like to look at that templaate for the letter before action - but it's not working. Could you try it again? I can't work out how to do it. Sorry! The numbers the numbers!!! You are right, I need to read the FAQ. Are you both with Barclays? Have you had to go to court? I really really don't want to go to court because I haven't got any money to pay upfront for stuff. Do you think the letter before action will work?
  9. I have started my claim back for bank charges from Barclays The Evil Ones plc. They have offered me HALF the money in their initial opening gambit. I now wish to reply and state that if they do not give me the full refund then I will be taking them to court and claiming not only for my initial claim but also for the interest on the money they owe. A couple of questions... 1. is there a template for this follow-up letter? I want it to say all the right things like my first letter did 2. where is the form for calculating interest? Apparently there is a spreadsheet somewhere but I can't find it - can anyone offer a link? 3. Is this going to work>???? I am SO skint, I'm really worried about turning down the £280 they have offered me...but i really NEED the full £590 - what if i end up with nada?? Yours hopefully One Who Wishes She Had Opened an Account with Another Bank;)
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