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Everything posted by garage

  1. garage

    Scrambled Egg

    Hi julie im in the same position with egg got same reply off them , my PP agreement was apparantly made over the phone after them offering me 3 months free then continued to charge me to a total of £761 i have since changed my card and owe them nothing.so there threat of "breaking friends" does'nt bother me . Have you any advice?
  2. thanks aviator i will read through and inform everyone on my progress
  3. I recently have applied for a refund of charges from egg (£136 for late or unpaid DDs) they have replied saying its all in my agreement with them i assume this is just a standard reply so what is my next step? I also queried the £761 in card payment protection they took off me over the last 4 years of which they replied that i agreed to take out 3 months free then they continued to charge me. I do not recall this phone call ,shall i ask for a recording of this conversation to see if it did take place and if so was i made aware of how i could cancel the protection. I realise i should of looked after my account better but my statements where being sent to an inactive e mail account. Any advice would be great thanks
  4. I recently swapped my balance from egg to another card , after transfer was complete applied for my past statements which i have now recieved showing charges of £136 what is my next step? thanks
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