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Everything posted by N#1N#2

  1. I made a mistake and talked to Yes loans and shared my details with a view that if they provide a loan that suits me then i will pay some money for there support. However did not realise they would take money and more money than what was discussed. Nearly £400 any advice
  2. Help what do i do I have asked Virgin media for a list of my recent accounts which they have done, unfortunately they have included someone else account details also. I will immediately return this back to virgin media but i am concerned, if they have made this mistake once how many other times have they done this. how do i approach Virgin media about this, any ideas
  3. hi all I have not been on for a while but i am looking for a letter to stop a DCA sending one of there minders round to collect money. is there a standard letter available
  4. paulif you have not wasted your efforts on the court bundle as you will need them in the coming weeks. The courts should issue AQ's to both parties which you need to complete, and return in the specified time. I will forward you my details which i used , then wait and see
  5. It looks like I will be able to close this last chapter on this story. the NR have emailed my today to state they will pay up the full amount. but the only issue is the famous 'the cheque is in the post'. so hopefully when the cheque arrives, i will complete the survy and donate. Many thanks for all your help in advance
  6. If everyone followed the advice on this site, and used the experinces on here, then there is no need to use these companies. The confidence the guys and girls provide here is greater than using these companies and it helps improve people self esteem? Plus the benefits to assist in tackling other activities in life, DCA etc speaks for itself. Plus it must be cheaper , as this is a no win no fee site but with a donation when you have won???
  7. No real reason, we had some issues with her CC and loan account but nothing that effected her current account
  8. We have had some issues with the TSB and how they handled my wifes account. They closed this back in December without any justification. We wrote to the FOS, who put us in touch with a Mr Richards at the customer service department, complaining about the banks attitude and the fact they have closed her account, looking for compensation Previously sent the SAR and intial claim letter off to Brighton as that is who we have been dealing with. However, little response, investigating???? So I have sent my LBA off to this guy today and tomorrow will be following up with a second letter, asking for both the bank charges and my compensation as a lump some and to be used as a final payment to close off a loan agreement with them as they do not really want my business. wait and see?????
  9. PaulIF not sure if it makes any difference but there is a second email which starts 'WITHOUT PREJUDICE' followed by the same details as posted above. so they missed this off the first e mail, cannot wait until tuesday when they get the email rejecting this offer ??? hopefully they will settle before friday or i have to wait another two weeks.
  10. Paulif here is the full e mail So will sit tight for a little longer, and sent the partial payment acceptance letter of on monday .
  11. Morning happy easter to one and all. Been to work this morning to copy some additional stuff for my court bundle??, which needs to be in next week as the courts have resent the hearing letter asking for the information as it was missed off the first letter earlier in the week. anyway i have a e mail from the the NR with a offer. not what i want but its a start. they have tried to pressure me to accept as they believe the hearing for on friday for the 'stike out' they are confident of winning?? why make me an offer then?????? Will send a partial payment letter off accepting this amount but will persue the rest. so light at the end of the tunnel
  12. Excellent as i was unsure how this related back to 8% court interest. You learn something new each day
  13. Alan Great guidance i have searched the forum, as suggested which being honest did not realise i could. Read one or two threads even found two links to the Northern Rock and I can sleep easy tonight as i believe with your guidance on friday i have covered alot of my bases. So the only weakness would have been no Spreadsheet sent when my original MCOL went in, but they had a copy before then request for repayment letter and they have got another copy e mailed sunday and a hard copy posted. The courts have there copy so sit tight and prepare for next friday. Question being will they cancel or will I have to sit in court and listen to the judge etc
  14. spoke to the courts this afternoon, they have confirmed that I need to attend, the strike out hearing on the 13th so that is clarified However it looks like they have missed off some information required for the hearing on the 27th, The lady said 'oops' and will send this out straight away, i presume the court bundle, which measn it needs to be in next week, just as well its 80% complete Do not want the bank to have another opportunity to SQIRM out of paying me my money. but checking the records the Northern Rock have a good record only one sucessful claim against there name?????
  15. GlennUK posted this so sounds like a familar story but need to find another thread to read through to give me confidence i have don the right thing
  16. Alan from you earlier do you have any links to some other who have had the same/similar problems, so i can do some digging
  17. I can see this turning out to be a rehearsal for the main court date. Proving my case and what case law to support this.
  18. Alan In that case do you mean the following Relevant case law summary Early day motion from the house of parliament Dunlop V New garage UTCCR 1999 UCTA 1977 SOGA 1982 As these have not been provided to them, which goes with the court bundle, which i was on the understanding is only suplied when requested by the courts. But is not a problem as the bundles have been ready for months, so would only take some updating with the latest correspondence and delivered??
  19. alan i am trying to find some weakness in there agrument so i am prepared for next week, this is what i posted last friday in REd i have added some comments what do you think Quote: The defendant applies to the court for an order to strike out on the grounds that the claimant's statement of case discloses no reasonable grounds for bringing the claim the defendant files a defence (copy attached) on date??? in response to the claimant's particulars of claim at which time the defendant outlined that the claimant had failed to particularise his alleged loss adequately or at all. No further particularisation of the claimant's particulars of claim had been forthcoming If they are referring to the spreadsheet with all my charges as 'particulars' then I should and will refer to there response letter as objective evidence that they recieved these details, the letter requestinf repayment? also I clearly outline the charges on both the repayment letter and the LBA with interest cost and refer to the attached spreadsheet Futrhermore Part1(2) (a) CPR stipulates that cases be dealt with in a just manner. In order to implement this requirement it should be ensured that the parties to a case are on an equal footing. In this case the defendant has been presented with a insufficiently particularised claim which places the defendant at a disadvantage interms of successfully defedning its claim See above and they provided a list of bank statements with the charges on the defendant therefore considers the claimant's statement of case to be insufficiently detailed, fails to comply with the overiding objective, is unsustainable as a matter of law and requests that the claimants statement of case be struck out pursuant tp part 2.4(2)(a) CPR with the spreadsheet ,statements and the MCOL summary sheet then this is a good starting point to counter claim there argument. Just wondering if i have done enough or is there something more obvious that i should point out to the courts and the NR before next week.
  20. Alan Sorry for wasting your time again, but i am going to ride it out and see who buckles first. I am clear they have had there information and had it as per the timscales we all talk about, the small weakness is that I did not send a copy of the spreadsheet to the courts when I used MCOL. Error?? However the banks have previously had this spreadsheets when I originally asked for my money back. The MCOL form outlines my particulars which they ignored. Default issued they ignored Agree to set aside, sent advanced copy of court bundle --But not to courts ( not requested) Then this weekend refreshed them with all the details for there purusal. So confident that the issues,errors is on there side. so will see them in court next week
  21. Maybe i will ring the courts and ask the questions about this hearing, to check if its correct???, but the way its looking it will be friday before the judge will see the papers i sent in (but not this week as its good friday) so then its the hearing date, so maybe I just swot up and go in prepared for a fight. do you thinks its worth contacting the bank or does that sound like I am desparate???
  22. So what's the status of play with you. Still waiting for the courts??????
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