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  1. Hi, my friend has filed several claims for herself and members of her family. She prepared each one in exactly the same way (amending the details for each as appropriate) Her own claim and one other is with TSB and they are defending. I believe hers is a standard defense in that they say they do not believe the charges are unfair and that she was fully aware of them when she opened the account etc etc, but the other defense was rather intimidating. They say the claim is "embarrasing" and there is no evidense to suggest how the claimant arrived at the total sum and there is no details of the account to which the claimant is refering nor any details of the charges in question. My friend supplied all of this info at the courts in person when filing the claim. What should she do now? Sit tight, reply to the defense letters or what? Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
  2. :-| Can Natwest charge you credit card fee just because you have one even if it hasn't been activated?
  3. Dear studentindebt Thanks for those links. They were extremely helpful in understanding what happened. I just wish the bank hadn't "cleared" the cheque before the funds were "paid!" It would have saved a lot of upset. Why do these funds show up in your account before they are actually confirmed????
  4. Can anyone shed light on this somewhat unique experience? A while back, my step-son sold his car which was paid for by cheque in advance. He paid the cheque into his account and sure enough, a few days later it cleared. He withdrew the cash and used it to pay some debts etc. However, a few days later, Llyods claimed the cheque had bounced and wanted all of the money back. We're talking several hundred pounds. He argued with them that the money had cleared therefore he was entitled to withdraw it but they disagree and are now charging him monthly until the entire amount is repaid. Is this legal and could he claim his money back?
  5. Will do!!! (and I'm sure you're a nice person really!)
  6. Natweststaffmember: Thanks for the advise, will be changing my account asap.
  7. Point taken, thanks! I will consider myself chastised and will use the template as suggested.
  8. After spending many hours reading the threads and FAQ's, I've decided to actually go for it. I have looked at the suggested template for a first letter requesting bank statements but I'm not sure I will use it. Do I need to state in the first instance why I am requesting the statements? Surely that would just put their backs up. Can't I wait until my claim letter before I let them know my intentions? Whatta you guy's think? Anyone else just about to write off? Wanna compare notes?
  9. What advantage will I have if I change back to a normal current account? They advised me to go with the Advantage Gold because the interest rates on overdraft would be lower. Will changing my account affect my claim on the Advantage Gold?
  10. I have found your thread to be very useful, but my charges do not match the figures that have been posted. I get a "CHG" on my statement which can be either £38 or £40 with no other explanation. What does this mean?
  11. This is my first post. I am looking to reclaim my charges from Natwest who seem to have had a field day with my account. I get charged all the time, mostly for being over my limit (not much) but occasionally I do not know why I have been charged! Sometimes I do not even get a letter, the money just dissapears without warning! I have just lost another £40 this week! I have challenged them about taking my money without warning but they just say they are entitled to it and I should take better care of my account, (I check my account almost everyday, so I'm not irresponsible!) and that they do not have to provide any warning. Has anyone else had this? I'm looking forward to finding out exactly how much they have taken from me, it must be a lot!
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