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  1. Hi all I just received a cheque for my full claim 0f £2027!!!! Can a Mod change my thread to WON please (it was 'charges ate up my benefits' etc) Thanks for all the help everyone & DON'T GIVE UP!
  2. YAY!!!!! :lol: CHEQUE FOR FULL AMOUNT FROM COBBLERS A BIG THANK YOU to all of you who held my hand and helped me through this. This whole process has taught me so much about standing up for myself AND watching my finances more carefully in future. Phew!!! Good luck and all the best to everyone....I'll remember to donate to this site, just want to stroke the cheque for a bit first;-)
  3. Thanks Muggins, you're a star I've just re-checked the paperwork the court sent i have till the end of April to submit the bundle. But I'll get it ready and put it to one side, so I know it's ready. Hopefully NW will do the decent thing and cough up the cash, you never know!All the best S
  4. I'm trying very hard to hold onto the belief that there are good people everywhere. Sadly they often get overshaddowed by the bad ones or get bullied out of their jobs, as happened on the Whistleblower show. The bullying is also directed at the customers who are most vulnerable to coercion and those who complain esp' about poor service and unlawful charges (which as we know generates huge profits) One employee did say something along the lines of "banking is now about sales, targets and bonuses". Sadly it's very clear that conscientious staff and most customers are expendable, particularly if they don't contribute to profits. It's a mess. The whole financial industry needs overhauling and cleaning up, ASAP.
  5. I have just received the hearing date from the court in JULY!!! Why such a long wait? I'm hoping it's due to the number of cases they're dealing with and not because there is something iffy / complicated about my case. Is anyone else having a long wait too? Anyway they attatched directions: - "all parties shall deliver to the court...documents on which he intends to rely in the hearing" I think they have everything so far. But I just want to check if there is anything else I need to supply ie: re complaint above or anything re' the loans taken out to cover the bank charges. Any one have any idesa? Thanks
  6. Was the £100 for the court fee? As far as I know the next thing is for the bank to set a hearing date. I don't think you need to do anything else yet. But I'm sure someone will post a more detailed response to your Q soon.
  7. EVENING ALL... Is anyone else watching the BBC 'Whistleblower' documentary about Barclays Bank employees dodgy dealings? It prompted me to update you on things with my claim with Nat West. 1)Haven't heard frm the court yet, so waiting for a Hearing Date...will let you know. 2) Complained to Banking Ombudsman about the employee at NW who was abusive to me (see above). They forwarded complaint to NW. Today I received a transcript of the phone call in which NW employee demanded to know my new bank and acc details, demanded to know where my DSS benefits were being paid, refused to let me have my benefit money needed for food and to pay for gas, denied receipt of my letters, admitting they had closed my acc', refusing to negotiate the repayment of the loans they forced me to take out, admitting the bank is struggling to cope with claims for charge refunds etc...again will keep you informed when I read the transcript I was furious that this NW employee had the audacity to think he could speak to me or anyone else like that...lucky for him it wasn't a face-to-face conversation... :mad: Ombudsman service states they will wait to see how NW handle the complaint. Personally I think NW will have to come up with a MIGHTY apology AND all of the money in my claim. How is everyone else getting on?
  8. Hi Westy, why pray tell are you still awake? Just keeping an eye on us sad insomniacs? I'm only awake as I'm waiting to ambush the tooth fairy when she visits the little girl I'm baby sitting...yes I am that skint! Night all... S
  9. .....cos vampires are afraid of daylight, they bleed our accounts dry, they work the night shift cos they have no mates and nobody lves them either....'NAT WEST Bank of the living dead'.... Oh you just know we'll all be on a list of 'undesireable customers' if that's the case I'll wear my undesireableness as a BADGE OF HONOUR!!!! And whilst I'm on a rebellious rant, I'm not carrying that new ID card either, never mind paying for it!!!!Don't get started on the cost of Gas... Perhaps he wanted my bank details as they plan to try and counter sue for the loan. Which wont go v far as I am on benefit so the court will propose a nominal payment say £1.00pm, much less than I offered to pay Will write another 'waste-of-time' letter to the good Mr Higley in C/Services just so I can complain to the Ombudsman when Higley proves to be useless AGAIN. I need a cuppa and a choccky hob nob now...Nat West, don't you just luv em?
  10. "officially debt free, skint, but debt free"....Yes I too remember those debt free days of my childhood...they will come again for all of us:D Just had an interesting 'phone call with NW as they have cancelled my debit card and have refused to let me withdraw the 5 quid in my acc' as they have closed it. The nice man at NW said this was because they had not received a response to their last letter they sent me about the loans(despite them both being sent via Rec' Del over 10 days ago). Of course we know it's because of my claim re the charges... He said... 1) as they have noticed that my benefits are no longer going into the acc' perhaps I 'would be so kind as to provide them with the details of my new bank and new acc number Also wanted me to say that I wanted to close the acc' too (HELL NO!!!!!) 2)and did I know that If I am 'lucky enough to have the charges refunded' as an act of goodwill by NW, they will pay them directly into my NW acc' (now closed but only if I want to get at my own money). CHEEKY LITTLE *******I wont be accepting that! 3) I did point out that the Banks Ombudsman was on TV last week ststing that the banks should not take retaliatory action against customers who claim back charges esp actions such as closing acc' etc Mmmmm, wonder what the OFT & Ombudsman would say?...sadly nothing too helpful I guess
  11. HIYA... CONGRATS TO MUGGINS!!!! Does anyone have any advice re' this.... Got copy of Cobblers AQ in sec G they state: The Claimant has not shown...reasonable grounds for bring the Claim...that the claimant remedy the lack of paticularity pleaded in the particulars of claim... does this sound the standard response everyone gets? Case management directions cannot be proposed until the calimant fully particlurises the claim...in light of this the Defendant may ammend its defence or apply to strike out. are they referring to Draft order for Directions? Cheers .
  12. Howdy all, how's everyone getting on? Sorry haven't been around for a while, have been a bit under the weather, so here's an update: NW refunded charges of £90.00 into my acc ....just like that... then used it pay the loan payment I missed at end of Jan, so OK with me Have completed AQ using "new strategy"info for sec G on N149 and enclosing Draft Order for Direction. Am I right in thinking: I should send copies of AQ & Draft order for Directions to Cobbetts as well as the court? If Judge accepts it both me and NW must provide relevant info to each other and court within 14 days If NW don't cough up, this is when I use info in 'Court Bundle' and any relevant docs' etc in prep of going to court Many thanks in advance of your ideas/ comments Cheers
  13. I DID say that my guess was that you were here for the 'little people' like me who are trying to be treated fairly by the banks... I don't think you have been on the receiving end of / responsible for one of my ill-tempered 'phone conversations with the bank....But who knows? If you have, apologies. But I still want my money back. I got a whole heap of abuse when worked for the DSS Counter Service issuing giros (in the 1980's) but I left when I had a crisis of conscience: I wondered how somone was supposed to live on £36.00 per week. So I went to work with homeless people (in the days when you could chop & change jobs)...but that's another story.If people want to jump on me, so be it. I asked a genuine Q and you gave me a straight answer. Which I respect.
  14. OK this is the only time I'm gonna ask, but why are you here? Conflict of interests? Banking Super - Hero: fighting from inside the mouth of the monster for the good of little people? I'd put my money (if I had any) on the latter:) You seem like a sweetie!
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