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  1. Hi I would check the terms of the policy they made u take out as there may be something in there to help you out as being self employed usually has different exclusions etc.. and may make your claim easier but if i was you i would check that out first. Wayne
  2. No i wont be able to do an appeal as i dont have the money to fund an appeal, and knowing my luck the winchester judge will be just as poor as the first one was. I have to admit this judges attitude and the way he conducted the hearing has put me off the court system
  3. What amazes me is that the courts seems to be taking the opposite view to the financial ombudsmen service.
  4. Hi, I can apply for leave to appeal but didnt ask in the court as i cant afford an appeal as it has already cost me over £200 to get it this far and i have since been told i will be loosing my job after xmas. The main arguments in the POC was i was mis sold due to a pre existing medical condition and also that i was told i would not get the loan if i do not have the PPI. The judge made it clear that having a pre existing medical condition is not relevant as i can still be sold ppi as there would still be occasions where a claim could be made i.e if i had a coronary or brain tumer etc.. in reference to being told i have to have ppi he said well i didnt have to have the loan and therfore it was my choice to accept the PPI with the loan and if i had an issue with being forced to have the ppi i should have got legal advice soon after the loan was taken out. The whole preocess in court was like a kangaroo court, i have to hand it to them they were very good liars and there was 3 of them and 1 reminds me of one of those pressure sales men who have you beliving everything they say and it worked the judge belived them even when they contradicted themselves a few times.
  5. Hi All, If you are planning to go to the county court with a PPI claim think very carefully. Yesterday I took a claim to the Southampton County Court and the judge dismissed my claim, My claim was that i was told i had to have the insurance and that i should never have been sold the insurance due to a pre existing medical condition. The judge said that if i was unhappy about taking out ppi i should have not signed for the loan and furthur more just because i have a knee injury that would not stop me from claiming if i had a head injury or a coronary etc.. and thrfore the insurance was a product that they could sell to me and my pre existing injury does not stop PPI being appropriate. He the proceeded to write down the order saying claim dismissed. Please think very carefully as I was lucky the other side did not want there expenses back even though the judge offered to award them there expenses. This judge was joke but be careful as if other judges use the same view as mine did you will loose as he made it clear several times that i did not have to sign the agreement as i could have not had the money when i pointed out i was very desperate which is the only reason why i would go with a company that charges such high interest. again he said that was your choice. Good luck everyone Wayne
  6. I am currently waiting for a judge to allocate the case to the small claims track and set the dates of when to exchange documents and the date of the hearing. all this should be done soon.
  7. Hi All, I took out 3 loans from welcome finance in 2002 and as this was before there registration with the financial ombudsman i cannot take the complaint to them. As the 6 years was drawing very close i had to issue my claim before the 6 years was up. Welcome are defending the case, the ppi on all 3 loan amounts total £1343.16. + £483.90 interest My main claim is that the ppi was missold due to me having a pre-existing medical condition and also that i was told by sales woman that the insurance was no longer optional and that i had to have the ppi or no loan and was also told if i cancel the ppi they will increase the interest rate. They are saying as i cant prove this and i signed the agreements and all there agreements say ppi is optional and therfore my claim will not suceed. The saleswoman also never once mad it clear that i would be paying interest on the ppi amounts. Does anyone have any advice or tips so i can get back the money as it looks like they are gonna win yet they were the one who ripped me off. Thanks Wayne
  8. That is why they have side rooms and if there are lots of patients with mrsa they can do a ward with just MRSA patients
  9. One thing i would like to point out and make clear to people. MRSA infection can be transmitted by anyone as most of us have MRSA in our body it is only when we are in hospital that it poses a problem and that is because your body's immune system is so low and that allows the MRSA to cause problems that is why hospitals now test patients as they come in hospital to see which patients have brought MRSA in with them. Also if a patient has MRSA they are not on the same ward they are then isolated to stop the infection spreading.
  10. No you are not able to claim the money back as you had a choice and you made the choice to have the operation on a private paying basis and that you should have gone through the nhs Choose & Book System.. What you should have done was accepted going on the waiting list and then forcing the PCT to put you on the Choose & Book system this would have allowed you to choose a hospital with a shorter waiting list and will sometimes include private hospitals.
  11. Hiya If i was you i would contact the tgwu free legal line as i suspect they would say that if u defaulted in 1999 and you moved in 2005 the 6 years was up but they have your address as u got the letter so i doubt that would be an issue but i would phone tgwu as bcw are refering you to tiny but as far as i am aware its the finance company itself who has to provide the proof and therfore it is up to Aktif/BCW to provide the credit agreement as they cannot collect a debt if they do not have nor have access to the credit agreement. I strongly advise you call TGWU legal line.
  12. I have had a similar request from Aktiv Kapital for one of my very old debts, I am member of TGWU union and spoke to there legal helpline and the advice they gave me was. As long as you have not moved in the last 6 years (without telling the company) then they are unable to enforce the debt as under the Limitations act they only have 6 years to chase a debt through the uk legal system. I was also told they are not able to take the debt through the Courts as the courts cannot enforce a debt which is barred under the limitations act. except in certain circumstances which i was told is 1, if you move address and do not tell the company or 2 if you have admitted the debt is yours or 3, you have made a payment within the last 6 years. Hope this helps.
  13. Hi Once your mum has accepted the offer you cannot claim any more money as the offer will be a full and final offer. The offer may not be as high as you were expecting (i cant advise on that as i dont know the amount or the injuries she sustained) but its very rare to get high awards like you see on TV as the circumstances around how an injury is sustained will make a huge difference on the offer made.
  14. Hi I today received a letter from Citi cards which says the following: We are currently awaiting the decision by the Mercantile court of a case before it on the question of the legality of these charges and the amount that banks may charge. This decision will hopefully establish the final legal position on the same. Once we have been made aware of the results of this we will advise our customers of our intended position. Until that time our usual terms & Conditions of business remain applicable. I trust the above clarifies our position, however should you have any questions, please contact me on the details below. Does anyone know of a case currently at the mrecantile court?? Can anyone help me further???? Thanks
  15. Hi If the incident happened 2 years ago unfortunatly the hospital does not have to listen to your complaint as the time limit for making complaints has well passed. If you want to persue the hospital for compensation (which i think you should get solictors advice for this) then you have 3 years from the date of the accident or last treatment. If i was you i would contact a solicitor that deals with these kinds of cases but make sure that you get one that does no win no fee.
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