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  1. Received a letter today telling me I would be receiving a reply to my letter within 10 working days. They also sent me a nice leaflet about "listening to my comments". Let's hope they do! Boo
  2. I'm going to go into town on Friday and open another account somewhere else, just in case. I'd like to not have to use it though - just don't really want the hassle, but better safe than sorry I guess. I've printed off a list of all my direct debits and stuff like that too, so if I am left without my account at least I know who I'm meant to be paying, and when! (Don't want to incur any late fees!). Good luck to you, Clare! Boo.
  3. Thanks to both of you! I can't believe the amount of support available on here. It has definately made me more confident about taking on these HUGE financial institutions, and not just letting them keep walking over me. Boo
  4. Thanks! And Zoot, those letters are great - will be using them when the time comes. Nice to read someone else's success story too. I can't believe with all the money being claimed back that banks etc are still charging these gigantic fees. I suppose they need the money more than ever now:rolleyes: (the fat cats at the top must have got quite used to their yearly bonuses!). I don't expect a reply from Nat West any time soon, but as soon as I hear anything I'll update this. Boo:)
  5. Hi all. Thought I'd have a go at getting back £653.28 paid in early redemption charges paid in April last year. Started a thread about my progress with First Direct today too (letter has been sent), but thought I'd start one for this too, then if I go off-course anywhere, hopefully someone will rescue me before it's too late! (Also, it means I have another record of when I completed each step, as I do tend to mislay things from time to time! Written my letter requesting repayment. Just gotta get hubby to sign it then I'll post it on my way to work tonight. Hope this works.
  6. Well, here I go. I've been inspired and encouraged by all the success stories on here, so have decided to try to reclaim my £870.00 which First Direct seem to think they can have for nothing. I've spent about a week reading hundreds of threads and the FAQ's, and I had all my bank statements, so my request for repayment will go in the post today. Hope they don't close my account - I just want an easy life and the right to spend my own money! Fingers crossed!:-|
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