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Everything posted by mart2k6

  1. Hi Firstly I have always paid these people on time. I setup a direct payment system with these people to save me keep going into town each week. Payment went as normal on the day but then a few days later they took almost £40 out of my account. This made my council tax debit bounce and put my account overdrawn. When i went into the store to raise the matter I was faced with very poor customer service , none of them knew anythin about it and wasnt even slightly bothered. I got told that is was an error and they didnt know why but I could draw the cash back over the counter. Now this morning I have a bank statement with a £35 overdrawn charge on there beacuse of this. I already raised this with the store and they stick to the case of its not their problem and really cant be bothered. Ive asked for head office number and was refused and told I have to deal with them only and cant find any numbers or email addresses on the net. My question being where do i go next with this , I am £35 overdrawn charges out of pocket , had hassle from council tax cos the payment bounce and to add to it all have had rude and inadequate customer service treatment by the store.
  2. Hi The problems really started with it being minor after about 3 or 4 weeks of owning it , but as they didnt really pose a problem as it was only doing it around once a week we thought nothing of it, and now obviously the problem has gotten worse. Dont know whether I'm right or wrong but Im just sick of this piece of junk and want it returned. I dont want a replacement or them to fix it as it would probably just have different problems in the future as there are plenty of people on here had problems with Acer equipment. I have though paid and kept up to date with every other item I have from them , so am I right in guessing the only problem they could give me would be with the laptop. Or could they start to cause me problems with the other items too. Ive rung head office and they have now put it in the hands of the regional manager to work out and get back to me. The last time I had to get in touch with head office was when the store refused to have another item repaired as they said sorry you don't have OSC so get it fixed yourself. Head office then went over their head and had it repaired. I do find the store manager has quite a bad attitude yet Ive never had a problem with Head Office.
  3. Hi We have several things from Brighthouse and we dont have OSC.... We got something else around 3 months ago and its never been right ... cough cough Acer .... My question is I just want them to take it back , I dont want a replacement and I dont want them to try and fix it , basically its junk to give so many problems in such little time. They are saying I cant give it back , but I need to know if thats true or if theres anything I can do. Ive paid up to date on the other items I am just refusing to pay anymore for this piece of junk ... Any Advice ??
  4. Hi Just rang customer service and they didnt say either way , just the fact they would look into it. So if any of the other problems Ive had over the time Ive been paying them is anything to go by , then will still be chasing it in a few weeks. Why should I pay good money for goods which aint working , not sure whether to even pay them this week
  5. Hi I have a few agreements with brighthouse and got them after a lengthy scrap to take off the OSC. Surprise , suprise within 2 weeks of taking off the cover my Dryer and Laptop both start developing problems. I rang the store they booked an engineer for me , problem being day they were due to turn up the manager rang me and had great delight in telling me that the appointment had been cancelled cos we didnt have OSC. Is there anything we can do .... Getting tired of these people I pay them a lot of money each week and am tempted just to quit paying and fight em in court.
  6. Hi Im posting this for my sister as im unsure of the rights she has against logbook loans. She took out a small loan many months ago and after continously making payments thought she had paid it off. With no letters or contact from them in over 8mth she decided that she was in a position to get a new car. So she did and because the car they had the loan against was in such a state anyway she just gave it to the garage for free. Now months later they have come sniffing around for around a hundred quid they say was outstanding and some huge charges for letters not wrote and phone calls not received. Obviously I thought there was no immediate threat as the original car was gone. But now this moron that came today said they will take her new car worth 4 times the original value if she doesnt pay soon. My question can they do this and whats the best way to deal with these vultures Thanks in advance
  7. You want me post the section entitled Access of Landlord and Notice to Repair ? Or I have a section called Repair and Decoration but thats aimed at the tenant not the landlord As for the bottom of the other point it says then such an event occur the Landlord may enter the property ( or any part of it ) at any time even if a previous right of re-entry has been waived and then the term will end but without affecting any rights that either party may have against the other including the breach under which the entry was made .
  8. Further Provisions If at any time during the term -: 6.1.1 any rent regarded for the purpose of this lease shall be in arrears and unpaid for 14days after becoming payable (whether formally demanded or not ) 6.1.2 there shall be any breach non-performance or non-observance byt the tenant of any of the convenants and conditions contained in this lease 6.1.3 the tenant has any distress or execution levied on its goods at the property 6.1.4 the tenant being an individual becomes bankrupt or being a company enters into liquidation.. Does this give him the right to take my stock ??
  9. Got 2 sections in the tenancy agreement Access of landlord and Notice to Repair Repair and Decoration ( which explains the terms of the tenant to keep the property clean basically )
  10. Hi My problem started around 3 months ago , I rent a small shop and I started t notice big patches of damp up the wall. I constantly asked for the landlord to put this problem right but to no avail. Also I noticed there is a very bad rat problem as I have had to pay someone to come in and lay traps and poison as again I was refused help by the landlord. The smell in the shop because of the damp and the rats has become unbearable, so as a last resort I have refused to make any rent payments as I feel this shop is impossible to keep open as customers have started to complain and my trade figures have dropped considerably. After letting the landlord know hes is now threatening to change the locks and reposses all of my stock which equates to around £6k worth. My question is with the shop in this state what are my rights and what is the best plan of action for me to take next. And is the landlord legally entitled to break in the door and change the locks and seize my stock. Any help would be much appreciated
  11. What insurance firm did you go with as Im having trouble finding one that meets Brighthouse requirements Thanks
  12. Hi hoping someone can help me with some advice as Im unsure of my rights Firstly we have been a customer of brighthouse for last 18months or so and agree its vastly expensive but still pay these ridiculous prices. We as probably many others do started out with one item and then built up where we were paying £40 or so per week. Everything we have bought from Brighthouse we have taken out all the service covers and extra added on expenses without even thinking. My problem is that just over 2 weeks ago me and my wife were having a quiet drink when her mobile phone was stolen off the table. We wasnt entirely certain at what point it was stolen , but just the fact it was stolen. We obviously informed the store who said you have insurance cover so shouldnt be a problem. Unfortunately though we were told last week that it had been turned down so we had to still pay for it. This is ridiculous to think of all the money we have spent on the service cover an insurance to say that theft isnt liable under the insurance as its negligent to have the mobile on the table. Im not sure what I can do but was hoping tomorrow when payment is due that I could pay for everything but the phone and tell em basically where to stick the phone payments. If not what would be my best course of action. Any help would be massively appreciated ..
  13. Hi Correct , took it back and they showed it manager and brought it back saying nope youre not covered at all. Nice to know im gonna have to pay over £350 left on it with totally useless insurance cover.
  14. Hi Have a mobile phone from there My daughter dropped it in bath and to cut a long story short its completely bust Will they take it back as i have all optional cover and insurance or will they refuse ? Thanks
  15. Got into difficulties with unpaid fine months ago and it went to bailiffs Finally managed to get this fine back from the bailiffs to court Near end of december bout the 20th it went back to court and they set payment at £5 week I paid 3 weeks up from , i then rang them and said as i didnt have the 1st payment i would pay double the week after which they said was ok I paid the £10 the week after and then the £5 last week and this week .. Suddenly over the weekend i receive a cheque for £10 saying they cant accept it as a warrant is out This is surely ridiculous as i paid them double the week after as i agreed no problems I am no doubt going to get two more £5 cheques back too now I know what court will say if i ring them , but what i want to know is , that i only owe them £90 , even less when i cash the cheques they are sending and take that off the balance. My question being if i manage to just raise the £75 or so that i owe them how long do you think i have before they will come and arrest me over £75 including the fact i let them know i was going to pay double the week after ? The fine is for tv license by the way Any help appreciated
  16. Got into difficulties with unpaid fine months ago and it went to bailiffs Finally managed to get this fine back from the bailiffs to court Near end of december bout the 20th it went back to court and they set payment at £5 week I paid 3 weeks up from , i then rang them and said as i didnt have the 1st payment i would pay double the week after which they said was ok I paid the £10 the week after and then the £5 last week and this week .. Suddenly over the weekend i receive a cheque for £10 saying they cant accept it as a warrant is out This is surely ridiculous as i paid them double the week after as i agreed no problems I am no doubt going to get two more £5 cheques back too now I know what court will say if i ring them , but what i want to know is , that i only owe them £90 , even less when i cash the cheques they are sending and take that off the balance. My question being if i manage to just raise the £75 or so that i owe them how long do you think i have before they will come and arrest me over £75 including the fact i let them know i was going to pay double the week after ? The fine is for tv license by the way Any help appreciated
  17. So the likliehood of him harassing me again is unlikely
  18. So Sorry One of them days posted it in wrong section :eek:
  19. Hi Ive posted before about this case Basically small court fine for tv license £115 left on it and bailiff showed up Added £250 for knockin on door and I refused to pay Drafted a letter telling them i knew my rights (the template off this site) and I would pay £8 per week Sent one to head office and today a week after i sent it recorded delivery to bailiffs he turned up again so my wife handed him a copy through the open window He sat in his van , read it and then left Any ideas to what i can expect next ??
  20. Hi Ive posted before about this case Basically small court fine for tv license £115 left on it and bailiff showed up Added £250 for knockin on door and I refused to pay Drafted a letter telling them i knew my rights (the template off this site) and I would pay £8 per week Sent one to head office and today a week after i sent it recorded delivery to bailiffs he turned up again so my wife handed him a copy through the open window He sat in his van , read it and then left Any ideas to what i can expect next ??
  21. No sorry :D Dont get me wrong i didnt mean on this thread i meant the suspicion was mentioned on a few other threads
  22. Hi Snap mate im sure theres a particular user on here that is replying yet tracking the posts (Not naming no names tho ) In the early stages myself but trading standards have told me I have an excellent case and just am awaiting some documentation
  23. Hi Could you possibly post me the same template as I am having the exact same problems with them , but am currently trying to work together with the trading standards to sort this out Thanks
  24. Hi Ive posted threads in vehicle section but need a quick question answering After everything Logbook Loans have been putting us through we are on the way to passing the case to the trading standards But as they are still chasing our car is there any court order we could get to stop them going near the car whilst trading standards investigate ??
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