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Everything posted by peonyqueen

  1. Hi! Scary aren't they?!! Don't worry though- like everyone before me says, this is nothing new, they are just trying to scare and baffle you into believing they have a case to answer. Good luck and just follow the fantastic advice of the ones who have been there before us!!
  2. I love this site!! I am in the process of taking Abbey to court and yesterday received "Acknowledgement of Service" stating that they intend to defend all of the claim- £3520 plus interest. This scared the life out of me (not quite sure why as I always knew there is a chance of having to go to court) but having read this thread, I feel so much more positive and confident. Thank you everyone and congratulations to all of you that have gone through this ordeal and come out the other end!!
  3. Thanks bish, I'll take your advice and send an amended schedule of charges. So do I carry on putting the interest on as my spreadsheet automatically calculates the interest for you so every time I go into it, the amount has increased. Shall I send this or copy and paste the original amount for now, minus the £775? I am truly grateful for this by the way, I don't feel so alone now- I put this off for about a year as I was too afraid to take them on single-handed! Thanks!
  4. Hi! I'm not very good at this- bit of a techno phobe but my fear of actually taking Abbey to court has helped me to overcome the computer fear!:o I am claiming £3969.85 from Abbey and have today received a letter from them offering me a big fat "goodwill gesture" of £775.00! Firstly I am a bit concerned as I get confused as to the procedure and sent the spreadsheet including interest with my first letter. Does anybody know if this matters greatly? Secondly, any idea as to how long it takes for a date to come through for the hearing if they are stubborn enough to let it go that far? I don't want to rush it obviously but at the same time I could really do with that money to fund my studies so that I am no longer in a position where I might go over my overdraft limit!! And finally, I could really do with a buddy but I had a bit of a problem when I tried to get one (told you I was no good with this computer lark!) so if anybody out there would be prepared to hold my hand through this I would really appreciate it! :? Thanks, Peony Queen.
  5. Hi Toby, I'm new too and just wanted to wish you luck with yours!
  6. Hi! I'm completely new to this and absolutely TERR-I-FIED!!! I have gone a small way to reclaiming my charges from Abbey- a total of £3,414 over the last four years! The straw that broke the camel's back was when they took £336 from my account on Christmas Eve last year despite the fact that I paid them a visit and ended up in tears while I explained that as a single parent, they had just taken half my salary and therefore deprived my children of any kind of Christmas! (Luckily I have a lovely sister who bought my kids presents on my behalf). So anyway, so far, I have written to them requesting full refund and of course they have told me where to go. I am ready to go to the next level but could really do with some support as like I said before, I really am so scared of this. I don't know why as I know that the law is on my side but let's face it, they are a HUGE corporation and I'm just little old me! Any guidance, advice and palin old support would be SO gratefully received, Thanks
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