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Everything posted by Janeyh

  1. Janeyh

    Grrrr .....

    This topic was closed on 10 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. Janeyh

    What address?

    This topic was closed on 10 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  3. This topic was closed on 09 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  4. This topic was closed on 09 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  5. Thanks redsonja, and well done re. your win !! You whooped their ass
  6. Hi Tanzarelli, I've just got to the stage of starting court proceedings against CapOne through the N1 form and have found your POC above extremely helpful. Just one query though, you have mentioned in 5.(a) - "the return of the amounts debited in respect of charges in the sum of £XXXX and interest charged thereon in the sum of £XXX.XX" and then later in 5.(d) - "the Claimant claims contractual interest at a rate of **.**%, from the date of each transaction to (date of claim issue) of £XXX, as set out in the attached list of charges. The claimant further claims interest at the same rate up to the date of judgment or earlier payment, at a daily rate of £X.XX per day." I am also claiming contractural interest and am confused as to what the first interest you refer to in 5.(a) is. Thanks in advance for your help
  7. Hi, This is a word-for-word copy of the letter I received in response to my prelim. letter. Yesterday, I sent off my LBA because the 14 days I gave them to give me my money back was up. Stick with your claim, don't cancel it. They will eventually respond with a defence. You could always send them a letter back saying "unfortunately you have already instigated court proceedings against them ..." but if they wish to settle your claim before it actually gets to court, you are prepared to withdraw the claim. Good luck.
  8. Hello ukaviator, Yes the 2 figures I mentioned are the ones on the statements. Statements go back to May 2004 (didn't have a CC before then). I've actually sent my LBA off because the 14 days since my prelim. was up. I used the interest rate that is currently showing on their website for my type of card (Platinum at 15.9% (hope it was correct). My concern was that the interest figure I arrived at using the spreadsheet seemed low in relation to the fees applied, i.e. £212 in fees but total only £271.85. Anyway, it's gone now. Thanks for your reply
  9. OK, I'm almost brought to tears now:-( I've spent the last couple of weeks since sending my prelim letter trying to make sense of the contractural compound interest issue but have to admit I'm sadly lacking in the ability to understand it. I've filled in Vamp's spreadsheet no. 16 but I'm convinced I've done it wrong. After reading dozens of threads about how to calculate the APR charged on my credit card I arrived at a figure of 14.57% (again don't know if this is right). Throughout my account I have had only two different purchase interest rates, 1.240 and 1.039. Added them together and divided by 2 = 1.14 to get an average. Put that into this spreadsheet http://www.zen122856.zen.co.uk/CompoundSheet_v1.9.xls and it gave me the 14.57% APR. Other posts I've read on here are quoting figures of around 25%. I then added this figure into the Interest Rate column at the top of Vamps spredsheet but after entering all the charges, the total claim column only shows £279.43. The total cost of the charges is £212 so I must be doing something wrong. Can someone help me - I feel like giving up altogether and my LBA is due to go out today Thanks in advance
  10. Hi guys, A friend has just shown me some letters he has received from Lowell Financial regarding a debt they claim he has with HSBC. The first letter was dated 10th July this year and said the debt had been sold to Lowell and payment must be made to them. He rang them when he got this letter and they told him it was to do with an outstanding debt from when he lived in Wales. He informed them he has never lived in Wales whereupon they said they would transfer him to another department where he was cut-off. He rang back and spoke to another advisor who acknowledged that he was telling the truth (think they checked the electoral register) and he was told to disregard the letter. A few days later, he received another letter from Lowell requesting him to urgently contact their office and that ignoring the problem will make the situation worse. He ignored this letter. Today, he received another one saying "Despite our previoius attempts we have still not reached a resolution to your outstanding balance ......" They threaten "further action to recover the debt" and request he either pays the debt in full or contacts them to arrange a method of payment. I'm sure I've read somewhere on here a suitable letter to send to these people if a debt is disputed as this company are basically harassing someone over a debt that is not theirs. Does anyone have any advice to give him. I suggested writing to them explaining the previous conversations he had with employees of theirs and also asking them to provide copies of the original contract with his signature etc. but I think this is just prolonging the situation. Should he just write saying the debt is not his and if they don't stop harassing him, he will sue ? Janey
  11. Hi everyone, A friend of mine who is a very financially secure and astute individual has a credit card through NatWest. Recently he genuinely forgot to pay his credit card bill, which he always pays in full, and on his next statement he had incurred a £12 charge. He has never had charges before, either on his CC or his bank account. I suggested that he call NatWest and ask that the charge be refunded which he did and the lady agreed to do this. However, he has today received this month's statement, the £12 is still on there, and it has also accrued an interest charge. He called NatWest to query this and spoke to an extremely snotty female who was totally uninterested in the fact that this charge had already been discussed and its refund agreed to, in fact she said "we have been forced to reduce our charges to £12 and as a result, we are not making any refunds and the person you spoke to has given you incorrect information". My friend was so disgusted he cancelled his credit card there and then and told them he would not be paying the £12. I advised him to write to NatWest and demand an explanation but he said he could not be bothered with the hassle for such a small amount. The money is an insignificant amount to my friend but it is the principal of the matter that has annoyed me. I just wondered what other people thought and if there was an easy way to resolve the matter.
  12. They didn't send me a cheque even though I asked them to. I wanted to pay it into a different bank. They paid it direct into my Abbey account and they (DLA) said the only time they send a cheque is when the account is actually closed (fibbers !). I had to wait for the funds to clear twice, once from Abbey (5 days - don't understand this anyway when funds are deposited directly into the account:rolleyes: ) and then again when I moved the money to my other account. They like to make it awkward for you right till the very end:rolleyes:
  13. Hello Odd, I think your press release is superb. I can't wait to read it in the papers. Surely, the press, particularly the likes of the Sun/Mirror etc. will fall over themselves to print a story like this:D Re. Martin Lewis, I think I also saw do a slot on the new BBC 1 early-evening programme, The One Show - theoneshow@bbc.co.uk - perhaps they might be interested as well. Well done !!
  14. I don't see this as "everyone loosing out" but rather a much fairer way for everyone to be provided with a service, as opposed to some people getting something for free off the backs of others, me included. I feel it is morally right that I should pay for a service I am getting (i.e. a bank account) and do not feel that someone else should pay for it for me.
  15. We've all reached that point Lisa, I felt physically sick when I realised I was going to have to file a claim with the court. But I did it and so can you. The support on this site has been incredible and I couldn't have done it without the tremendous help from everyone. Don't be scared - go for it.
  16. Got back from holiday on Saturday and after forcing the front door to get past the HUGE mountain of mail (mostly junk) found a letter from the Court, a General Form of Judgment or Order: "It is ordered that the case be listed for an Allocation Hearing before the District Judge on Friday 15th September....... to consider the question of expert evidence (? ?)" Oh well, I thought, here goes. Then further down the pile of post was a letter from DLA: "Dear Sir ( ), Abbey National has decided in this instance to settle your claim in full ......" Yaaay !! Many thanks to everyone on here who has helped me, especially Karnevil. I hope I can be as much help to everyone else who is still going through the process. Janey
  17. Just had a thought - the last date for filing the AQ is 5th August which is Saturday. I'm hand-delivering mine today but as I expect Abbey will leave it till the last minute, can they file on a Saturday?
  18. Well, unless I have find something came in the post today when I get home, I'm handing in my AQ to the court tomorrow. I've sent DLA an e-mail advising them of this but don't know if they got it - I didn't get a "read" receipt this time. Not that it matters anyway.
  19. Let's hope so !! They must be seething !! Do you ever wonder who "they" actually are - I'd love to be a fly on the wall in their office
  20. Reading all the threads where people have been waiting months to get statements/list of charges from Abbey has absolutely convinced me that they are trying to minimise their losses (albeit by a miniscule amount in relation to the charges) by prolonging the period before people can actually make a claim in an attempt to render some charges non-refundable under the 6 year rule. This happened to me and knocked about £200 off my claim. I first began to look at the charges I had paid back in February and by the time I had received the missing statements, done the to-ing and fro-ing with the letters etc. I did not actually file my claim until sometime in June. Makes me even more determined - they are slimey beyond belief.
  21. Eileen, So sorry to hear of your terrible loss. My sincere condolences to you and your family.
  22. Hello LL, I know what you mean about their delaying tactics, it is infuriating However, I think that it's down to Abbey's spitefulness because they know they're going to have to cough up in the long run so this is their only means of getting back at you by making you wait. Pathetic, really Keep the faith darlin' you'll get there in the end:) Janey
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