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Everything posted by carolmac34

  1. HI there I'm wondering if someone can point me in the right direction please. I'm in the early stages of reclaiming my PPI back on my Yorkshire Building Society mortgage, which was taken out in 2002. I have all my mortgage statements except the one for 2012, which I requested from them yesterday and they're going to send me. My main question is which of the 4 spreadsheets is the right one to use? I'm thinking it's the first one (StatIntSheet v101)? The PPI payments are paid monthly, but the amounts paid each month differ from year to year. Thanks in advance for any advice. Carol
  2. Thanks cerberusalert... I'll put this in a short letter back to them in the morning & with any luck they wont bother me again (best not hold my breath eh ). Will update again when i hear anything. Regards, C
  3. Hi Received reply from Wescot this morning,thanking me for my letter. It goes on to say "however, to enable ourselves to investigate your query further we request that you provide full details of your dispute in writing in order that we can liaise with our client. We look forward to receiving the above by return, along with payment for cover part of the balance which is not in dispute". Now, I'd have thought that "their client", Next, would have given them full details already when they passed it onto them? And as for me sending them payment - haa, nice try . So... should i write back to Wescot enclosing a copy of all my correspondence to Next, or should i just politely tell them to go back to Next who should be able to give them what they need? Have read over a few of the other Wescot threads, should I also be sending them the CCA Request letter? Thanks guys
  4. Just a quick update. Not heard a thing from either the sherrif officers or the council on this. However, North Lanarkshire Council have now sent me 2 summary warrant notices, one for 2008/09 (which is what the IUC related to) and the other for this year 2009/10 - for the full amount before Benefits. It really sickens me that the the Benefits Office & the Council Tax Office don't liaise with each other like they're supposed to. Despite being on JSA since February i'm still banging my head off the proverbial brick wall with them!!! One office says, "no we dont have any benefit claim in place for you, pay the full amount" & the other says "we are still sorting out you claim for CTB". I'm in the process of writing to both offices yet again and politely telling them where they can stick their summary warrant notices and not to bother contacting me again until it has all been sorted and finalised once and for all. I feel this is nothing short of harrassment and am getting more and more stressed with every letter/demand i receive. I'm currently going through the forums to see if anyone else has had harrassment like this from the Council. Surely there has to be someone further up the line I can report this bunch of idiots to? Will report back as and when i hear anything
  5. A quick update..... Received a letter from the Benefits fraud team on Thurs 23 July (dated 1 July) just confirming that we had the meeting etc, and that they "may still decide that you have had too much Benefit and we may ask you to pay this back". So as yet, i STILL don't know how much CTB overpayment was made. However, North Lanarkshire Council have now sent me 2 summary warrant notices, one for 2008/09 (which is what the IUC related to) and the other for this year 2009/10 - for the full amount before Benefits. It really sickens me that the the Benefits Office & the Council Tax Office don't liaise with each other like they're supposed to. Despite being on JSA since February i'm still banging my head off the proverbial brick wall with them!!! One office says, "no we dont have any benefit claim in place for you, pay the full amount" & the other says "we are still sorting out you claim for CTB". I'm in the process of writing to both offices yet again and politely telling them where they can stick their summary warrant notices and not to bother contacting me again until it has all been sorted and finalised once and for all. I feel this is nothing short of harrassment and am getting more and more stressed with every letter/demand i receive. I'm currently going through the forums to see if anyone else has had harrassment like this from the Council. Surely there has to be someone further up the line I can report this bunch of idiots to? Will report back as and when i hear anything
  6. Hi roony, every householder is liable for council tax. Whether or not you are eligible to pay it is another matter. If you are on jobseekers allowance and can prove it, then you should be entitled to council tax benefit. Your claim for CTB will have been done at the same time you claims JSA. Even on JSA you will still pay a portion of your Council Tax - usually just the water/sewerage side of it. I live in Scotland and have been on JSA since Feb this year. My claim for CTB was made at the same time, but still hasn't been finalised - (long story, in another thread). I visited my citizen's advice bureau and they advised me to make token payments, which i have been doing since April. Why not pay your local citizen's advice bureau a visit as they have been really helpful with me. Best of luck & hope you get a quicker result that I have
  7. Thanks cerberusalert, letter was sent to Wescot in this afternoon's post. Can't wait to see what their reply (if any) will be
  8. Good evening all Having not heard anything from Next since 18 June (their reply to my account in dispute letter), they have now passed the debt onto Westcot Credit Services, from whom i received a letter this morning. (They want the full amount paid by 22 July, yeah right) I've gone through some of the Westcot threads & can see that they're a shady bunch, from what some folks have posted. Obviously I should contact them, but i'm unsure which letter i should be using? Can someone advise me please which of the template letters I should be sending to Westcot? Is it no.17 on this page? The Consumer Forums - Debt collectors Many thanks in advance Kind regards Carol
  9. Hi all.... Well the interview wasn't as bad as I thought it'd have been. I was in and out in 15 mins. I went in all prepared, with all my paperwork & correspondence relating to this year's claim & it turns it was in connection to last year's benefit claim. Although i'd written to them in October advising them i had started working, they'd never followed it up (& i'd never chased it up either). (Just as well I had that letter with me). So they said i should hear within a month of what the outcome will be. They said it'd be one of three - 1. Slap on the wrist & dont do it again. 2. Same but with a 30% admin fee added on top, and 3. Referred to the procurator fiscal. They did say that option 3 was definitely not an option. So it's going to be either 1 or 2, guess i'll just sit and wait now... Regards Carol
  10. Now posted off to them. Any ideas as to how long it'll be before i hear anything - maybe next week? Carol
  11. George Saint - I think its just the fear of the unknown that's bothering me. I've read so many posts on here by folks saying they can be really quite abrupt & unpleasant about the whole thing. The woman in the CAB yesterday also said that I could pop in and see them again after the interview if i felt the need to. To be honest i think my nerves will be shot to bits by then anyway, so would probably be better off going home lol. (I laugh now, but i'll be bricking it in the morning) Regards Carol
  12. crikey diddled... just as well you made that post... Not sure why i assumed it was Wednesday, but its definitely the 25th lol. (Can just imagine the look of surprise on their faces when i turn up a day too early lol.... ooops.) thanks for that diddled
  13. Called into CAB this morning. They had a look over my paperwork and basically said that if I was comfortable going to the interview myself, then to do so & that I was entitled to a copy of the tape recording, which i have to request in writing. They then have 40 days to get this to me. If anyone can give me any pointers I would be most grateful. Regards Carol
  14. Yep Ida, it looks exactly like that. The only address is the gallowgate, glasgow one, so i'll get it sent off there today. Thanks again & will report back, as and when Regards Carol
  15. Thanks IdaInFife. Having a look at this now and i'll get it completed at some point tonight and send it in the morning. I see that it says I should send this to the Sherrif Clerk at the Court. However, i've not received anything from the Court as yet, just the 'Charge of Payment for Money' from Charles Anderson, Sheriff Officer's in Glasgow. Bit confused, do I send it to charles anderson or wait until something comes in from the Courts? Regards Carol
  16. Just back from the CAB, bit fruitless really. No walk-in this afternoon, appointments only. So I was advised to call again tomorrow morning when they do drop-ins.
  17. I agree... I've had my Next account for about 5 years now & they do the same with me. Started off with a £500 credit limit which they raise or lower 2 or 3 times each year. They never once notified me when they changed my limits, (anything from £500 - £2,500), but it doesn't really bother me as I didn't use it that often, mostly at their end of season sales - when i'd notice that they'd sneakily whack up my credit limit by quite a bit, probably hoping i'd spend it all in their sale lol. Hope you get the outcome you're after
  18. Subbing to this one, as i too have just started going down this road with Littlewoods myself (http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/mail-order-catalogues/198812-littlewoods-debt-where-do.html#post2242215) Best of luck pt2537, your posts fill me with hope
  19. thanks for the link supasnooper, am going thru it now (it's a long thread lol). perinatal - being on benefits, i can't afford to pay anything to them at all, (i hate not being able to pay things & find it very frustrating). However, i dont think i have payment protection added, as i'm sure I asked them to remove that years ago... I will check tho. Also, there probably a chunk of my balance owing which consists entirely of late payment charges over the 10 years i've had it. As yet i've received no response to the 'account in dispute letter' above, sent to them on 5 June. Tomorrow is the deadline, i think, for them replying to me. What's my next course of action? Should I prepare the letter for going off to the credit reference agencies as in PT2537's reply in his littlewoods thread (http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/general-debt-issues/93571-pt2537s-cca-request-against-4.html ) ... or am i jumping the gun? I guess i have to do a letter back to Littlewoods but am unsure which one to use - pt2537's letter in post 63 of that thread? Any advice greatly appreciated Regards Carol
  20. Sent off the 'account in dispute letter' to them on 5th June. They actually replied within the 14 days, received their reply on Thursday 18th. All it says is that it acknowledges my letter and that they have passed it over to their customer relations correspondence manager and that they will contact me again at the earliest opportunity. I guess I just sit back now and play the waiting game until I hear? Is there anything else I should be doing in the meantime? Regards Carol
  21. thanks citizenB... Incidentally i've just made another post on an interview under caution, not sure if that will need moving to Scotland then?
  22. Hi there, Well it seems that nothing happens for ages, then it all happens at once. I received a letter (and scary leaflet) on Saturday morning from the Council inviting me to an IUC on Wednesday 25 June. (My Council Tax Benefit post probably ties in with this http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/benefits-tax-credits-minimum/199218-council-tax-benefit-help.html) Their letter is headed up 'Housing & Council Tax Benefits' and apart from that, the letter says nothing else about exactly what this interview relates to - the first paragraph says " A matter has arisen concerning the above which I would like to discuss with you as a matter of urgency". Can't be that urgent, as my claim for CTB was submitted to them in February (all noted in my other post). I have never claimed nor received housing benefit in my life, as I have a mortgage, (and even when i was unemployed for 4 months last year, got no help on this front at all). As they have yet to settle my claim for CTB, the only thing i can think it might relate to is when i was in receipt of CTB last year. I found work through a temping agency & started with them in the August. I did forget to tell the council about my change in circumstances at that time, but did eventually remember and wrote to them notifying them of the change in October and asked them to adjust my monthly payments. I never did hear anything back from them & they continued taking the lower amount from my bank account. Yeah, in hindsight, maybe I should have chased them on this, but temping wages are crap and assumed they would get round to it at some point (how stupid am I). I have spent a lot of the weekend going through CAG and finding lots of useful posts and advice on this IUC & have made relevant notes for Wednesday's interview. I am going to pop into my CAB this afternoon, with copies of all the relevant paperwork I have between myself, the council & the benefits office. I doubt the CAB will be able to attend the interview with me, and there is no-one else that can come either, so I may just go alone. From advice in others posts though, i will be saying 'no' to the understanding the caution bit and i also intend to record the interview on my mobile phone. I will be keeping my answers short and brief (and try not to rant at them) and if I feel that they are twisting things or that I can't answer then I'll say that i've already answered that or that i'm not sure. I had to laugh at the last paragraph in their letter which says, "If you have any queries regarding this interview please contact me before the date of the interview and I will be happy to discuss anything that is unclear" HA! i've been trying to get answers from them since March re the delay on my CTB claim and they refuse to tell me anything over the phone!! Any further advice anyone can give me would be very much appreciated. Thanks Carol :grin:
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