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Everything posted by persian

  1. I'm off to the town hall tomorrow, armed with forms, letters receipts, and proof of phone calls to the housing office. It's gone beyond a joke now. I am going to claim HB on CTC and CH. The MP's assistant just called to tell me that the letter Atos said they were sending him to update my current status has not arrived, what a surprise.
  2. I thought about making a new claim for housing benefit and I will. And you are right I recall taxi mentioned.
  3. I regularly gave my housing offficer an update of my situation, however, Atos never put anything in writing. I've made a spreadsheet logging the name, date and time of call to Atos, somedays I'm on hold for 59 minutes, I hang up and try, try again, in case I need to show the judge that I have done everything I can to help myself when I attend court next month.
  4. I didn't fail to attend, I contacted Atos with my mobility issues. They were to arrange transport to take me. First contacted MP in Jan, Atos told him I was in a "loop", he has been trying to help for me, the letter Atos supposed to have sent him went to an address in the sky along with my GP's letter. My GP has never had a letter from Atos. Yesterday I called my MP, he could not beleive I'm still waiting, he is going to give this matter more wellie. I have lived on CTC and CB, I've paid my water, gas, electric, other bill and food, I have borrowed money from my parents for Christmas, they help me with food, I forgot to mention I am a single parent with 2 teenage children.
  5. I was on income support until my children turned 15. I was put on jobseeker. I have MS and was transferred to ESA. I dont know why I was taken off ESA, my GP gave me sick notes every 4 weeks. My GP gave DWP a letter to say I could not travel 20 miles using 3 buses and a train for the medical, so DWP said they would arrange transport, nothing was arranged and now I have lost housing, council tax exemption and money. Yesterday I was told by my housing officer that I would still be liable for court cost if and when ESA start up again.
  6. They took me off ESA last Sept, therefore I lost my housing and council tax. I have survived on Child tax credits and child benefit right through cold weather and borrowed for Christmas. Atos says I'm one of at least 2000 people waiting to be seen. I have been waiting 7 months for Atos to assess me. Am I being unreasonable. Anyway I'm in court for rent arrears 2 days before I go into hospital. Hope I get a nice judge, in the meantime I've asked my MP to give Atos a hard nudge, it not a joke anymore.
  7. Walk past any Debenhams and you'll see 50,60 or even 70% off blue cross sale. I go to furniture and clearly a red sales add says an extra 10% off. "Today you pay £351.00". I look for an assistant who says yes the price is correct, I say, yes I'll have it. The assistant calls for stock and then would you know, the price is £1400. I argue for 10 minutes, I ask for the actual sales add, no, he said, I take a picture of it which I will send to Trading Standards tomorrow. I felt the staff had dealt with this misleading customer prices palava before as they were so very well prepared with answers at every point. I'm not going to let it get to me anymore. This has taught me a good lesson. Shops reduce the price of goods they cannot sell. The Blue cross sales add got me in store and normally I buy something from there I dont need. Good bye Debenhams, I hope you go into administration.
  8. Perhaps its not law, I refer to Consumer Protection from Unfair Tradings Regulations 2008 which their action does beach, I really felt I was not the first to have been mislead, staff were so cocky, but never rude, just over polite, yes madam, sorry madam, see you again madam.
  9. At the checkout the price was confirmed at £1400.00 it was advertised for £351.00, the sale price was not removed,I did ask for the sale banner, of course he said no, however we took a picture of it, the next day the reduced price was removed. I saw the manager and quoted the 2008 law Debenhams had broken, he just said thank you madam, good day madam, so damn annoying.
  10. Last Sept I was taken off esa, I have been waiting for ATOS to assess. I call ATOS every day and they fob me off, either there waiting for my GP's reply or my response to a fictional question they never sent, however I have received nothing from ATOS, they are so rude, one time I asked how long will it take for them to see me, how long is a piece of string was their answer. I have been in touch with Citizens Advice and my MP as my housing benefit stopped. Even my MP can't hurry ATOS along he was told I am stuck in the system, the situation is dire, I am facing eviction. What else can I do. The Council are taking my to court in May.HELP PLEASE.
  11. Just read the sad news RIP Martin you will be missed.
  12. Debenhams advertised a dining set in store at a reduced price but would not sell it me at that price. I have liased with their head office but they sorry it was a mistake as they never mislead customers. I took a picture of the sale add, still nothing, I have reported Debenhams to Trading Standards as I'm sure this practice is against some law, isn't it? I have to call Trading Standards with more info tomorrow any advice would help. Thanks
  13. I have RW's banking details and have set up a standing order, I sent them an email to confirm or object etc within 7 days. Thanks anyway.
  14. The account was a bank overdraft. I had an agreement with the bank to pay it back monthly which I did for 3 years. I never missed a payment, however without warning, the bank closed my account and the standing order payment was returned. I still have just over £1000 to pay, I guess £20 a month was not quick enough for them. I am unemployed, have MS and housebound. I would like to set up a standing order to Robinson Way Ltd. Help please.
  15. :mad2:I am not desputing the fact I owe my bank and wish to pay them back, however, my bank has forwarded my debt to RW, I called them to set up a standing order to pay them, they said this method of payment is not excepted by them. If anyone has their bank details I could set up the mandate myself. Thanks
  16. My ex walked out on us. He disappeared for 7 years, he gave our children nothing. 4 years ago he was seen driving a smart car, married,kids,self employed and house owner. I contacted the CSA, my ex somehow convinced the CSA he was on benefits and I was awarded £5 a week. Last August the money stopped, I called the CSA who told me my ex was not claiming benefits anymore and was working. I asked the CSA for their help. I telephone the CSA every week. My ex is playing the CSA like a fiddle, ducking and diving, just like I told them he would. The CSA have his home address and his employers address. His 'employer' is not being helpful. How long must I wait before the CSA exercise their powers. Can anyone tell me what to expect from the CSA. Am I being unreasonable. Help Please.
  17. Thanks Rebel, I think I may have given the wrong impression, you see I borrowed the money to clear my overdraft and charges in 2005, my case was to try to get back the unfair charges I had already paid. I do not qualify on the hardship route, I just want not to deal with it anymore. Again I ask, If I do nothing and my case is stuck out, could or will I have to pay any fees or compensation, or/and must I fill out a discontinuence form.
  18. Letting my case be struck out. What are the implications. Can anyone please confirm that by doing nothing will cost me nothing.
  19. :?:My bank charges case was stayed in 2007. I 've neglected my paperwork for months due to serious illness, however its almost time to do something. I'm unable to continue the case, financially as well as not having the energy, therefore what do I do. I cant afford to pay further cost either to the court or Abbey. Paragraph 3 of my order reads: If no application to remove the stay is made by 4pm on 15 Nov, the claim shall stand struck out without further order. 4. Any application for costs consequential on the strike out shall be issued by 13 Dec. Do I have to write a letter to the court to discontinue the claim or should do nothing. Can doing nothing hurt my pocket. I'm sure many Caggers have had similar instructions since that terrible day.
  20. Thanks for the reply regarding the 29.5%. Has anyone been able to get HFC to cancel these £15 unpaid fees which they say are due on the statement. Does my daughter have to pay them or can they be regarded as unfair bank charges. I know it didnt cost them £15 to make a call and send a template letter. Thanks.
  21. :-? My daughter bought a TV from Currys on the interest free plan. After 6 months she lost her job and could not pay the full amount at the end of the 10 months. The long and the short of it is she's at month 47 out of 48, she asked HFC for a copy of the agreement to find out what the APR was and a statement as HFC says she still owes them £110 interest, plus 20 x £15 admin fees due. My question is do these fees come under unfair fees/charges also, If anyone has a Currys agreement from 2005 would you let me know the APR. Thanks.
  22. Hello old friends My case is on hold, my copy of the court bundle has been destroyed. Thankfully all my stuff is on disc except the CAG court bundle I cant unzip it? I never had this problem with my old PC. I'm new to Vista. What should I do. Thanks
  23. I've put together the following bits and bobs obtained from this site. Can someone please check it, and could you also check the grammar as I'm rubbish at writing letters, I think I need some help with the 1st paragraph I cant get it to sound right. I respectfully request that the court could please note that it is not disputed that the Defendant is entitled to recover its damages following my breaches of contract, and it is entitled to include a liquidated damages clause. I accept without reservation the banks right to recover its actual losses resulting from the breach or a genuine pre-estimate thereof. However, I submit that the charges made by the Defendant amount to an unenforceable penalty. As such, they are contrary to the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999 and the common law. It is submitted that they are disproportionate, excessive, exorbitant and extravagant in comparison to; it is inconceivable that they represent, are a pre-estimate of, or are in any way related to; the actual loss suffered by the Defendant as a result of the breaches of contract from which the charges arise. The continuing problem is (in common with the 100s of other cases currently being brought by other bank customers) that the banks refuse to reveal the details of their penalty-charging regime. As the banks have a fiduciary duty towards their customers, they have a duty to deal straightforwardly and in the utmost good faith. I respectfully ask that the court in this case, order basic disclosure. I understand that it is in the courts discretion to do so. I believe this would bring a rapid end to this litigation. Persian
  24. Thanks Steven, Thats the New Strat letter I meant. Persian.
  25. Phoned the court, AQ not required, the very nice lady said to ignore the AQ, courts been very busy with these claims, and its unlikely that my letter has been looked at. I want to get this right, as the advise was verbal, I think I'll fill the AQ anyway. I'm thinking of adding a short and sweet mix of the old AQ and New Strat AQ for section G. What do you think, maybe someone will read it. If anyone has a better idea please let me know. Persian
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