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  1. This topic was closed on 03/06/19. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. ive just recieved a letter from the hallifax also stating that they are not required to keep information about manual intervention and therefore are unable to assist me further with this request!! NOW as I dont have my bank statements is there anything that I can do to force them to comply with my request?? goony
  3. Ive got a court order that states that the CSA have to repay the £8300 they took from the sale of my house as they havnt produced any evidence that I owed it in arrears But I have been told that if I try to enforce the order that they can over throw the order as they are above the law is this true and what can i do about getting my money back?? goony
  4. I also forgot to mention that on saturday I had a call from there credit card side asking for a payment and I explained to the chap that I couldnt afford the payment untill the following friday DUE to the charges that HIS company had charged already!!! he then informed me that I had £150 in my account so I could EASILY afford the £27 that HE wanted!!!! SO I explained to him that the reason that the money was in there was that my wife hadnt been able to go shoping yet to buy food as she was RUSHED into hospital on friday so I still had to get the shopping and would also need to buy her a new dressing gown slippers and PJs so he told me to BORROW the £27 from a my family or a friend SO I told him to xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx where the sun dont shine goony
  5. I feel that the best thing about this site is that I have discovered that I am not alone!!! I thought it was just me being incompetent and not managing my account properly as thats what the hallifax keep telling me!!!!!! a couple of months ago i had to take out a loan to pay of their charges as they were taking more in charges every week than i had wages going in I KID U NOT!!!! on 1 day they took £287 and nearly another £100 the next day and in the space of 1 month they took over £1000 in charges then offerd to take back my cheque book and cards to HELP me manage my account BLESS EM eh and know they have started again as i went overdrawn and i got several letters saying that they were charging me and that they will take this amount from my account on such a date so I rang them and said DONT be daft that date is tuesday and AS you well KNOW i get paid on friday and you will put me overdrawn again THEY said its not their problem and I should learn to manage my account BETTER SO where do I go from here I have spent all day reading this site and Im a bit lost, So is there a template of a letter that I can download to get the ball rolling and also templates for the rest of whats needed and if there is HOW do I use em (im a bit(lot)thick) goony
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