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Everything posted by msrlmoss

  1. Thanks ataction, where would I find the date deemed served do you know?
  2. Right, I did the MCOL thing, but when should I expect a response? It says on the web site that my claim was acknowledged 29/11/06 but by when should they write back? I have looked through the FAQs but can't find the answer?
  3. kateandpete, thanks for this, I have claimed though MCOL, would I still go to the county court do you know? Thanks again it was really nice of you to ask your father in law for me! And you don't sound like a clueless idiot at all!!
  4. Kateandpete, do you really think that I could do that :o, do you know how I would go about it at all, I mean, where I would send the doctor's note to? It certainly is stressing me out!! But I want to stick with it because the more I get back from NatWest, the longer I can afford to take maternity leave for, if you know what I mean. Deller1 I just had a moment of cowardice I think!
  5. meant to say "went a whopping great four quid over my limit" sorry hope that makes sense now!
  6. No, there wasn't a deadline, but I changed my mind anyway, I want to go through with it now! What changed my mind? Well, I got a bank statement through for November and because I went a whopping great four quid, a whole day, yes, a massive great twenty four hours before I got paid, NatWest are charging me TWENTY EIGHT QUID for it! I got so completely ANGRY that I thought sod it, I'm going to go through with this!!! Fickle aren't I? I blame the hormones ;-)
  7. Thanks deller1, The way I see it, I know this sounds like a cop out but I'm going to press ahead for now, but keep hold of the letter from NatWest. If it does all get far too stressful, I may capitulate and take the money. I'm also telling the hubby that he can take on the majority of the stress (I've been threatening, half joking, to sign my account over to him for ages; I know many people might be horrified by that but tbh my accounts such a nightmare that he would prefer not to touch it with a six foot bargepole!) as really he is the one who wants to press ahead. Since when did being pregnant turn people into such cowards? Ah well! ;-)
  8. Well.... the saga continues. I went onto MCOL and put in the claim, paying £120 out of course. I also wrote a letter, just prior to that, saying basically "thanks but only if it's a partial settlement" to the £450 odd they were offering. Claim was deemed served on Friday 1st December. Anyway, this morning, I received a letter from NatWest, offering me £1,347. If you take the £120 out of that (as that came out of my account) that's £1,227. That'd pay off my £1,000 overdraft and give me £227 for Xmas prezzies and baby stuff. It's very tempting! Of course my husband thinks I should press ahead with the claim, but here's my question for which I want a really honest response. Just to explain my situation a little, I'm five and a half months pregnant and should really be avoiding anything stressful. What I want to know is, for what is essentially an extra £800, how stressful is it going to be from this point in? I've read some of the stories, some people seem to have really gone through the wringer with threats from Cobbetts and closing down accounts and the like. I know it sounds cowardly and if I wasn't in "my condition" (how 1940's does that sound? ) I wouldn't even be thinking about taking this offer. What are my chances of getting the remaining money back without too much stress? Also, if I did decide to accept their offer, is there any chance of me getting my £120 back from the court?
  9. Right, I've done it....... feel really nervous 'specially at parting with one twenty smackeroons, but it has to be done!
  10. Hi Littlesally I am in full time employment with no benefits so have to pay, but it is a small price compared to the amount I'll get back (fingers crossed!!) Bigredbus, I went to Natwest today to find out when my account was opened so tonight it's back to MCOL to do the deed! Will keep you posted!
  11. Oh dear, should really have read through the whole thing in the FAQs 'cos I missed the bit where you have to say when your account opened. I had my account with NatWest since I was a kid, I don't remember, I take it I'll have to ask the bank tomorrow, seeming as I can't phone them ever since I forgot my password for telephone banking!
  12. Well, today's the day I go on MCOL and submit my claim! Had to leave it 'til I got paid otherwise couldn't have afforded the £120, but here goes! Wish me luck people & I'll let you know how I get on!! xx
  13. Hi bigredbus & bustle! It is just that it seems a bit silly for them to have at least given me a partial refund, and then me go and take them to court straight away rather than say "thanks but er, no thanks, give me what you owe me" and give them, say, another fourteen days? Bustle do you have to pay in advance (I would be paying £120 'cos I'm claiming just over £2k) when you file the claim? And do you put this in a letter to the bank, that you'll be claiming back the costs? Honest I have looked at the FAQs but I think I'm being a bit simple! Also, did they offer you a part refund? Thanks, msmoss x
  14. Hello all, At the beginning of October I started the process of getting my charges back from NatWest. It was my husband's idea! I get quite nervous about money issues after years of paying back debts and the like and avoiding calls from debt collectors. I wouldn't have had the courage to do it except for the fact I am pregnant with our first and am doing it so I can actually have some cash to allow me to spend some time off work when he is born! Anyway, I was expecting they'd owe me about £500. It was just over £2k when I got my bank statements back! I wrote the first letter on 12th Oct, which is very kindly included in the templates here, and heard nothing, so wrote the letter before action. (I know it should only have been fourteen days but I was well busy in work and left the LBA until 3 November). I'm a little unsure as what to do now though, as I got home today and found a letter from NatWest offering me £405 back. They want it as a full and final settlement of course, but I want all the money; £405 won't even pay off my overdraft and I want to be debt free when I'm on maternity leave. I have seen the letter saying that I accept it but only as a partial payment, but this is the problem: The letter says that I should also point out that they were given 14 days before I'd claim in court in my LBA. However, the LBA was sent on 3rd November, so it runs out today, as it were. It seems a bit pointless sending a letter saying, "I'll have the money, but as a partial refund, and by the way your time's up anyway so I'm claiming at court today as well", if you know what I mean. Do you think I should give them another 14 days to reply? I'm not sure what to do now!
  15. Hello, I'm new, although I have to admit I've already read the FAQs and sent off letters (NatWest owe me just over £2,000) and have just today received an offer of £405 as a "gesture of goodwill" (offered as full and final of course). So I'll send off a letter saying that I'll take it... but as a partial refund! Will go into NatWest bit now and say hello there!
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