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Everything posted by expo2

  1. Thank you all for your advice. I will wait untill Tuesday and then send the L.B.A.-cos I mean business!!! Expo
  2. Just posted on the wrong thread! So, to repeat myself (apologies)-I served the 40 day notice on CapitalOne after sending Data Protection letter. I had a brief letter from Ms.Blunt stating that she would forward the copies of my statements as soon as she had them. That was on 29/10/06. I estimate that the 40 days will close on November 2nd. Should I phone and ask if they intend to forward the statements? Expo2
  3. Hello, Can anyone tell me if I should phone Capital One and remind them they are running out of time to send copies of my statements requested 23rd September 2006? I had sent the Data Protection letter on that date. I received a letter from Ms Blunt (29/10/06) stating she would forward copies of them to me as soon as they had been forwarded to her. Since then, nothing. The 40 day notification I gave Capital One Bank will close November 2nd. Any advice greatly appreciated. SORRY! Realised I have posted on someone elses thread. Apologies
  4. Hiya, Cillitbanger! Yeah-think I will. They can only say "No". Don't ask-Don't get!
  5. Hi guys, One year ago,exactly, I decided to upgrade my old dial-up service from Wannadoo to Broadband. I never got it to work, never accessed it and never used it, phoned technical a few times,eventually asked for it all to be stopped, explained several times that I never actually had a connection-they would have seen this,surely?-via there system for billing. Anyway, I received a bill every month and paid it as I don't want a bad credit history-sent them lots of e-mails and got blunt standard replies. Gave up phoning as I didn't have a land line anymore as my Internet connection did not require one (via NOW)-I estimate to have paid out over £190 for a service I never received-what do you think I should do? Where should I go for advice as it's a matter of principal now. Any advice would be gratefully received. Thanks
  6. Hello, Just a quick hello to let you know 'where I am at'-Sent Data Protection letter off to The Woolwich and Capital One on 23 September. Received a breakdown of all charges from The Woolwich this morning.They returned my £10, too ! Though Barclays (The Woolwich) refuses to give me any details about any manual interventions it has made on my acount stating that "..the DPA does not oblige the bank to comment about internal policies and procedures...". What do I do about that? Should I just leave it-tempted not to. Capital One have sent a letter stating that they will forward copies of statements and any records of manual interventions. I don't understand how one bank is quite happy to show any manual interventions and another not? Anyway, am at stage 2 with Woolwich and I estimate I am owed £780.00 by them and have just copied and pasted the next letter to be sent. Fingers crossed! If I get this I can pay off 2 bills! Hoorah!
  7. Thanks for the support 'dollies01', I know it's a long road ahead but, I have had enough of being the 'litlle wimpering blonde ' sitting in the corner, waiting for the bank charges to drop through the post box! No more Miss 'Nice Guy'.
  8. Hello, I just wanted to say 'Hello' and to say that I have just printed off 4 Data Protection request info letters-and I am a bit scared!! I am not in it to get 'rich' quick-I am offended that banks and credit card companies can act this way-and especially as this month I have gained £105 worth of costs with The Woolwich, all because my card expiry date had run out and direct debits could not be taken-even though it's the same account number. So, I am a bit upset and skint!! Letters have now been copied, envelopes addressed, four lots of £10 cheques enclosed duly. Now I wait for the 'games' to begin. I feel very strongly about this and will see it through to the end. Expo2
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