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Everything posted by LittleHobo

  1. Hello I took out some car insurance with Direct Choice at the beginning of the year. I paid them the first two installments and then cancelled my direct debit because they set it up incorrectly and it wasnt coming out on the day specified originally and it would have caused me to go overdrawn. I have since moved and no longer need the insurance (and havent done so since i cancelled the DD). I also felt that they were a bit of a micky mouse company as they said that they would have to charge me £20 for changing my address with them if i needed to. Which i feel is extremely excessive. I am going travelling next week for 3 months and want to tie all this up before i go. I have received some letters from them (albeit only this week) as i no longer live where i was and did not get my post passed onto me until this week. Can i just write to them giving back all the docs and advising them i no longer need and havent needed the policy from when i last paid. Will i owe them anything legally? TIA for your help.
  2. Hello I havent had any statements back from Barclays yet and they have 5 days left to get them to me... has anyone waited this long for statements from Barclays? I have already sent my LBA to RBS.... and sent both statements requests on the same day!?
  3. Hey, thanks for your help and the link! that is inspiring and will take it all the way... i nearly gave up! But it seems it was just a lot of jargon and a letter that gets sent to everyone... Well done!
  4. Thank you... yours sounds better! Have you had a response from them yet to the LBA?
  5. Hello i am just about to send my LBA off today but the template letter refers to me not receiving a reply from them. I have received a reply but they said that they are not responsible for anything. Shall i just put as the beginning paragraph: "I am very disappointed with the response that i received on the 14th November 2006. I now understand that the regime of 'fees' which you have been applying to my account in relation to direct debit refusals, exceeding overdraft limits and so forth are unlawful at Common Law, Statute and recent Consumer regulations." I know it is a few words that i have just changed but i just want to ensure it flows correctly?
  6. OK, thank you Martin, shall i just send the LBA today or wait until Friday when the 14 days are up?
  7. ok, well i have received a letter and it is not acknowledging the charges at all!? I have stupidly forgotton the letter this morning as am now at work, but when along the lines of them not having to pay up as only credit card charged are being investigated by the consumer act or something along those lines and therefore they have not breeched our agreements etc etc... not mention of the bankruptcy... just a jargoned off letter to fob me off.... what do i do now? 14 days are up from sending the prelim this Friday, do i still go ahead with the LBA even tho they have acknowledged me and not accepted responsability?? Has anyone had a letter of this nature before?? All these questions, sorry, Thanks, LH
  8. thanks Ollibear... i didnt realise that i could PM mods as in the FAQ section it does say not to email Mods as they get inundated (is PM and emailing the same thing on here?).... anyway, will leave it at that, will wait to hear what sort of response i get from RBS and still waiting for the Barclays statements.... worth a try either way... thanks again.
  9. Ollliebear, it hasnt really been answered tho has it.. Just other peoples perceptions but no real answer. I find it quite strange that you keep merging my threads, surely as an open fourm you should be able to go to start new threads if you have a particular question? As not everyone will read every single "names V Bank" thread.... whilst i am most greatful for the help i have received so far i feel that the tidying up of threads is stopping others reading informaton that might be relevent to them. Or maybe others havign their questions answered that are not really run of the mill? I have only had two answers and both are conflicing so i woudl have hoped for it to stay there and had a bit more feed back. Sorry, i feel really ungreatful as this is a fab site! just feel a little frustraited as this is not run of the mill i suppose. LH
  10. Hey, do you know that for sure? as i was advised on the Barclays fourm that i could... so i am just seeing if anyone around knows for sure.... if i do then i am sure i will have to claim it with my OR etc, which is fine, rather them have it or part of it than the banks!
  11. Hi, i know i have posted this question in the past but i have now sent off the first prelim letter to the RBS and i know that my Barclays charges are going to be at least double :o This thread is posted in the RBS forum, apologies for repeating... just trying to catch newbies or maybe someone i have missed etc... http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/royal-bank-scotland-bank/43423-bankrupt.html
  12. I know i have posted this a few times but no answers.... trying one more time as my first Prelim has gone off to the RBS.. and i know that my Barclays charges are going to be at least double what the RBS ones were... :o i have posted this thread on the RBS forum also... sorry for repeating http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/royal-bank-scotland-bank/43423-bankrupt.html
  13. Hey, anyone on here that has experience of claiming back charges once they have been declared bankrupt? I was declared on the 1st May 2006 and currently pay a monthly amount to my OR. I am however moving to Australia in February and have been advised by my OR that my bankruptcy will come to an end as it were and i will no longer have to pay them anything etc.... (not sure if you need all that info but doens hurt to add it in!?). I am just really asking if anyone has gone down this route before, if i had known about all this 7 months ago i maybe wouldnt have had to go bankrupt becuase it was the charges from the RBS (nearly £300 in one hit!) that was the straw that broke me back and made me realise i would never be able to get out of this mess.... Thanks - LH
  14. thanks, thats great, means i have done it right
  15. re the charges list - can i ask... do you add ALL the charges even if they have been refunded? As it stands at the moment i have only added the charges that did not get refunded and where it says for eg: 3rd Nov CHG £35.00 and 3rd Nov REF CHG £35, i just havent included this charge on my list.... is this right? does this even make sense??
  16. thanks again for your advice . I emailed it off to Carole last night but for some reason the excel attachment did not go?!? (sent from a hotmail account) so bunging it in the post today too....
  17. Hi Martin thanks for your help! Shall i send prelim to Carol and post it also? I sent my SAR letter to: Stephen Pearson Head Of Group Litigation RBS Business House F Gogarburn PO Box 1000 Edinburgh EH12 1HQ didnt know whether to just send it there... there are so many choices!!
  18. Hello, sorry to crash... can i please ask where you sent your prelim letters off to.. do you have any email addys or is post better? thanks - LH
  19. Hello Well i recieved my statements today and have worked out that after charges refunded i am owed £1543.40 (do i round that up or down!?). A few questions i am hoping you can help? Where do i send my Prelim Approach for Payment letter - and can i do all this by email or is post better? If by email does anyone have an address they can give me? I have searched through the RBS contact details but the email addy's refer to LBA's etc... Many thanks! LH
  20. good luck! keep us posted on the outcome
  21. Hello Can a Mod or anyone else with this experience please help me with an question in the below thread? I really need to know where i stand before i continue with this? http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/barclays-bank/37792-littlehobovbarclays.html?highlight=littlehobo Many thanks, LH
  22. sorry to bounce, but i just need to know whether it is worth persuing this when i get my statements through??
  23. Thanks again Mark... Mod's are you able to offer me any advice on this one? Many thanks - LH
  24. Thanks Mark... that is the thing, i dont have a "debt" now with them, that was the whole reason for going Bankrupt... will they not make it difficult for me to claim the money back as the money i owed them has ceased... How can i ask a mod? I thought we were unable to contact them direct?
  25. OK, i have just realised that i might not be able to go down this route as i am currently Bankrupt (6 months into it and as a result of never being able to get straight due to the amount of charges:(). Does anyone know where i stand with this, as at the time of going Bankrupt i owed both Barclays and RBS money in loans (barclays)and OD's (RBS).... I am taking it, therefore if i do go for any money from my charges then they will turn round and say "on ya bike you owed us £xx"? Thanks LH
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