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  1. Anyone????? need some help please....
  2. Ok, next update is, I applied to have the stay removed as per forms on this website.. I got a letter saying that I now have a hearing in Feb... What it does not say is if this is just a hearing to have the stay removed, or if this is a final hearing to have the case heared. Do i need to start preparing anything incase I actually make it that far, or is the test case likely to have come to fruit by then??? Is it worth me contacting the bank asking for settlement before hand?? Any help much appreciated.
  3. ok, phoned the court this afternoon to find out if my hearing is going ahead tomorrow, only to find it has been stayed.(NO SUPRISE) Welshcakes, do I now send the objection letter and thats it??? Do i need to send a copy to solicitor and court or just the court?? Should I also mention that this has been going on since my SAR back in sept 2006 and would now affect the claims i have going back 6 years(IF THIS IS THE CASE). Once again the banks are playing a game and the courts are buying into them.... its taken the court over 4 months to give me a date, if they had pulled thier finger out it would have been dealt with by now!!! Im very ****ed off with the justice system in this country...
  4. Welshcakes your a star, it will be in the post tomorrow to both parties. I dont need to page number each sheet do I???? there is an awful lot to do, failing that, should i just seperate them into respective piles inside the main folder? I`m nearly done with the questions, just wanna be as well prepared as i can.
  5. Welshcakes, The licoln abuse order just links me to another thread, should i print this whole thread off or am i looking for something specific?? Also you mention in brackets ( except WP marked obviously ), i assume you mean where previously marked??? IE the ones stated above. Also, would it be fealable for me to guess at the ammount of hours i have spent chasing and preparing for this, i have spent alot of hours doing it and at £9.25 per hjour as you mentioned, would run into another few hundred pounds. Will the court accept a guess estimate??? Sorry to be a pain, i just want to have the right info available when i need it. Also, what do i make the folder for when i send it to the bank, do i just put, "in relation to claim XXXXXXXXX" or something. and do i sned it to the last person i recieved correspondence from, or the blanket address i sent all my letters to?
  6. Ill get on to it now, print off the bundles etc, and send em off tomorrow, should be enough time to get there. Thanks for all the info, ill let you know how i get on in due course, if i think of anything else in the meantime, ill give you a shout, you have been a great help. Much appreciated. Dave.
  7. Well if thats not detailed enouogh i dont know what is. I havent mentioned anything to barclays yet and will refrain from doing so. With regards to the bundle, i guess i need to send it within the next day or so then, via recorded delivery, to both parties, then turn up at court with my copies??? ill get onto it now and post the results after the court date. Do you think its worth speaking to the court again and asking why i have not been asked for any documents??? or do you think the judge may be well aware of what it is and will want it settled rather than waste time??? Thanks for all the info Welshcakes.
  8. Welshcakes, Just got off the phone to the court, its a full hearing, listed for 2 hours, only myslef, judge and barclays present. Now i am confused, why has no request for documents been made??? do you think it looks good or bad???
  9. Welshcakes, On the letter it just says hearing!!! not trial or anything else, thats it. Ill phone the court now, and post back asap.
  10. OK, getting a little confused here now, I am at a loss as to why i have not been asked to send in any sort of defense or any other documentation prior to my hearing on the 22nd. Also, I dont fully understand the whole court bundle thing, some people are saying 160 pages etc, yet the basic bundle only has 40 pages.... i have printed off other stuff i believe to be relevant, IE settled claims etc... but the one thing im worried about is have i got the right stuff, and am i expected to know what it all means??? Like i said before, the court has not asked that i send anything to anyone, so why is this?? it is also the only communication i have had from the court since sending in the charges after the General form of judgement letter. (2 month wait for court date, 10 days notice of court date). If possible, can someone break it down in enough detail exactly what i need, and what to expect of the court bearing in mind the non request of docs etc..... I have so far, 1. Schedule of charges, broken down by statement number, date, ammount. 2. All letters between myself and the bank, including all letters from the court and MCOL. 3.Basic court bundle, printed off (40 pages) 4.Application for removal of stay, Signed ready(Do i hand this to the judge if he stays the case) and what do i say to him if he does? 5.Various pages of settled claims 6.The recaim charter. 7.newpaper stories relating to the whole issue of charges. ______________________________________________________________ What else am i going to need bearing in mind the above????? Need some help now as i dont have long, and sorry for my ignorance, but most people had claims settle well in advance of this, and I`m annoyed that i have been trying since JAN, and still fighting. I need this money bad, can i quote being poor and the fact that at the time these charges crippled me and i had to borrow in order to pay them??? Regards and thanks all for your help so far. Dave
  11. Welshcakes My bad, its Chatham maritime court in kent. Cant find many postings on here relating to the court, guess most people dont have the internet round here!!!!! The Hearing has been given 2 hours, so im not sure if it will be just me in there or not??? I would guess others are turning up. I have an objection to stay letter ready, but what are the other ones i need??? The application for judgement, is there a template on here anywhere??? The draft directions incase it goes ahead??? Just to refresh my memory, POC, perticulars of claim ( IE statements etc) SOC, im lost on this one Application for judgement (as requested earlier, is there a template ) All help much appreciated as i could really do with this going through, it was held up long enough waiting for a court date, 3 months after the final papers were sent to the judge (General Form of Judgment or Order). i should have been sorted by now if it wasnt for the hold up!!!!! await your advice. Thanks all.
  12. OK, got the idea of the court bundle i think, but as stated before the court has not asked me to send any papers to anyone and didnt give me enough time to do it. Wuth regards to it being stayed, i guess its in the hands of the individual judge that sits the hearing. just spoken to the court clerk and she mentioned it could be stayed, but said turn up and see, they have had no direction as yet to stay all cases. Ill keep you posted.
  13. hope so, just prepared the removal of stay letter just incase!!!!! Ill keep you all posted.
  14. Had a letter from Chatham court in kent saying my case will be heared 10 days from now, called to check details and was told by clerk that the PFT case was not stopping mine going ahead.....fingers crossed, its been going on ages, i put the last for requested by the judge in may..
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