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  1. Hi Frank, I have heard tell of cases where court dates have been set for an allocation hearing within 2 weeks of returning the AQ and settlements have followed quite soon from after that...
  2. oh go on then, as you asked so nicely!
  3. Thanks Paddy, my girlfriend's got her eyes on the January sales though
  4. Temi is a truly wonderful lady!! Sounds cute to
  5. We've only gone and reached a settlement. I bottled at the last moment & accepted the confidentiality clause, so I'm afraid there's no juice for you I would just like to say a big thank you to everyone who helped me along the way: Thailand Paddy Delboy Ah hell, just everyone on the site!! :D
  6. UPDATE: I've just had a phone call from a very pleasant young lady by the name of Temi. There seems to be a bit of a dispute over my claim amount which I think might relate to some now being older than 6 years (they weren't when I started!!). In this case would I still be entitled to those charges that have gone over the 6 year limit?
  7. If I ever get back through to them, do you think they'll go for the festive angle? As I've now been told by the court manager that I will need to be at the allocation hearing on the 2nd (bang goes my plans and time off!). Anyone know what the story is with allocation hearings? ie what happens, how long etc. Cheers
  8. Well I suppose the promise of a return call at least gives me a good reason to call them again tomorrow.
  9. Hi Saracen, if it goes anything like my case they entered Barclays entered their defence with less than one hour to go to the deadline. They really do like to drag it out as long as possible!
  10. Ok, so Barclays litigation section couldn't find my claim details I only got the hearing notice yesterday, have I jumped the gun a bit?
  11. Thanks Paddy, I'll give it a try. 121o121 - I live in Potton, I was following you all through Bedford county court. Did they all get settled before the allocation hearing?
  12. EDIT: After reading about Welshman's success here: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/barclays-bank/21951-welshman-barclays-9.html Is it worth giving them a ring to see if they'll settle now that an allocation/listing hearing date has been set?
  13. Ok, so District Judge Wilding has summoned me (and doubtless a number of others) to appear at Bedford County Court on the 2nd of January for an allocation hearing. The letter purely states that this is to decide whether my case is suitable for hearing as a fast track. Now the big problem is that I'm not sure if I'm going to be around on the 2nd what with all of the New Years plans, and I remember reading somewhere that it is not necessary to go to this alocation hearing, is this correct? My claim is for about £700 all in, so should really be small claims track. Can anyone advise whether I imagined this thread? Thank you again! dmb
  14. You see, I was just trying to read too much into that Ok, so the AQ has gone off in the post this morning. Do I get notification from the court about sending my court bundle?
  15. I can understand the laminator, but wig???? or am I just being naive?
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