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  1. Cheers - I'll give your suggestion a go
  2. Near side rear shock according to the jobsheet - will get a local mechanic to have a look to confirm that there is indeed an issue.
  3. Our Astra has just been serviced and the Vauxhall garage, where we purchased it second-hand, have revealed 2 issues one of which, a weeping shock absorber, is deemed NOT to be covered by the warranty. I've contacted GM re their decision not to contribute on this occasion and they stated it's down to wear and tear and isn't covered after 3000 - 5000 miles The car is due it's first MOT in May and the warranty expires at the same time - anyone out there been able to coax GM into shelling out in similar circmstances or should I simply go to a cheaper garage to get it checked/repaired?
  4. So can we use the English small claims court to maximise our claim if we've got an appropriate address in England???
  5. So I could claim against Northern Bank using a relative's address in England AND claim up to £5,000 through the English small claims system thereby getting around the NI limit of £2,000???
  6. Bodie67

    Online Claim

    Just found out that the reference was to 'DG Solicitors' - acting on behalf of the defendant. Will send the details tomorrow.
  7. Bodie67

    Online Claim

    Should have asked you who the DG crowd are - reference to your bank??? Claim issued on 19th July. In response to my LBA (posted 4th July), I received the standard request for 'a full itemised breakdown' of the charges. Is this the time to hit them with the details you listed in your previous post???
  8. Bodie67

    Online Claim

    Thanks for such a prompt reply - data is ready, so will forward it when prompted. Cheers
  9. Bodie67

    Online Claim

    I've read somewhere that it is recommended a detailed list of charges should be included with the claim. How is this possible with the Money Claim method as there appeared to be no way of inputting such information? I've submitted my claim about 1 hour ago so I hope I haven't jeopardised my chances of getting a statisfactory settlement.
  10. Hi I've sent my 'Letter Before Action' approximately 6 weeks ago stating that I intended to claim back a total of £300, over 6 years, in charges. In that same time period I have racked up a further £250 in charges (yes, 6 weeks!!!) - what is my best approach at this point? Should I : a) restart the whole process for the full amount b) wait for HSBC to conclude my current claim before commencing a second claim c) initiate 2 claims simultaneously Any pointers would be greatly appreciated Damian
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