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Everything posted by ShootMePlz

  1. You do have the right to postpone, you also have the right to have copies of any statments taken, also copies of any questions asked during the taking of these statements. If there are no formal statments taken then it is hearsay. I do not agree with resigning just because you have been suspended. However I assume you are on Garden Leave and as such are on Full Pay with Hoilday entitlement. Not just full pay The question I have to raise on this matter is what information have your employer given you other than the list of allegations. The issues raised by employiers and the way they conduct procedures On point B)My work colleague can't attend till May 22nd due to work shifts. You are entitled to take them with you, it is up to the company to arrange for this person shifts to suit. Also if you were suspended last Tuesday when did you receive the notice that the Hearing if it is a hearing is to take place on Monday afternoon. This could just be a meeting to get your side of the story. However you need this confirming before you enter the room and in writing. PM me if you want to chat in more detail. I must admit I do tend to work for the other side on this and I own my company. Its not a nice thing to do either way and from an employer point of view, you resigning is by far the quickest and easiest way out. Also a good chance it will the cheapest in the long run even if you get your 3 months pay. As for going sick with stress, it is Your Doctors Expert Medical Opinion that will say if you are fit to conduct the hearing at this VERY STRESSFUL TIME. After a long period on the sick the company can request that you attend a company paid for Medical with a consultant all of which they have to pay for and also have to cover your travel expenses. Employment Law is a mine field for Employiers these days and if 1 of my managers just wanted 3 months pay with holiday and use of the company car until there notice ran out, I would rip there arm off and write the Chq there and then.
  2. I thought there was a time period for them to return a signed copy also signed by them in as well.
  3. I know there is a link somewhere in this thread about the prescribed term in a credit agreements. But I have been unable to locate it again. Anyway could somebody please point me in the right direction more specifically the term about the time for them to sign and return a copy of the contract to you.
  4. My understand on the document you are quoting is that it is a Draft document out for review and not yet law in anyway whatsoever. The Review period is stated at the very start of the document May until August I think it was, so I would not use anything from there just yet. As for Metro. I think you do have to send them a CCA request also and inclose the £1 fee along with a copy of the letter where you requested this from HSBC. 3 Reasons I would advise this route would be to 1). To make sure you have it on file that you have requested this from all parties involved, should this go to court it would look much better for you if not only 1 party failed to supply it, but there agents also. 2). To show you are not ignoring Metro and you will also put them into a state of Default which will allow you to also report them should they continue to contact you. 3). Also I would send Metro a SAR enclosing the £10 fee also, they will have to supply you everything they hold on there system also. This may include note which are more resent than what you already have. Other thing about this is, should they start a legal action for recovery you can file a counter claim for a breach of the Data Protection Act as they have shared your information with a 3rd party without your consent. As there is no agreement that they can provide, they can't provide proof you gave your consent to share your info. P.S Im in the same situation with HSBC atm also lol Lets see who they take to court first, Mind you I may take them once my SAR comes back, if it ever does!!!!!
  5. The first thing you should do is contact UU direct first with a service issue complaint, they will then arrange for 1 of there inspectors to call round and check the pressure on the system, they try to do this on an outside tap wherever they can as these tend to be cut into the Kitchen supply which is normally the first thing supplied after the inlet to your house. You have to give then first crack at the whip to find the fault and resolve it. Also this may sound crazy, but if you dont have a water meter you can ask then to fit it. They have to do a full pressure test to make sure the meter will work correctly. Now at anytime in the first 12 Months you can ask for it to be removed and they have to remove it. After 12 months its in for good, so if you find youself saving money they worth having. As for pressure monitoring devices you can get a manual 1 for around £15 however you would have to record all the info yourself. Not sure on how these would stand up in court however as they would be your own results. Ask other around you, not just next door but up and down the street if they are having problems, if so all send a letter to UU in the same envelope Recored Delivery of course.
  6. From my understanding with my dealing with LTSB all calls are recorded both incomming and outgoing, Standard SAR requesting a copy of that recording or transcript of it should get you the conformation you require, also if you made the call you can prove the call took place from your bill, this will give you the time of the call also, if they contacted you, I know it is possible for some mobile compaines to give you the details of incomming calls to your handset as I have had a list from O2 a couple of years back when I started a legal action against 1 of my suppliers who refused to admit I contacted them to cancel an order in time.
  7. I have had a copy from the Halifax after 6 months that looks like its been copied and paste job with my Signature and also strange black lines where it looks like the paper moved with my address on it, I dont dispute its my signature, however these strange Black Lines say it isnt real and so much so I have refused to accept this as an original copy and have advised them on this and requested now that as they have the document in question, they transfer it to my local branch where I can inspect it, or they take me to court and show it there, where at the same time I will show the so called True Copy and ask the questions What Are These Black Lines?????
  8. Lucky you!!! I want them to take me to court however lol
  9. I have much more fun with UU. In 2006/2007 I have had service issues stemming from low water preasure, from 0.4 to 0.7 BAR, they are required to supply 1 BAR min preasure. I have it in writing from them that there is was a local problem in the area and that my pressure had been reduced until they could resolve the fault, this took them 9 months. I am luckier than most in the area as I own a water cooler company and have pressure monitoring devices that record the water pressure 4 times a day. So I am currently locked into battle with them about the service issues, as they have invoiced for the service and not supplied it. Quote from UU website "We will maintain your water pressure at a minimum of 7 metres static head. If you inform us that your water pressure has fallen substantially below this and we identify that your water was below 7 metres static head for at least 1 hour, twice in a period of 28 consecutive days, you can claim compensation of £50 (payable once in any year). This does not apply if the drop in pressure is because of a burst, planned work we are doing on our water mains, or because of problems with your own pipework". So when does it apply is what I want to know as they can turn down the pressure at anytime in any area, Plan works for however many months time and not even have to reduce what they charge.
  10. K thanks Pam and Peter, I though there was a time scale for them to sign and return to me, and just so you know peter that was the agreement I PM'ed you over several weeks ago lol. Looks like they Fooked up on that also lol
  11. ? I need answering please After receiving a COPY of an agreement with no date or signature on there part, well over the 12WD+30, I have now recieved another copy of the agreement which has been signed 1 month ago, this is like 2 years after they say I signed it. No terms and conditions have been supplied with either BTW, Plus both copies look like they have been put through a scanner, cut and pasted as there is a big black line chopping part of my address off which goes through the paper. So what is the time period for them to sign if any at all?
  12. Can somebody please tell me where I stand if the company send me a copy of the agreement after the 12 working days and then after the 1 month as I can't seem to find anything about this anywhere, and also my next course of actions reguarding a default notice being sent to me in the same envelope lol.
  13. Were you receiving statments on the old card for the 12 year period?
  14. It seems the courts are only giving 5 minutes as the banks seem to settle before it gets there.
  15. Can somebody tell me if there are any Template letters for refering this matter to OFT, FO and TS. Just ive looked through the complete thread and cant seem to find anything after the initial request letters
  16. Now re Powergen, they have made a big mistake in telling you they sent your bill to a different address. It would be better for them to say they had not sent one or they made mistake etc. They have claimed to of sent your bill to another address etc. Surely this is a breach of the Data Protection Act. They should compensate you for this. Ask to speak to a manager and threaten to go to the information commissioner. Yes this is a breach under section 7 of the Data Protection Act, which states that they company must do everthing within its power to maintain they security of the data, sending it to the incoreect address doesnt quite cut it. Also on the amount of electricty used in your house, ask them for a written proof of when the meter was last read by them or there agents, also do you have the meter reading from when you moved into the property. You may find that the meter was not read for 5 months before you moved in and the only acurate reading they have is the current 1 that they based there bill total on, this could be for a 12 month period not the 7 months you are liable for, It would be unreasonable for them to put the total amount onto you, as you have not used it. You can also ask them to do a moniting of your meter if that is what they thing you use in a month, as that is very high. They will require you to read the meter several times over a 3 month period, once a week is best and then do a recalcualtion on current useage, this may not reduce the amount if it is found that it is a correct usage. If you need a hand on working out your tarrifs PM me and I will take a look at it for you.
  17. I have only had dealing with the F.O. once, this was relating to an insurance company refusing to pay me for when I was off sick, It did take a long time to resolve, however resolve it they did in my favor and even instructed the insurance company to write to the Credit Ref Agencies and have a note put on my account that missed payments were as a direct result of there none payment of my claim. F.O. couldnt insist the CRA did anything with the information other than make it available to others, but it was better than nothing.
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