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  1. Hi Margaret, I also have a Lloyds TSB business account and agreed overdraft limit of which I use continually due to the nature of my business. I have queried my "hardcore interest" charges and they explained to me that this interest is charged (in addition to the "authorised debt" interest) when the account had been in overdraft for 6 weeks or more. I would also like to know if this can be claimed back. Kay
  2. Thanks... will take a look...
  3. Finally got round to doing something about reclaiming bank charges after I first read about it in February06.... was feeling a bit apprehensive initially but thanks to this site (and of course Martin-Money Saving Expert - what would I do without him!!!) I am ready for action..... I have spent over 2 hours reading all the FAQ's & what to do's so guess I need to start at the beginning..... So now off to visit Martin-MSE again to find the best "parachute" account and get the ball rolling.... Will be in touch when I have something relevant to say/comment and no doubt a few questions to ask....! Thanks in advance.... fantastic site .... great advice and support... looking forward to future discussions...
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