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Everything posted by nattylou

  1. Like I said previously, the only communication we have had from the council in any form since 3rd March is the 14/15 bill. On the bottom of the bill, it states the amount of the 'overpayment' but nothing else. I have a friend who got into trouble last year and she said on her bill it said "the amount £x is due to court proceedings". Ours didn't say anything like that at all, no mention. We've had no post, no letters and no phone calls.
  2. We have not yet received the SAR paperwork, so I thought it would look better if I started to make payments when they were due.
  3. I had quite literally just walked through the door,,and not even taken my coat off. I don't understand how they could be bailiffs though, if we've had absolutely NO communication at all since 3rd March, apart from the bill, and I've already stated that I know they've read the offer letter that I sent. We don't have any other debts that could go to court.
  4. **update** - we sent a letter offering £x a week, and also in the letter we asked if we could pay the 14-15 bill over 52 weeks instead of 42. We sent the letter on 3rd March. I requested that they were to get in touch as soon as possible if the repayment plan was unsatisfactory. We heard nothing at all until we received the 14-15 bill which was split into 52 weekly installments, as we had requested, so I KNEW that they had read the letter. At the bottom of the bill was the outstanding amount, but that was all it said, that it was outstanding, nothing else. So, I took it that they had accepted the offer of repayment, seeing as there had been no other letters. The first installment is due on Monday, and the standing order is set up ready to go. I've paid the first instalment of the overpayment today, and the s/o for the normal bill is ready for tomorrow. It is now 31st of March and we've had no other communication, no letters or phone calls anything regarding the overpayment. BUT, last Friday, I came home to find a small white van outside our house, and 2 guys, wearing blue fleeces with green ID badges. They rang the doorbell twice but I didn't answer. They didn't even leave anything through the door when they left either. Could these guys be anything to worry about or are they more than likely not even related?
  5. We have alrady done the £10 SAR thing, so are just waiting for that. I will definitely send a letter though.
  6. It was a different forum, not financially related.
  7. No, there was no records printed, just a sentance in the long letter that said they had looked through the records and there was no evidence we had called or written to them.
  8. So, do we appeal, or do I send the offer of payment letter? Confused now. I just want the whole thing sorting out now.
  9. I was advised not to appeal by a member on another forum. They said that they worked for the benefits agency and that we wouldn't gain anything by appealing and that it would be a waste of everyone's time. I requested an SAR, and we received a long letter detailing the breakdown and the fact that HMRC and the council had been in almost constant contact since 2011. Also, in the letter, it states that they have no record, either phone or writing of us contacting them, even though I know we did. So, if we decided to appeal, how would we do it? Is there a template letter on here? Thank you.
  10. We have an overpayment of £3487. We were going to appeal, but have been advised against it, so we have to pay. I was going to send this: Dear Mrs ? Following your letter of 21st February regarding the overpayment of £x, I would like to make an offer to repayment of £x a week. This would be added onto the 14-15 bill, which I would like to pay in installments over 52 weeks if possible. The money would be paid monthly by direct debit,/standing order on the 31st of every month, beginning on 31st March 2014. Please find enclosed an income / expenditure sheet. Please advise me as soon as possible if this arrangement is acceptable. Yours etc etc Does this sound ok? Thank you in advance. At this amount, it would be about 4 years for us to pay it off, but it is an affordable amount. Any more and we will struggle. Plus, there's always the possibility of paying it off early, if we got a lump sum etc. I'm just enquiring about the best way to go from here.* Thank you.
  11. I sent the letter to ask them to reassess their decision. What we got back was just a breakdown of the (non) allowance. I'm not sure what to do next. We want to appeal, but not the decision regarding the allowance for benefit, just the overpayment amount, as they were repeatedly informed that dh was working, but they kept saying that we were entitled. I need some sort of template letter, as they haven't told me how to appeal. I have done our budgeting and we can afford to pay £15 a week to the overpayment as well as the normal weekly amount for the standard bill. I'm hoping they will accept this. Once again, thank you.
  12. I sent the letter today, then arrived home to a bill for about £3500 to include 13-14. They have requested the amount in 1 payment on 31 March. There's no way in the world we can do that. On the letter yesterday, it said that we had 1 month to ask for a new decision ( today's letter), and then a further month to appeal, so why send a bill today? I'm so scared and confused now.
  13. So could they do it over a longer time period? Say 2 or 3 years. Just the overpayment? We would pay the normal bill, as normal.
  14. So can they ask for the whole lot in one go, or over a longer length of time?
  15. I sent the letter to the council, and they have sent a decision. They say that we have been overpaid over 3 years, to the tune of £2457.36. It says on the notices, that the relevant amounts (there are 3 different amounts) will each be recovered from our council tax account. Does this mean that our bill for 2014-15 will be £2457.36 PLUS the normal yearly amount? If that is the case, we really can't afford to pay THAT much in one year. Can they take that much in 1 year, or can it be spread over a different amount of time? Would they take a certain amount each year, for example, like the tax credits do? It also says that we can write a letter to ask them to review the decision, and if the decision is the same, only THEN can we appeal. I want to write a letter, so do I just redo the original one, and ask them to have another look at the decision, THEN go down the appeal route?
  16. Dear Sir / Madam Ref: With reference to the above claim, please find enclosed a completedClaim Review Form. When I was originally out of work and claiming Job SeekersAllowance, I was informed that I wouldn’t be able to claim Council Tax Benefit. The claim was put through nevertheless, byyourselves. You were informed of a change in circumstances in February2011, when I commenced employment. Itwas after this date that I was informed that I had been granted a reduction inCouncil Tax. You were repeatedly informed of a suspected overpayment, onthe production of each new bill. In theabsence of any further communication from yourselves, it was assumed that allcalculations were correct. This is all I havefor now, any further help would be SO greatfully received. I just want this sorting out, as soon aspossible.
  17. Mr P, would you consider having a look at the letter for us?
  18. We have decided to do it in writing. Less chance of human error (although the previous record doesn't inspire confidence really). So, do I just put the same phrases in the letter, or is there something specific I need to put in. We are sending the review form with the letter. Is that the right thing to do?
  19. So, what exactly do I say when I call them tomorrow? I am SO scared and worried.
  20. Ok, so I didn't do it in writing, I did it all over the phone, and like I said I didn't get names like I usually do. Hubby has just informed me that he started work in January of 2011. If there has been some form of overpayment, even though I informed them, what will happen?
  21. Long story short: dh was unemployed, I work p/t. We got ctax benefit ( later changed to something else, cant remember the name). When dh was back in work, I informed the council. They still kept putting the benefit on our bill. I called them several times and each time, they said they would deal with it and it was sorted. Today we received a benefit review letter, wanting paperwork wage slips etc and dates. I can't remember when dh started work,I just know it was about 2 years ago. I usually take the name of people I talk too, especially with things like this, but for some reason, I didn't this time. Obviously, it wasn't sorted out and now I'm in SUCH a state. I'm panicking because if I call them on Monday and explain all this, what is the likely outcome? I've been paying what has been on my bills,every week by standing order and have never missed a payment. The last one is due on 27th January, And then obviously the new bill in March. I'm really worried that they are going to send bailiffs in or take me to court,even though I haven't done anything wrong. My mind is working overtime, I haven't eaten all day and probably wont sleep tonight I can't even give them the dates I called, cos I can't remember. Can anyone advise me as to a likely outcome, or what I can say, any useful phrases? Thank you in advance.
  22. Hi Please can someone tell me what is the next step? 1st letter sent - 18th September charges - single account £541 joint account £234 Response from Halifax - 22nd September - we will be in touch shortly Response from Halifax - 3rd October single account offer - £252 joint account offer - £75 2nd letter sent (LBA) - 6th October Response from Halifax - 16th October single account - they offered 6 months charges repayment , which i declined (see above). They confirmed they will not refund charges. joint account offer - £84 What do i do now? Do i go to www.moneyclaim.gov.uk? Any help is greatly appreciated. L x
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