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Mike Rimmer

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Everything posted by Mike Rimmer

  1. Hi There. Im gettin all giddy at potentially recovering charges. Whilst I think i got a handle on the TSB personal stuff, I'm unsure about my old business account. I worked that I was charged just over £700 from March-June 2003 (forgetting the interest at 29.5%). This was all in "referral fees" of £12 per item. What do we all think of that figure? does it seem reasonable? bear in mind thats per item (many where direct debits) so in any one month I was charged between £120 and £156 plus interest. Any views? Cheers
  2. Hi There - Im new here so forgive if i repeat stuff said elsewhere (Im doing me best to read everything). I suppose that if we are using legalities to recover stuff we shouldnt expect quick resolutions. It would be nice but, putting myself in the banks shoes (oooo its nice up here watching all the little people make me money...) I would, likley as not :- 1) Stretch out the time between request and payment. after all £3000 in my pocket still earns interest and i can prob soak up the legals in some clever corporate tax [problem]. 2) Be obstructive. I know most of the little people are weak willed and leave complicated lives full of distractions. Moreover, if they aint had the discipline to keep an account in credit, they are not likley to have the discipline see this through. How many times do I read "i was just about to give up" - well i reckon that for every 1 that does carry on, 10 dont. 3) Make folk pay. Im a bank, you are overdrawn, you cant affod to do this. HAHAHA 4) Wait for an accident/event to take over. It happens. More likley if your minds on other things..........like muggin me! 5) Try to keep my shareholders happy. Im sure that paying out willy nilly would not go down well at the christmas party. And we like share prices to be high. A one point drop could cost too much 6) Give u a few months to remember how shamed you are by all this. Remember the last time you went to court? CCJ wasnt it? well if you want all your past raking up.............. 7) keep u waiting for long enough so that you'll accept the offer of a part payment. Win/Win no? At the end of the day, I think we have to accept delays for now. Its frustrating but most people will be claiming back 6 years, a few more months dont matter. And perhaps if a few more winners contributed to these guys here, Dave and Bank Fodder could afford to buy sunglasses and dark suits before going to see the OFT personally in the wee hours..... I was considering throwing in some notable results in my correspondance, but I suspect that bank policy is to rigidly set to notice. My advice would be to sit back and try to enjoy the experience. Perhaps I should mention Stakes and crucifixes though................ Regards
  3. Oh , thank heavens for that! - Actually read the thread link as "Barclays Won", was trawling through from start waiting for it to all go pete tong. Congrats, right off to hypno regression in order to remember exactly who i've had accounts and cards with in last 6 years. Then its letter time!
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