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  1. Hi I'm just joining this forum group before I start to look at claiming back my bank charges. I'm just starting to gather the info I'll need. I'll post my progress to keep everyone up to date, as and when there is news. Steve
  2. Hi I have been directed to this site by Martin Lewis (Money Saving Expert) and I'm about to start looking into how to claim back unfair bank charges form both Barclays and The Clydesdale bank. I can see quite a few people have had success with claims against Barclays, but I wondered if anyone has had sucess with Clydesdale bank, or will I be breaking new ground here? It looks like I have quite a lot to read through on this site before I start, and I belive there is a sample/template letter some where in the library section that is worth looking at as a starting point, is it still there? Any help/advice for a newbie is much appreciated. Cheers. Steve
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