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  1. I purchased a car and lent it to a friend and later found out that they had changed the registered keeper without my knowledge or signature on registration document. I have found out the they forged my signature to transfer keeper to their name and then sold the car - I did not receive the DVLA's letter advising transfer, so had no idea ubtil it was too late I wrote to the DVLA to complain about this and they but they just said that they are not liable, but I think they are... what do you think?
  2. From what you have said, I think it is likely that you will have to go to court, however all is not lost. I suggest that you take all evidence of the circumstances of your health and more importantly an offer of payment to meet the monthly repayments and an AFFORDABLE additional sum to reduce the arrears - the arrears can be spread over the remaining term of the mortgage (cite Cheltenham & Gloucester B.S. v Norgan) asking that judge adjourn the hearing "generally" (or for say 6 months) on condition that you make the payments offered. You could also ask the court to make an order that costs not be charged to you due to SPML's conduct and lack of assistance.
  3. What type of order did get back in March? From what you have said, it appear that an order for possession was not made otherwise your lender would have issued a warrant of possession. Before your house can be repossessed, an order for possession would have to made at court and then enforced by the lender issuing a warrant of possession to gain an eviction date. Your hearing in December may just be a review and in that case you may want to think whether the additional £50 is manageable and ask the court to vary the order to something more manageable to be paid on a date each month that you would be able to meet. You may find that by keeping up with the payments as and when they are due, your lender may consider capitalising the remaining arrears after 6 or 9 months
  4. With help and encouragement from this wonderful site, I sent a letter on 18/09/2006 to Halifax requesting a refund of charges and interest totalling £102.73 I started my mission with this account as I did not need to request statements - there were only 2 incidents where I incurred bank charges. On 06/10/2006, I received a letter from Halifax offering a "goodwill gesture" of £103.00 in full and final settlement of my complaint. Letter also went on in great detail to remind me that it was my responsibility to manage my account corectly to avoid further charges!!! Completed form accepting settlement and posted it following day - they were kind enough to provide a pre-paid envelope. Happened to check my account today and found that it was credited with the £103 I will tackle Barclaycard now, but I suspect that it will not be as easy and the Halifax
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