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Everything posted by hellhasnofury

  1. Hello, I have just read the adv gold and unarranged borrowing guide again I think it made sense this time. I do not claim for the adv gold fee of £10 but do claim for the unarranged borrowing of £28 because they disguised the two together as one bank charge Can I go to the top of the class now:) or I'm I still getting it wrong. Still a bit dense on what interest I can claim.
  2. Sorry for the delay but my computor has collapsed after my husband tried to hoover the dust out of it!!!!! Thanks deller1for your help and support. I am still a bit confused with the bank charges thing. Does that mean I can claim a proportion of the £38. Allow them the £14 for the Advantage Gold fee and claim £24 for unarranged borrowing. and what is the interest I can claim. These are the bits that are confusing me. I have read thread after thread and somethimes get more confused. I have managed to use the simple excel spreadsheet. Will that one do?
  3. Hi Deller1, Thanks for your advice. I have just read the thread of Advantage Gold Fees. I can't understand why I was charged between 9-14 pounds for years and then in 2005, they charged 37-38pounds. That dosn't seem fair to me. but If I cant claim for them then I won't. I did try the cag spreadsheet, but fell at the first hurdle. Wen't over the top of my head. Did not understand the colums. Have used the simple excel spreadsheet before. I still don't understand the interest part. I just claimed 50% of the overdraft interest they took from me. I presumme that is contractual interest. I have felt quite confident until now but now I am so dishearten and Not really understanding what to do I am really confused:cry:
  4. Hi ataction. I have looked again at my statements. Before 28/02/2005 I was charged £9-14 a month. Stated Bank charges. After this date I was charged £37-38 stated as Bank Charges. Even If I had not exceeded my overdraft.
  5. Thanks ataction, your advice and support is extremely helpfu. many thanks:) l
  6. Wow!! Deller1 Many thanks for your quick reply. I was absolutly delighted with your:) win. well done you are an inspiration to others. I am so glad I posted my query today. I put it off because I thought I had blown it. But I haven't. Two more questions please. The interest on the overdraft, I had presumed I claim for 50% of it, or do I go for the whole amount? I had a gold customer account. I paid £9 for the privilage, but towards the end they were charging me £38 a month. Can I claim for the extra 29 quid. Ta very much:confused:
  7. Well this is seeming to go on for ever and ever. I have got myself into a bit of a pickle. I have still not heard back from the natwest regarding my lba. I have let it go over the deadline. I had started my mcol but have not yet submitted it. I feel that I have rushed and not looked fully in to it. In my preliminary letter and lba, I have forgot to claimed back the default fee and the interest they charged me on the overdraft left when I entered into a debt management plan with them in April 06. Also 9months of payments they have had through the dmp. The amount they owe my far exceeds the amount of the overdraft. The charge they took over 2005-06 put me into financial ruin:mad: .!!!!!!!!!!! Do I write to them explaining this oversight and include the extra amount I am requesting. Start the process again from the start and look stupid. Or carry on with the initial request and write off this extra £200 down to my own stupidity and a learning curve
  8. Hello, everybody hope you all had a good xmas. I am delighted to read that some people have been successful in their claims. Well Done to yoiu all. I have again contacted the nw, re defaults and they haven't given me one. So of to MCOL now. please wish me luck.
  9. Welcome to the fight. You wont need luck, just take your time and read other peoples threads for info. Just ask for help if you get stuck. Or:D you can phone a friend:p
  10. Hi, many thanks for advice innocent. I have searched and searched for some wording for the default removal in the templates and can't find anything. anybody help me? I have still not heard from the Natwest and I plucked up the courage and rang the number I found on the Natwest contact section. I directly spoke to the Manager John Cunnane. He was extremely polite and helpful. Seems a really nice person. He informed me that they had received my lba along with many others. They are ploughing through them. oh dear what a shame!! I am now in the process of the mcol, but desperately need to find the correct wording to have the default removed throught the courts. I can't move forward.
  11. Hi yes me again another question because this is taking over my life. On the money claim section Particulars of Claim, I have used the template. The claimant has an acount blah, blah. I feel I have done this correctly. I hope!!! Do I mention in this part about removal of the default. Any help appreciated
  12. Hi I have still not heard from the natwest after sending them the lba over 17days ago. I'm afraid I didn't send it recorded delivery, I was in a rust and just posted it. I fear that have received it and know it wasn't recorded delivery and so have ignored it. Do I ring them or send them another recorded delivery lba. So I know they have got it. I don't want to start the court action, just incase they haven't received it and the case will fail. I could kick myself. anybody else been as stupid
  13. Hello, Can anybody give me advice about the money claim. I have filled the Particulars of claim using the template. I have calculated the 8% interest over the six year period and then added on the 8% interest from the date of the last charge until today. Is that correct. I hope so, the total is going up and up:) . Another question Have the bank violated my human rights:confused: I feel like they have. but I need to know which box to tick. Any help much appreciated
  14. Well I have had no resonse to my LBA after 16days. I suppose this is quite normal. Or maybe that have not received it. Or maybe their response is somewhere in the xmas post. OR OR OR. !!!!!!!! So I am going on Money claim later.
  15. Hello, I think I've done a bobo!!!! I have sent off my lba to shenley rd. I runs out today and I have heard nothing. Been thinking about my account with the Ntwest. It has been closed for nearly a year after I reached a financial crisis and had to start a debt management plan. The natwest filed a default notice because I had a £1,100 overdraft which I could not pay. I have been making payments through a debt management scheme to them every month for the last 10 months to pay the overdraft off. I seems like a double insult to me. They have taken illegal bank charges from me totalling £1,660. Filed a default ntoice and are now making me pay them another £1,100. Is it to late to bring this matter to their attention. Do I write to them regarding the overdraft of £1,100, telling them to address this matter and that when they repay me back my unfair bank charges they must repay me the payments I have made against the overdraft and then write it off. Do I send them another letter regarding this matter, giving them a bit more time and then file a court claim. I stated I was confused against the natwest, maybe I should of said thick. Any advise would be most helpful
  16. Hi Sharon, Thanks for your advice. I will definately ignore it and I have sent my lba to hime at shenley road. Sounds like he'll be busy and justify his large salary. ha ha.
  17. Still don't think:confused: I have got the hang of these threads, but hopefully I will get there. I am just about to sent off my LBA to the lovely Mr Higley. Do I sent it to the address on the letter I received Natwest House 225 Shenley road Borehamwood WD6 ITE or the Bishop Court in London. Also advice on when do I apply on the Moneyclaim site to take them to court. Do I wait till the 14days are up or when I hopefully get a reply.
  18. Hi Paul, thanks for your advice, read your thread with interest. Good luck to you
  19. Hello, Can anybody advise me. I have received my reply from the infamous Stuart Higley at the Natwest saying no way do they owe me any money. The bit that is interesting quote "In your letter you have claimed that we have been acting as your fiduciary, which is not correct. This doesn't form part of the normal banker/customer relationship and if your claim is based on this premise I can only recommend that you seek independent advice". Is this a scaring tactic to put you off track
  20. I haven't quite got to grip with the thread thing. I am in the process of claiming about £1,800 from the vultures at this bank. I have sent my first letter asking them to repay their illegal charges. I have received a letter from them within the 14days limit telling me that my request has been forwarded to their offfice that deals with bank charges. they have given me 10 working days. Do I wait to hear from them or do I send them the letter before action now. Any advice appreciated. Thanks
  21. thanks so much just trying to understand about threads, new threads etc etc
  22. Hello all, I have sent my first letter asking for them to pay me back my illegal bank charges. It comes to about £1,800, so wish me luck:)
  23. Hello I am new the the site so may need some help and support. I am trying to reclaim bank charges from the Natwest. I had been a client of this bank for about 12yrs, and was a good client. Due to unforeseen circumstances I experienced problems with money. The bank made about £1,800 in bank charges which brought me into financial ruin. They do like to kick a dog when its down. They are like vultures feeding of the dying. Might sound a little dramatic, but that is where they make all their profits on the people who throught no fault of their own experience problems at some time. The banks then take more when you have less and eventually push you to the edge and over. I have read many threads and feel inspired to take these vultures on, for the bank to return my illegal bank charges.
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