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Everything posted by binarymonkey

  1. I have also received a text message today from MBNA: From: "01244 57414" Note that this is not a mobile number, includes a space character (never seen that before on any phone), and it's not even a complete number. This is the first indication that this is a message from a company (too stupid to even make it look convincing!), and not a genuine personal contact. Message: " I think I have found a solution for you. Call me on 01244 574141 to hear about it" is replaced with the first name they on account for you. Despite me knowing this was most likely some kind of marketing exercise, I was curious as to what this was about. Surprise, surprise, it's MBNA collections department! Even worse, MY ACCOUNT IS NOT EVEN IN ARREARS! The woman on the phone hurried a rather flustered apology down the phone (mentioning a computer error) when I asked her where MBNA got off being so unforgivably deceitful! Reviewing the OFT document posted above, this communication is clearing in violation of these guidelines. Is there any legal action that could be taken I wonder? Perhaps I can blackmail them into writing off my loan account? This incident has left me reeling in disgust at the way MBNA operate their business - absolute animals. I feel for the people that are being hounded by them and can only offer my support - just remember that it is MBNA that is on the wrong side of the law! Matthew
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