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  1. Surly is off to London today to take the Credit Agency issues to a higher audience. He only has his pocket PCphone with him so I doubt that he will post until later. H e cannot type very quickly on this unit as it is touch screen device. He's asked me to keep the fort today so I will update if I know anything. Having said that, I thought that I would add a few notes of my own. Although I help him with the legal precedent work, all this is off his own back and passion to seek a more fairly regulated industry. He devotes a great deal of time and energy into this campaign despite having a young family and running a successful business. He has funded his own campaign personally. He has read every related Act himself and I assure that he does understand them. I have not seen such dedication to education even from most Law students that I come across. For that he deserves his own credit. I simply advise as to how I think a judge would interpret it based on my experience. Having read some of the recent postings from some people, it surprises me that some who claim to support this same ideal have been so aggressive. In my book, this was not necessary. They perhaps need to appreciate just how much work he puts in. For that work he seeks nothing but the satisfaction of redressing people's rights. I agree that he can be a bit abrasive sometimes and his postings might not be everyone's cup of tea.But, his sarcastic humour is simply a release mechanism for the frustration that he encounters with the muppetts as he calls them. Having worked with him for nearly a year on these issues his wit and humour has been a Godsend. We have often got tired or come up against cantankerous obstruction. Some wit, no matter how dry,sometimes puts the whole thing into perspective. I am glad to see that the issues have been sorted. But I would urge that the site owners make every effort to control any cage-rattling against Surly. I am sure that most people can now see that he does not suffer fools gladly. Let us all continue to keep the real issues in focus.You have my legal experience available via Surly as I support his view that there is a considerable injustice here. We will continue to support the aims of the Consumer Group and wish everyone the best in their individual cases. Yours, in justice.
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