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Everything posted by annoyedagain

  1. ok thanks, do i just use one of the standard templates?
  2. ok thanks one other point is i received a letter from mbna on the 20th july 2009 saying they had sold my balance to direct legal-dti's then on the 24th august 2009 i received a letter from capquest saying they had bought the debt from mbna - How do i know who bought it ?
  3. Thanks for coming to me post Yes its from barry by 1st class post dated 20th January and i received it yesterday
  4. Yesterday i received a statutory demand from capquest as they have apparently bought my debt from mbna, I have read loads of threads about similar problems and the majority say i need to get it set aside I dispute this debt on the grounds that MBNA send me a doctored CCA ~ see this thread http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?173383#post1871012 I wrote to MBNA at the time disputing that the cca was genuine and made them a f&f which they refused Is this enough to dispute it and get it set aside? POSTGGJ I could do with your help please!
  5. what is the charge order process? i recieved a letter from solicitors for mbna saying that they are applying for a charge order on my property i have a disputed CCA with mbna, this goes back 12 months but after many phone calls and letters they now send this one i am under the impression that they would need to get a CCJ first before they could obtain a charge order, but my question is would i receive court papers if they had applied for a ccj and if they applied for a charge order? i have received neither
  6. i took out a loan 3 years ago with the natwest for £15000 and was paying it off up until april his year when work dried up, since then i have scrapped through just about earning enough to survive but not enough to pay the loan i was asked to call the bank regarding the situation and they said i need to close one of my accounts and bring the loan up to date (i have 4 accounts 2 for business and 2 private, both he private ones have overdrafts of £1500 & £1000) i offered to pay the original loan payment plus £80 extra to reduced the overdraft and missed payments but i was told i need to take out a loan to consolidate the 2 so they have sent me the loan agreement to sign but on reading it it has an apr of 7.5% above the bank rate and is variable, now im pretty sure one the election is over next year this is set to rise quite a bit and im going to end up paying a lot more my instinct tells me not to take out the loan but the banks says if i dont they will withdraw my facility's therefore i would immediately be liable to pay £13000 + £1000 + £1500 plus im sure they would take the money from my business account which is there fore cashflow and taxes. is there anything i can do or do i have to take the loan? i feel they are pushing me into more debt when i can least afford it i have already overrun my deadline to return the loan agreement so i need help fast thanks
  7. thanks for that, i have bookmarked it for future reference but im not at that stage yet as i have not received court papers what would you suggest i do at the moment
  8. i sent a request for my cca for a halifax credit card back in December they fobbed me off with a word created document and said this complies with my request, i wrote back saying i assume they did not posses one as they had tried to fob me off with this and offered them a payment of 10% to settle the account, the halifax refused to accept this and have continued to harass me for payments - they even sent a man to my house to try to get me to phone them the account was then passed to blair and scott who have now said they are preparing papers for court action so i have written this letter in response, could you please take a look and advise me if i need to make any changes Halifax Card Services Pitreavie Business Park Dunfermline Fife KY99 4BS Dear Sir/Madam Re: − Account/Reference Number XXXXXXXXXXXX In response to your letter through Blair & Scott dated 3rd August 2009 may I remind you that this account is still in dispute as I still have still not received a true copy of the alleged agreement While the account is in dispute you are fully aware that you should not be making charges or demands for payment but you continue to do so unlawfully. Mine is a simple request and I have made you an offer to settle this matter which you have refused to accept so unfortunately there is nothing else I can do at the present time You said in your letter that you are preparing paperwork to commence court action so I assume that you will be adding a true copy of the agreement to this so it would save us both time if you could forward a copy of this to me. If I do not receive this within 14 days I can only assume that you do not posses one as I can see no reason why you would not send me a copy of this to get the matter resolved, I will therefore be sending a formal SAR request to defend this matter in court. My offer of payment still stands so if you would rather accept this then please let me know Yours faithfully
  9. hi i have a loan which ppi has been added, i applied for the loan online and defiantly would not have took out ppi as im self employed and they are basically worthless the only way it could have happened is if the box was already ticked and i didn't notice it it is there on the cca but i must not have noticed it there asell due to my excitment anyway could you please have a look at my thread to see if thee is anything i can do about it, i cant work out if it has interest on the ppi or not and would i be able to claim it back http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/general-debt-issues/177294-alliance-leisester-loan-agreement.html thanks im annoyed again
  10. ok thanks does anyone know if i can get the ppi canceled, can you point me to any links, ive been searching for a while but i dont seem to be able to find the right info
  11. hi could someone a bit more knowledgeable than myself please take a look at this loan agreement to see if it fulfills the correct information i have been paying this loan for nearly 4 years, but after a few late payments i have received a couple of letters and the balance was still huge so i sent for a copy of my cca after looking at the agreement i was really annoyed to find that it is a 4 year loan but also has a balloon payment on the end which i can opt to pay for an extra 16 months, and also that i was paying PPI which i never take out due to being self employed which basically makes them worthless i applied for the loan online and never saw anything about a balloon payment and never opted for PPI ok so yes it was my fault as they have sent me this agreement which i have signed and sent back but in the excitement i have obviously just skimmed over it and put it in the post without reading all the details but i feel i have been tricked into it with them knowing full well that i wouldn't read it to well as i just wanted to get the money to buy my new car so im hoping that the agreement does not fully comply so i can negotiate a final settlement of the loan without the extra 16 months i have read the cca thread but im not 100% sure about the insurance part of this one whether it has been properly laid out your opinions gratefully received
  12. i see hundreds of threads ongoing where the creditors are chasing unenforceble debts for months but have many managed to get them to admit it or settle for a small percentage of the original amount
  13. hi gaz the small abbey one is similar to my aol/mbna one and as mine you can tell the two parts are not from the same form the perforations at the top do not match i have sent them a letter stating that i think its an obvious cut and paste and im willing to give them 10% of the balance in full and final as a good will gesture, i havnt heard back yet but its up to them, times are hard and im not going to give them more than that what do you intend to do now?
  14. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/mbna/173383-your-opinions-cca-please.html im just about to post off a letter basically telling them that i think its a cut and paste cca and im going to make them an offer to close the account
  15. well i have not paid this months payment and they are normally hounding me on the phone by now but not heard a thing although i did get a call a couple of days before my cca arrived asking if i wanted a consolidation loan LOL i can tell the CCA is basically a forgery so i think im just going to write to them offering 10% of the balance in full and final settlement including removal of any credit reference records am i right to do this? i cant see the point in pussy footing around also can i claim back any charges or would that be classed as acknowledgment of the account?
  16. i suppose the agreement would mysteriously go missing if they had to produce it in court
  17. has anyone challenged these forgery's yet? im just trying to decide my next step
  18. yes the text on the back is very small but all of it is difficult to read(well impossible to be honest)
  19. i believe mbna have done the same to me, i have a different address for mbna on the front and back and i still have the original top half which appears to match up along the torn edge with the front of the copy they sent but not the back could you please take a look and give me your opinion http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/mbna/173383-your-opinions-cca-please.html im sure they are winging it a bit and could soon be exposed is there anyway we can get to see our originals? im not too far from chester so wouldn't mind taking a visit
  20. also note as i said above the address for mbna differs from the first and second sheet
  21. thanks i think one is supposed to be the front and one the back does that make a difference?
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