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  1. hi, its not an estimate, its the maximum amount allowed to be claimed in the small claims court. so, if you claim this amount you can reduce it to whatever they owe (once they send the statements), but I think it would be more difficult to increase. It's basically a tactic to make them send the statements. I've also complained to the information commissioner in that they are in breach of the data protection act. the IC ae investigating this. however, I did send 2 letters on non-compliance (just because I'm nice) before doing this. they still ignored me though, hopefully one route wll jolt them into action! Amanda
  2. I work at the one nearest where I live, thanks anyway. just wondered if I could send anywhere so thanks for info
  3. top tip re consultants, will give them a bash. I dont have any statements as I stopped using the account a year ago, and I moved so many times I just got rid as it was clutter at time. am going to send a prelim letter requesting £4999 (advised of this) stating claiming this amount as non-compliance on their part. apparently that should jolt them into action.
  4. Hi, I wonder if anyone can help with this. I know very litle about the county court, but work in the crown court. however, this is within a combined court and I have post duties which cover the county, as well as financial duties which cover county (yes, even though I know NOTHING about county or how it works). Obviously, I wont be able to submit a claim to my own court. I wouldnt want to anyway as I dont want people knowing my personal business at work. I havent been there long and dont particularly get on with anyone so it would just make things difficult. Can I submit to any court - how do I go about selecting a court to send too? I would ask around work, but for the fact that I dont know anyone! Anyone advise? Thanks, Amanda
  5. Hi, I sent the Data Protection Letter in September requesting statements and eclosing fee, which they quickly cashed. nothing since. I called them and they said the statements would be sent out ASAP. nothing. I then sent a non-compliance, and STILL nothing one week later. Now they're just taking the p*** what's the next step? I'm reading through FAQ's etc, but wondered what your experiences were, if you had the same non-compliance? thanks, Amanda
  6. hi, I sent the Data Protection Act statement request on 18th September, the cheque was cashed on 25th and nothing since. I called them (to seek advice about changing name and address) and mentioned to the chap that I hasnt had them and we were on day 39. He told me it hadnt even been actioned, but he ensured me he had done so and they were being processed that day. That was last saturday. The same day I went into branch and changed my name (to married name) and address, they said the statements would be going to my old address - which handily is my mum's - and I'd get them by the end of the week. Its now friday... would it be ok to send an email for non-compliance? Will there be difficulties due to name and address change? also, I've just started using the account again (joint account with husband but he's not working and has fallen behind with debt payments, so using it to protect my income) - I'm worried they get arsey and close it or something. Can they so this? Sorry for lots of questions! have read other threads and know I need to send non-compliance, just worried they say its my fault for changing name/address - albeit on day 39!!! thanks, Amanda
  7. hi, I got married about 2 years ago but never changed my name on my passport or on my halifax bank account or a few bills that come from that bank account. I use my married name at work and on my joint bank account. is this allowed? I am just starting my reclaim process and dont want it to go wrong because I havent changed my name. although I do have ID in my maiden name so technically I can prove who I am by that. I'm a little confused about this one...
  8. well, after years of ridiculous chages by halifax, I'm finally doing somehting about it. I was always under the impression that it was own fault - for forgetting a DD was coming out and not getting the money in on time, or 'letting myself' go OD. well halifax have a fight on their hands now. they have never been anything but uncooperative, quick to grab my money and offered very little help. some banks I hear, like first direct, send a text if you are about to go overdrawn, which i think is a brilliant idea. however if you have no cash to put in it doesnt help, but at least its a reminder for those of us who genuinely do forget. i had another charge of £39 just this month. I no longer use halifax as my main account, only to pay my outstanding university debts. This month, my payment went in after midday, they requested theirs before midday and I got charged for THAT!!!!!!! now they've really got my goat, and I'm going to hit them where it hurts. good luck to you all!!!!
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