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Everything posted by OSWALDO

  1. Another point is check the date and time you were supposedly file sharing. In my case, it was 12:30am on a Saturday Morning 1st March 2008. I don't know about your usual computer geek but I'm ususally down my local wine bar surrounded by independent witnesses and my laptop is switched off at that time on Fri night/Sat morn. I pointed this out to Davenport Lyons and it seemed to throw em in their reply - quoting that leaving my wireless open was the legal wrong because I was in breach of Bethere's conditons and they were reporting me to Bethere for not protecting their clients' copyright (of course I am now petriified that Bethere will terminate my contract ;o)) - naturally I replied that file sharing was the legal wrong not leaving the door open - no reply to that point to date.
  2. I have had letter from Davenport Lyons and referred it to my solicitor - he says that court would evaluate the case on the balance of probabilities i.e. a middle aged billpayer like me with sons in their 20s living at home would probably avoid court action because any reasonable judge faced with impenetrable IT gobblygook from the plaintiffs would side with DAD.
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