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  1. in response to your points martin the recovery is being handled by their in house team their have been no formal notices received as yet and i have not yet written to advise of dispute as only happened yesterday I did make verbal statement to that effect on call to collections dept advising them in my opinion they had broken a contractual agreement and left my family in hardship, I have read a few threads re accs in dispute and intend to send letter from resources on here, as yet I do not have the latest statement to indicate proportion of overdue amount that is penalty related, I suppose when CC statements arrive from S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) that i will then be armed and ready lol. Thanks again for the reply was beginning to feel like a leper when I read threads re Experian's James Jones. Do they still have winner stays on in the Nelson, played there all afternoon sumtimes for 20p lol.
  2. Thank you martin greatly appreciated will pm if thats ok with further details thanks for the personal data advise also, nice to no Ive got a Sint Eliner elpin me owt regards from lobby gobblin town, I too follow RL and the town team the "Comics" sorry "centurions". Tommy Martyn was a brilliant addition to our squad a great many times and Alex Murphy has now been made a freeman of the greater borough of Wigan that we are subjugated to, nice to see that wigans warriors are not as effective as they once where though.
  3. Pleading now for some form of communication as most seem to be wary of my name James Jones let me add a few other details. My full name is edited( ace name for a lad from a council estate ) I am 42 yrs old and on my 2nd marriage I have 4 kids who are suffering at mo due to lack of money in the household. When I left school I went into the mining industry leaving in 1993 as the very last freely elected colliery delegate for the NUM lancashire coalfield. Since then I have like many from my industry meandered through various jobs and industries, but at no time have I ever worked for a credit company or Experian. Indeed I have my own issues with them. I incorrectly posted on the welcome screen my problem and then correctly opened a new thread on the halifax bank forum. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/halifax-bank/62672-me-mrs-jones-halifax.html I would like to make a point that on recent search of online databases I returned over 5000 results for my first christian name and surname worldwide, and would hope that no one is confusing me with what I now know to be an Experian employee of the same name. Its a popular name and even in my locale of Leigh in Lancs there are 4 james jones within a 2 mile radius of my own home, aged lancashire poet, an alderman in wiganmbc (my father) a third in tyldesley and myself that I know of. People please my surname is one of the most common in the world and my christian name is very popular also Please someone help me with my Halifax visa question or is the very name james jones to frightening to deal with, towit the Experian employee and that mad preacher who told his flock to commit mass suicide in the 70s, I remember that well, I took flack and derogatory comments from my peers after the event. Please, Please, please someone read beyond the name and help me reclaim the 3-4000 in charges I have paid to these 4 accounts.
  4. Apologies to moderators original post incorrectly in CAG forum titled Bizarre. Hi all, I joined a little while ago but have had health issues to deal for a few months and am currently under assault from all creditors, all now advised that CCCS assisting in debt management as personally incapacity and low income (means tested benefits) similarly to many others. Halifax Subject Access Request was sent to branch for all accounts on 15th January, my wifes cardcash and my own cardcash, current account and credit card, along with 2 cheques for £10, 1 for each S.A.R - (Subject Access Request). on 22nd received cheques back, statements followed on the 25th. Currently working with family member who has succesfully reclaimed his charges already and inputting data from statements from 3 accounts. statements show with startling clarity the failure of Halifax as our fiduciary as most charges appear at times of financial difficulty, great stress and need, thus implying banks exploitation of our difficulties at our most difficult times (nothing new there). However I have not yet had anything from Halifax re the credit card, not sure where to go with it as I signed for card in branch so colleague ozzywiz, advised S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) to branch for all accounts including credit card, the lack of information, re charges to the credit card account does however concern me a little as collections dept for card are aware of current circumstances and payment protection insurance claim in process. In addition a verbal agreement re a payment to account on the 5th february of £60, was broken by the bank who yesterday 31/1/7 took £55.67 from cardcash acc despite detailed information re circumstances. Does this mean that I can know dispute this account effectively freezing it collections status? Can anyone help please, nothing seems to go smoothly for my family at the moment? have to comment that I did ring card collections and raise complaint and agreed to pay difference to £60 can I know dispute and refuse any further payments?
  5. have to comment that I did ring card collections and raise complaint and agreed to pay difference to £60 can I know dispute and refuse any further payments?
  6. Hi all, I joined a little while ago but have had health issues to deal for a few months and am currently under assault from many angles all creditors have been advised that CCCS assisting in debt management on incapacity and low income means tested benefits similarly to many. Halifax Subject Access Request was sent to branch for all accounts on 15th January, my wifes cardcash and my own cardcash, current account and credit card, along with 2 cheques for £10, 1 for each SAR. on 22nd received cheques back, statements followed on the 25th. Currently working with family member who has succesfully reclaimed his charges already and inputting data from statements from 3 accounts. However I have not yet had anything from Halifax re the credit card, not sure where to go with it as I signed for card in branch so colleague advised SAR to branch for all accounts including credit card, the lack of inf re charges to the credit card account does however concern me a little as collections dept for card are aware of current circumstances and payment protection insurance claim in process, verbal agreement re payment to account on the 5th february of £60, was broken by the bank who yesterday took £55.67 from cardcash acc despite detailed information re circumstances. Does this mean that I can know dispute this account effectively freezing it collections status? Can anyone help please, nothing seems to go smoothly for my family at the moment.
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