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  1. The complaint should have gone to the Complaints Resolution team who should contact you to acknowledge the complaint within 2 days. They will aim to resolve in within 15. If you are still not happy, it will go to the complaint review team then if still unresolved, you can complain to the Independent Case Examiner. You will need to check if all the money was due to you in the first place as, if you were on IS prior to during the LO period, a portion may be due to the Treasury. If all of the money was due to you, you can apply for compensation. Hope this helps.
  2. Many thanks, I'll give him a try. I totally agree with what you're saying but the council aren't listening. I've even tried making a complaint to them but they've ignored it and I really don't know what to do next.
  3. Yes he was living with his father when he died. The council have given him an 'assigned tenancy'. It wasn't ever a joint tenancy. I asked them for advice and they said that they couldn't tell me where to go for help as it was a conflict of interests!
  4. Following my son's fathers death a few months ago, he was given the council tenancy of the property. AFTER he had signed for the tenancy, he was informed that he had inherited rent arrears from this father - amounting to 3k+. He has been informed that he has now been a tenant since the age of 10! I have attempted to get help from CAB and his local MP to no avail. He then had a letter of Notice of Seeking Possession. I managed to halt this only by him offering to pay the minimum of £3 per week toward the arrears but they then said that by paying he was acknowledging ownership of the arrears. When he first took the tenancy he was unemployed but has now found a new job and is worried that the council are going to start asking for more money - which he doesn't owe. I don't know where to turn to help him. He is an honest, lovely 21 year old, just starting out in life and having had to deal with the death of his father, is now saddled with this debt I would appreciate any help/advice we can get
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