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  1. Well on the 18/8, I noticed two lots of £44 had been credited to my Capital One card on my online banking, so I waited for a letter to see what they had to say. It arrived yesterday, and said that it was a godwill gesture. It wasn't as heavy-handed as the Halifax are, nothing about final settlements or anything like that. So today I've sent off my LBA, thanking them for their interim payment of £88, and requesting the outstanding balance. I've decided not to claim interest at the credit card APR, as it would amount to pence, not pounds, but when I claim back on some of my larger credit cards, I might try it.
  2. Hi Roseperrywinkle, I remember when I first discovered this site, feeling overwhelmed by the ammount of info and all the technical jargon. I was also a bit sick of everyone telling me to read all the FAQs - as if I was stupid. However it really does all fall in to place and then you can start your claim confident that you won't mess it up over something silly. Good luck! Emma
  3. Hi Guys Really could do with some help over claiming back extortionate interest from Capital One. I need to send the LBA today. Can I claim back interest of 22% on the charges? Thanks
  4. Well I haven't heard anything yet, but some refunds have appeared on my online account - £44 Overlimit fee refund and £44 Late fee refund. I suppose I'll get a letter soon offering it as a 'goodwill' gesture! I'll be sending my LBA tomorrow, but I wanted to check something first. By my calculations, every month I am being charged interest at around 22% on my oustanding balance, which includes the unfair charges I am requesting be refunded. I believe that I'm entitled to this interest back, as we claim overdraft interest on unfair bank account charges. Am I right, and if so, how do I calculate this? Is there a way to alter the standard spreadsheet to calculate at this interest rate? Also how will I word this in the LBA? Sorry for all the questions guys - just as you think you're an expert on this, the banks throw something new at you!
  5. Hi guys, Just won my first case against Halifax, so I'm now going through every account where I've ever been charged, starting with Capital One. The really annoying thing about this account is that the credit card only has a limit of £200, and I've had it for less than a year. I've spent about £100 on it, but because of the charges, the balance now stands at £330. I've noticed that Capital One usually fall at the second or third hurdle, not dragging it out all the way like the Halifax, so I've just sent off my prelim, and I'm when they credit the charges back to the account, I'm going to pay off the balance and close the account. Anyway, that's me, so I'll let you know the progress. Oh, I also included a little message in my prelim, requesting that they discuss the matter through written correspondance only, and not by telephone, after suffering cruel torture by telephone from the Halifax. Let's see if it works!
  6. Yes, with an hour or so in between. I've just found details on the MCOL site, that says you can e-mail them to let them know if the defendant pays out (or phone, write or fax), and there are contact details there too.
  7. I filed online with moneyclaim. Is there a way to close the case through the website?
  8. Halifax have paid out! The money appeared in my account today, only a week after they acknowledged the claim! Donation is on it's way as soon as I can get the money in to my new account (don't trust Halifax)! Thanks to everyone on this site for their support. Do I have to inform the court?
  9. Thanks for the support. I've already started on my next claim, as I'm getting more confident with the whole process, however there's still a little part of my stomach churning away! Anyway - I'm right and they're wrong, I've followed the process carefully and I'm entitled to my money back! Go to hell Hellifax!
  10. I received court documents today stating that Halifax intend to defend themselves. Hubby keeps saying that knowing our luck, they'll actually let this one go all the way to court! Let's wait and see!
  11. Well it's done! Today I've filed my claim online against Halifax. I meant to do it last week but didn't have enough for the fee (£120). I'm not as nervous as I though I'd be, but I think it would have been worse if I'd had to go to court.
  12. Hi guys, After receiving my last letter from Halifax, outright refusing to refund any charges, I received another letter, dated the same day, saying that my complaint had been referred to the Customer Relations department. As if I wasn't confused enough, a few days leter I recieved an offer of £91! (Out of £1030!) I haven't bothered to reply. I'm filing the moneyclaim tonight, so no doubt I'll be posting again quite soon with questions. Thanks guys.
  13. Hi, After ignoring the phone for three weeks, I was planning to start my moneyclaim as soon as I had some cash, yet half expecting to find a sudden deposit from Halifax in my bank account (wishful thinking I know). Today I received a letter (dated 30th June!); "Further to your recent enquiry I regret to advise you that, having fully considered your request, we are unable to make a refund of the charges applied to your Bank Account." Short and Sweet! Determined to file my claim ASAP, but quite surprised that they haven't tried to fob me off with a pittiful offer. Has anyone else received this outright refusal to their LBA?
  14. Hi Guys, Well the harrassment has begun! I'm now getting around 20 calls a day from the Halifax, however only once has someone spoken! They just cut off as soon as I answer. Hubby is also getting the calls on his mobile, but as he recognises the number (he's saved it as 'Robbing Bast*rds') he answers then hands it over to our 14 month old daughter to babble down. She probably talks more sense than they do anyway! Still another week to go till moneyclaim. I'm going to start my other claims next week, so I'll start new threads for those.
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