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  1. Thanks for that, VERY helpful. Old Rope.
  2. Hi Caro, Thanks for that.I've looked at the link at the bottom of the post and it makes very interesting reading. I think this is going to separate the men from the boys! Old Rope.
  3. Hi Steven4064, I received a letter from Lloyds Bank in response to my Preliminary Letter with the spreadsheet etc. Basically they say they WON'T be upholding my complaint or refunding the Bank Charges. I'm being advised to approach the Financial Ombudsman Service if I don't like what they say. Given the Supreme Court ruling and the OFT decision this is not a surprise. What I'd like to know is,what can I do if I want to keep fighting? I understand there IS a letter I can send to them arguing the toss as it were but any clarification/advice would be helpful,I've got till Feb 17th . If you want the full text of the letter I can upload this if needed. Thanks, Old Rope.
  4. Hi Everyone, Gutted about the OFT announcement today. Heard VERY little from Lloyds (more soon). I'd like to thank everyone for their help so far and wish ALL at CAG Merry Crimble etc. Let's ALL keep fighting. Old Rope.
  5. Thanks for that, I'll amend the sheet now. Old Rope:)
  6. Thankyou for that. I've amended the sheet. I am still mulling over other aspects of this matter because there is a charge which was levied on the account when it was NOT a "SELECT" account (in1999) and it was called a "Service Charge" this was NOT levied when my account was in credit and only appeared when I was overdrawn or overdraft or other charges were levied. This is what caused a certain amount of uncertainty. Am I correct in surmising that these "Service Charges" could be construed as unfair? I hope I've stated this clearly because again I'll remove these as well if necessary. Thanks, Old Rope:D
  7. Hi Steven4064, I've put ALL the charges etc 1999-2009 on one sheet and it's almost ready.Before I send it I'd like to clarify the issue about Account Charges. I noticed in another post elsewhere on the Lloyds Bank Forum that I could not claim back the £7 account charge on the account,however over the 10 year period the bank statements cover the Account Charge has varied or not appeared at all on the statements.Also I changed my account to a "Select" account for a while which, until I changed it again had an Account Charge. In your tutorial concerning the Advanced Spreadsheet I notice you very carefully made sure that the Account Charge was differentiated from the amount added to it as a result of Unfair Charges. As a result of this and the fact there were inconsistent Account Charges levied on my accounts, I included ALL of the account charges on the Advanced Spreadsheet. I suspect that I need to amend this and perhaps work out another way of assessing these Account Charges. I would be grateful if you could advise me on this if you can because I'm about to send everything off and I really want to make sure I have understood everything I've seen. Thanking you VERY much for your help and support, Old Rope:)
  8. Hi Steven4064, Thank you very,very much for the reply it really clears up my uncertainty about claiming beyond 6 years. One point to make about the "Brown Box". I meant the Box/Cell with "Estimate of Previous Charges" to the left of it in the Advanced Spreadsheet 2nd page. My confusion occurred because I wasn't sure whether to put the charges+interest from 1995-2003 in that box/cell. It IS a bit misleading in the light of what you've stated in your reply to my last post so although I CAN put ALL my charges and interest on one sheet I'm still confused about the presence and significance of that cell. Apologies if it sounds tedious but it would be helpful if you could clear that one up for me. Thanks, Old Rope:)
  9. Hi Steven4064, I have finished(subject to finding I need to make changes) filling in the Advanced Spreadsheet. I'm about to send this off with the Preliminary Letter to Lloyds Bank. There are,however one or two issues I need to clear up before I sen this lot off. 1).Can I list ALL the charges from 1999-2009 one one sheet? 2).If I do that,given that I CAN claim back beyond 6 years, I feel I don't need to put any charges beyond 6 years in the Brown box on the Spreadsheet. 3). If it IS necessary to put the charges for the pre 6 year period in the Brown Box can I add the Interest on those charges to that figure and then put this in the box? I'm aware that in the notes for the Advanced Spreadsheet it points out that an Estimate of previous charges(before the 6 year period) should be entered in the Brown Box,however if I've got Bank Statements going back to 1999 and I could get statements going back to 1995(the account was opened before 1985) I don't see how any figure from that period (pre 6 year time frame) can be construed as an Estimate? One final question:- 4).When I send the Preliminary letter to Lloyds Bank can I,given what I've mentioned ask for Charges+interest 1999-2009? I've looked around the site and read Bankfodder's post about the legal defence Lloyds will put forward regarding claiming beyond 6 years and I I need, in the light of that to really clarify ALL aspects of this. If you can answer these questions,I'd be most grateful. Thanks, Old Rope:confused:
  10. Hi, Re Lloyds, I got statements going as far back as Jan 1999. Old Rope
  11. Hi Maroondevo52, Thank you for that link,I've had a quick look and it's exactly what I need. Thanks, Old Rope:D
  12. Hi Steven4064, That explains it,thanks. That's VERY helpful. Could you help me with my other question please re Benefits and N1 form? Thanks, Old Rope
  13. Hi Steven4064, Thank you very much for that. I had understood that it wasn't possible to start claiming the 8% till I went to court but thankyou for making this crystal clear also thanks for clarifying about the Interest on the charges it confirmed what I'd read from the notes. I'm aware from the notes that I can put the charges prior to the 6 year period in the Brown Box provided. Can you explain why the 6 year time frame is relevant? I'm aware that there is an issue about 6 years and beyond,however it appears that the matter is a debateable one can you help me with that? Obviously as I've received Data going back to jan 1999(as explained in the previous post) I have entered the charges and interest on the charges from that piont in time into the Advanced Spreadsheet. What I'm thinking of doing is 2 sets of charges :- One from 1999-2003(4 years). Another from 2003-2009(6 years). What I'll then do is enter the 1999-2003 figure into the brown cell and see how that goes. As far as I can tell,that is the only real query I've got re the Advanced Spreadsheet. Seeing as it does most of the work I just need to understand the arguments behind it which I'm slowly getting to understand. One more query,if I'm on Benefits how does that affect the costs when going to Court and filling in the N1 form? Thanks, Old Rope:)
  14. :DHi Maroondevo52, Thanks for the reply I'll get that address to you asap. Thanks for the link to the letter-perfect absolutely perfect. I'll plod on with the Advanced Spreadsheet because I've basically got most of it sussed, I want to make sure I've got everything right. Will STEVEN4064 be able to enlighten me on this? Thankyou for all your help so far-VERY much appreciated. Old Rope.
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