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Everything posted by bobzac

  1. They are doing this "special offer" of half price installation at the moment - well they did a search and claim that there was no service to the property, so it looks like I am stuck with paying the amount. This really buggers up my sky installation next week !
  2. I will give it a go, however not too sure if the estate agents will be able to track them - I had some queries about other utilities that they couldn't answer of gave incorrect information on.
  3. I moved into my new flat yesterday, plugged in the phone and nothing - well no surprise there I thought to myself. Well I phoned the useless people at BT to ask them to turn it on. Their reply was "well we have never supplied a service to this property" in reply I questioned why there was a BT main socket attatched to my wall then, they said that is was already there as standard. They then said that they wanted £62.50 for the pleasure of sending one of their 'technicians' to install one. I asked how they planned to do this as there were no phone pilons anywhere to be seen - which suggests to me that there is an internal box or something, like the tv, that just needs to be plugged in. They said that they didn't know and I told them that I wasn't giving them anything until they could tell me how they intended to rectify the problem. So..... Has anyone else had this problem, within a block of flats, and how did BT resolve it ? Thanks
  4. this may give you some pointers - Abandonment - LandlordZONE
  5. In this case you are going to have to sit tight for an official answer but as you have it, I was looking into this information last week. 1) Check the tennancy agreement, was there something in there with regards to the tennant being responsible to paying all utility bills ? There certainly is on mine and thats what I have to do. I had a problem with British Gas with a balance that wasn't mine and believe me, I phoned them up and told them to sort it out. If she hasn't done that, I would suggest it is hers. 2) The property she has left behind would be classified as abandoned. I believe she has 6 months to claim it from yourself before you can do anything with it. The tennant is still the legal owner of the property and you have to show that you have tried your best to contact her and tell her to collect it (registered letter is your best bet with a suggested time scale). 3) Im not too sure about taking someones property down to the tip - only reason I say this is if you sell the persons property (after waiting 6 months and letters been ignored), should they ask for it - you are to pay back the monies gained, plus the interest owed as the property unless specifically stated by the owner always has and will belong to them. As I said, this is snippets of what I managed to find the other day after my flat mate dissapeared for a few weeks and I was weighing up my options. Best plan is either 1) sit tight and wait for someone who is 100% certains on what they are saying is correct or 2) go the CAB and ask them or 3) ask your letting agent if you have one - you paid for the contract to be written by them, they should know what rights you have under it
  6. It depends, has the tennant left before the end of the agreed time in the tennancy agreement or are the items still there following the expiration date of the contract ?
  7. I picked up my new tennancy agreement so I could read through it before I collect the keys to my new pad next week and have a query regarding one of the clauses. Im fairly sure of the answer, would just like a second opinion. 5.4.2 - No animals, birds, reptiles that may harm the Property or be a nusiance to other neighbours or residents to be kept at the property, except by agreement between the landlord and tennant Now then, I have 2 female rats, who live in a cage, mind their own business and as you can imagine, are incapable of making much noise. Im fairly sure I mentioned them when I was asking about available premises otherwise I wouldn't have even viewed this one. As I read it, they don't fit into any of the reasons why they shouldn't be allowed to stay...
  8. Morning all. Just a quick question. Im currently with BT, who supply my broadband and telephone, I am however not overly impressed with the service, compared to the price they charge. Im moving house next week and have no intention of taking them with me. Of course, I will drop the tarriff and pay them what I owe them. Anyway, what I would like to know is - without a BT phone number to give them, can another company take over a BT line and supply a service to the said property ? Thanks
  9. The top quality floor boards upon which my carpet is "glued" and a crack where the wooden wall is attached to the brick wall What on earth am I meant to do about this lot ?
  10. here are some pictures of the things I mentioned earlier. I didn't have a camera when I moved in, so I wasn't able to photograph them - of course non of it is mentioned on the inventory - after all, why would it be .... the hole in the wall by the light switch black mark that can be followed all around the flat on the edges of the carpet - don't know if this is where they glued it or perhaps a draft - after all the floors are made of chipboard !
  11. TBH, looking around at the flat without digging too deep - the whole place looks like a bodge job. There is a whole in the wall above a light switch where too much was cut out for the wires, the carpets are stuck down with glue (onto chipboard), show up everything - no matter how many times they are cleaned. I wouldn't be surprised if something failed somewhere ! I will mention it to the estate agents when I give the keys back (with the time constraints and work, I doubt I will be present for the check out)
  12. Yeah, that is true - I suppose an electical survey wouldn't go a miss but I can't afford anything if it is found that there are no problems with it. Ah well, off to the Hardware shop I go !
  13. Darn I have never known so many lights blow in such close succession to each other - ever !
  14. Morning everyone. I am moving out of my rented flat into a new rented flat mid month. My question is with regards to replacing things like light bulbs. 1) Shortly after moving in the light in the shaver mirror blew 2) 2 of the 3 halogen spotlights blew in the kitchen 3) 3 out of 5 lights in the sitting room blew 4) The light in the extractor hood bew 5) 2 of the Halogen spotlights in the main bedroom blew Now after the 3 in the sitting room blew, I informed the landlord that there quite a few lights blowing around the flat. His reply was that the lights just blew due to their "age". This was a little concern as I am the first tennant in there since the LL bought it. I have replaced the bulbs and they have blown again - so I am going to put this down to shoddy electric works done when the house was converted into the flat. Am I responsible to yet again replace the bulbs which I replaced a few weeks ago ? Thanks
  15. I was in a queue at Natwest today, waiting to get a statement from them so I could go and get an account elsewhere. There was a customer at the desk in front of me, who it turns out to be the mother of an employee of the bank. She and the Customer Services rep were having a rather loud hush hush conversation - when I say hush hush, they were talking in lowered voices but loud enough to hear 4 metres away. The employee has an account with Natwest, and the mother was asking about something on the statement. It turns out the Natwest employees are excempt from recieving 'Penalty Charges' on their account. This is even more unfair than the charges themselves. Employees cost the banks money, the customers provide the banks with money - where do the banks priorities lie ?
  16. If the fee deducted is for a service, I don't think it can be claimed back - however if it is deducted as punishment for going OD ect, then I believe its fair game. Correct me if i am wrong!
  17. I have decided to write a nice letter to S Rendon, whoever that is. Last time I sent a letter to them, I got a very reasonable settlement offer back. Im not expecting a positive reply but hey, it worked the first time !
  18. Good luck, you will* win * I hope
  19. Yes, I had sent them a letter requesting a repayment of charges. Got a letter saying they were looking into it and then another one followed shortly saying ok will you accept x amount as a settlement. I can't tag this onto the other claim as I settled (in their words) "this" claim. This would be a separate claim, however, if I show the letter with the settlement, would that make my life a little more easier.
  20. Last week, a letter from Alliance & Leicester appeared on my doormat offering me £713.00 in settlement for a £719.00 claim. The bit I signed and returned stated that I accept this payment as a full and final settlement for this claim. I was not going to chase them for £6 as I have credit cards I can pay off with the money ! I posted it back to them on Thursday, so no doubt I will be waiting the full 7 working days for the money to appear in my account. Now the bit I need help with... I have just logged into my account on t'internet to notice that the bank are going to remove £50.00 for being overdrawn in March. Im sure you know how this all works, charged because they charged me ect. Do I : a) walk into the branch and talk to the manager requesting that the charges are stopped / refunded, taking my letter with me as leverage b) write to the bank with an approach for payment for the charges (they haven't been taken yet) or c) take another course of action (to be advised by yourselves) many thanks Jon
  21. Hi there, just had a quick read of your problem. You stated that the plane developed a technial fault, thus the flight was "delayed" by 24 hours (so they said). Did you recieve a letter from the Airline / Holiday Company at the airport before you left for home. I have had several delays and they do hand out letters to the passengers waiting. Im not sure how the insurance company state that the flight was not delayed when quite clearly it was, with the travel insurance I use, they tend to pay out as soon as the delay hits the 10hr mark, I beleive full amount is returned at the 24hr mark. I know the flight left prior to the 24hr mark, however, that was the time you were given thus should have been provided in writing at time of the delay. Jon
  22. Thanks for the hint,I will photo my Passport an print it on the same piece of paper so they cant say that they haven't got any ID, mwuhahaha ta
  23. Before I start, I have a small query that has puzzled me a little. The OFT stated that charges on Credit Cards are unlawful and we (the consumer) can claim them back. If this is the case, how come companies are still putting the Penalty Charges onto the account ? Anyhow, I have 2 cards with Alliance & Leicester. I have recently settled with 2 banks at the first stage, se feeling confident that I will get somewhere with MBNA too. Im having a little dig about to see how others have got on first. Shall keep you all posted Jon
  24. well then. after a surprise letter from A & L yesterday offering me a full refund (minus £90) for my claim, I recieved one from Natwest today. I wrote to the CEO with my complaint and concerns, he passed it on to one of his managers who sent me a letter with the following offer... refunds of £92 for the last set of charges one payment of £1,270 to settle (this is about £20 short of what I am claiming, so I think I will accept) So, I think that was a quick and painless claim from both banks thanks all
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