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  1. Hi, experience has taught me that court is not the way to go if they have revoked your licence, however you are out of time as y Just before it goes to court DVLA will give you your licence back for 1 year and you will have to pay for their costs. Magistrates will tend to follow DVLA demands as road safety will be cited and you have no argument for that. As a general piece of advice to everyone, and this came from a Judge, the section 88, you are given if DVLA hold your licence for any reason, is worthless and you can be prosecuted for driving without a licence.
  2. Hello, I just thought i would tell you that we had a similar situation. 8 eye tests later, 2 by a consultant from Moorfields and still DVLA say problem with eyes but will not tell me what, consultant said nothing wrong and eyes meet the criteria. This saga has been going on for 5 years. My advise is to start a complaint with DVLA, write a letter, make sure you put complaint at the top, you will probably get the brush off, next step ask your MP to write, once that has happened then ask for an ICA review, then you have to contact the ombudsman. We have recently met with the ombudsman and several others who have had problems with DMG. The problem is DVLA will not admit mistakes, sorry to be the bearer of bad news but you will get more sense from a monkey than that lot. Ask DVLA to specify what is wrong with your eyes.It will make no difference if you get a report that states your eyes are fine, it took 2 reports from a consultant to get them to back down and only after the ombudsman got involved. Don't try to prove them wrong anymore just start the complaint process and contact the ombudsman and inform them, they won't get too involved just yet but they can get things moving in your favour. Good luck
  3. When driving in Europe you must have a valid driving licence on you at all times, if your licence is snapped then the authorities cannot see that it is definitely you and can make you stop driving on the spot, remember that abroad you cannot just phone DVLA for confirmation and authorities abroad are bigger jobsworth, so for the sake of £20 get a new licence
  4. Well folks after 18 months of dealing with jobsworth , we now have a result. Last week I contacted the Parliamentary Ombudsman, told the woman all that has happened and she made a phone call to DVLA and now we haveour licence back. We are now going to write to the Cheif Execs office at DVLA and ask for our complaint to be refered to the Independent Complaints Assessor, if we are not happy with the result then we have been advised to ask our MP to refer the case to the Parliamentary Ombudsman, who will then take the case further. We can sue DVLA for loss of income as well as the emotional stress that this has caused and the Ombudsman has the power to enforce DVLA to pay compensation if they feel that it DVLA has failed. So everyone dealing with DVLA , dont give up there is a way, it will take time but that light at the end of the tunnel is not the oncoming train. I cried when I saw I had my licence.
  5. Sent several letters to our MP, who in turn wrote to Simon Tse, chief Exec of DVLA. The reply was from a Sara Purcell of the Customer Compliant Resolution Team and they basically said they would deal with it in their own time!! So that was a waste of time and energy. We are looking into whether my human rights have been affected and also whether it breaks the EU tenet of free movement of peoples within the EU, as without my licence to show anyone if stopped, I cannot go abroad by car, therefore my movemment has been restricted.
  6. Are you sitting comfortly , then I shall begin. In Oct 2011, my employer arranged my medical for my HGV licence, this doctor was not my GP. It was a 5-30pm appt on a Friday afternoon and the GP was in a rush to leave, consequently he rushed my medical & didnt listen to me. I informed the Dr that I need glasses for reading only. A few weeks later I received a letter from DVLA (dated 20.10.11) along with a cover note which explained to any interested parties that I was the holder of a full entitlement, Over the last year, they have sent me at least 3 of these. I then received a letter requesting I obtain a certificate from an optician giving the result of a recent eyetest. I went to Specsavers, and had a test which indicated that I was attaining, or exceeding the required minima.I attended Specsavers on 2 or 3 occasions. On 20.10.11. I received a letter which indicated that if I signed to say I would wear glasses when driving, I would receive my licence subject to further medical examination. At this time, I had purchased a pair of driving glasses, and had another test, the results of which I enclose (dated 23.11.11.) These results are in excess of the requirement.with correction (glasses) I received a letter requesting I attend Westgate House for a visual accuity field test, however, Westgate opticians do not have the equipment to perform this function, so it was then arranged that I go to Specsavers for a Humphrey Perimeter Test. This was done on 6.12.11. and faxed to DVLA I received a letter requesting I attend Peterborough Hospital on 13.01.12, which I attended. I contacted DVLA in March/April 2012 enquiring about my licence, and was told I needed another opthalmologist appointment and was sent to see Mr. Hussein at Peterborough Hospital.After this examination, Mr. Hussein indicated that he could find nothing wrong, and would inform DVLA accordingly. After about 3 months I called DVLA, and was told that I would need to see the Consultant again, and was given a date and underwent exhaustive testing. Again, the consultatnt indicated that he could find nothing wrong, and would inform DVLA of this. I received a letter from DVLA dated 09.10.12 informing me that they need to write to my consultant for further information!! I called DVLA to ask for another cover note, only to be told that as it has now been over a year since this started, they would have to send me an application form! So I completed an application form but as of today have had no reply so am about to do it again I am now a self employed HGV driver, ( having lost my job as my employer would not accept the letter from DVLA ) and some agencies will not accept the cover note, and some companies will not accept it either. Accordingly, I have lost work, amounting to over £26000, which is causing stress and upset. I am feeling very discriminated against, and am unable to understand the problem.I cannot understand why, if there is such a huge problem, they have been allowing me to drive. I assure you, that if I thought there was a problem, I would stop!!I am now in extreme danger of losing my occupation, and consequently my home And, while I absolutely refuse to be subjected to any further stressful eye tests, I would be quite happy for DVLA to send an assessor to sit with me while I drive a truck! DVLA have acted with arrogance and disregard for the circumstances,(especially when a consultant has told them twice!!)by refusing to tell me what their problem is. Just to indicate how incompetent DVLA are my son moved house so phoned DVLA and they took his change of address over the phone and in two days he had a new licence, today he recieved another licence!! DVLA have not actually revoked my licence they are just holding on to it, so I cannot attend any CPC course nor can I go abroad on holiday or rent a car etc. I have lost my home due to lack of work andmy marriage is under strain can I sue the b*****
  7. I was recently stopped by the police on the way to an MOT testing station as car was out of MOT, given a producer. Prob is I have changed my name, legally , following a divorce and as yet the DVLA have not changed my licence details, but that another tale of beaurocracy. Gave my name and was tolddont hyave a licence so explained the situation to the PC who then wrote out a ticket in my old name(as that the last name on licence) Have now got a summons in a name i havent used for several years can i be obtuse and say the summons is invalids due to the incorrect details. I always thort that the details must be correct for due process to take place. Any info or advice.
  8. Thanks guys you have put my mind at ease, was never going to give in was just scared that I would lose cos I wasnt sure what to do. Have had a taste of blood so I wont back down now. Thankyou all xxxx
  9. have got a letter from optima as a defence. THey deny that the charges are excessive, they do not breach any contract and that in fact it was me who breached contract, denies unfair conditions. what do i have to do at court and how do i defend myself. am not sure what to do. any help gratefully recieved
  10. Hey chicken licken. I didnt get to court N&P settled before the hearing date, however the news that N&P has been fined is good news, am sure i could use that as leverage. I got a letter from N&P today stating that i was to repay the overdraft at 100 a month starting nxt week. Well that isnt gonna happen cos we havent agreed on the amount of the overdraft to pay, am not paying it all thats for sure, and i want all court action against me stopped and any credit default removed as well. Now I know they have been fined am quite prepared to go to court and use that info against them. In every letter i wrote to them i kept asking about the overdraft and they never answered that point so they are not in a good position at the mo. As they are a local building society wonder what the local population would make of them if the press found out about their dreadful tactics, that would blow the 'we help our community " propoganda out the water.( I live in peterborough) How do i get the info about N&P being fined?
  11. I got all my charges back and a few more, it's just now they are being sods about the overdraft. I have a hearing with regards the overdraft and N&P have tried to contact me ( I was at work when they left a message) I was just wondering if anyone had any advice as to how to tackle it at court. On every letter I wrote to them there was a reference to the overdraft but I never had a reply, am hoping that the judge will take thye view that I made every effort and find in my favour. Don't see why I should be punished for their failings!!!
  12. Has anyone spotted the huge gaffe on the bisto advert!!!!!!!! an excellent example of tortology(sp)!!!!
  13. It gets better!!! A weather forecaster on the BBC couldn't even use the right words to descibe the weather movements,... apparently rain can meander. I thought that rivers or streams meander so do people sometimes but rain!!!! I have this image of rain drops wandering all over the place.
  14. And what about when people say " that'll learn ya". However the joy of the English language is that the word order of a sentence does'nt make much difference as to the understanding. . . . . "the man goes down the street" . . . "down the street the man goes" . . .
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