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  1. thanks, thanks, thanks:D for your sound advice. After emailing my friend at barclays & explaining about need to distribute fairly among creditors etc I received a reply immediately saying I could have a cheque for the full amount (and a bit more as I didn't agree with their figures:) ) Cheque now received....will be donating to the site when money safely in bank!! Cheers guys:wink: PS The best part was amending their letter to suit my own requirements & sending it back to them......sheer therapy!
  2. Thanks a lot for your helpful replies. Glenn, yes the DMP is a formal one through CCCS, and i was also thinking that the money should be distributed proportionately (my barclay's O/D is at the bottom of the pile!) DX100, i take your point about paying off the O/D but given the above, they're not really first in the queue!! Thanks for the advice, i'll hold my nerve & insist on a cheque:) Cheers for this MillyM
  3. Hi all I've just received a full & final settlement offer from Barclays but they're saying they'll pay it into my (ex) account with them which they closed a few months ago!! They're also insisting that £379 of the money will pay off my overdraft on this closed account (full amount claiming is £779). I'm currently repaying the O/D through a debt management plan. So if anyone can help, my questions are these... i) Can i insist on them sending me a no-strings-attached cheque for the full amount? ii) Can they withold £379 of the money to pay off the O/D (the account has a default notice on it)? any advice much appreciated Cheers MillyM ps the court hearing is due a week tomorrow so i need to act pretty fast!
  4. Hi jericosa i think this is barclay's standard response, certainly the one i got. I replied with the following, i think taken from this site (thanks, CAG!!) In response to this i received a letter confirming i would receive what i'd asked for, and some time later i did get a whole load of stuff (and they cashed my cheque) Dear Sir/Madam, Sort code: XXX Account number: XXXX With reference to your letter dated 26th September 2006 and received today, my request was for details concerning any manual intervention by any person, or member of your staff or, if there was no intervention of any kind, confirmation of the same. I asked, quite plainly, "Did manual intervention take place - yes or no? If yes, then supply details, and if no, then please confirm. This you have failed to do. You have not answered my request satisfactorily, so I therefore remind you of the 40 day period within which you are obliged to fulfil my request. I deem my initial letter to you as having been received by yourselves on the 25th September 2006. You therefore have until the 4th November 2006 to comply with my request. I re-enclose a cheque for the sum of £10 for which I will require a receipt. I also enclose a copy of my original request. Yours faithfully good luck, go get 'em!! millym
  5. I thought this was the case.....thanks
  6. Thanks Allyxia I agree, children are often subject to prejudice resulting in unfair treatment. I'm inclined to think they are within their rights to say who can & can't come into their glorious shop as its private property, but i suspect this is a 'grey' area of the law....i.e. where the boundaries lie between denying access for legitimate reasons and simply discriminating because of which group of people you belong to...anyhow, thanks, i've written them a lovely letter!
  7. Thanks....going to write to them suggesting it would at least be a courtesy to let people know who is and isn't allowed in their shop... i myself will not be going in there again:D
  8. Hi there Wondered if anyone might know whether a store has a legal obligation to display a notice outside the store if they have a policy of barring entrance to certain sections of the community? Basically we live very close to a Tesco petrol station and (sadly!) over the last few years it has become our 'corner shop'. My eldest boy (age 12) often goes for me to buy milk, bread etc A few days ago he went at 7.30 am for milk (yep, one of those mornings:p ) & came back, upset, said the woman had refused to serve him - "we don't serve school kids".....so my son told her he just lived down the road, just wanted some milk and he hasn't come from school "likely story!!" she replied. I went down to ask them about it & she said they have a policy of not allowing school kids in the shop. I told her we'd lived down the road for a few years and he'd never once not been served, never been questioned etc She reckoned that he shouldn't have been served & it is probably that not all members of staff were aware of the policy... i'm now writing to the manager (more for the principle than anything:) ) because i think if they only apply their 'policy' haphazardly then they leave themselves wide open to allegations of discrimination.....how do i know that that particular assistant on that particular morning decided she just didn't want to serve some young kid with brown skin? Anyhow, does anyone know if a shop has to display their policy outside if they refuse admission to certain groups of people? any info appreciated!
  9. Thanks....obvious really!!
  10. Hi everyone I'm new to all this, never posted anything on any site in my life but there's a first time for everything, heh?? Decided to tackle Barclays so just sending my Subject Access Request letter...this seems like a really basic question:lol: but who do i make the £10 cheque payable to (Barclays??!!) Any help appreciated x
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