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10 Good
  1. After a SAR to a DCA which produced no CCA for an alleged debt from OR Abbey Nat i have had another letter saying i now owe money to Barclays. No account details just a one liner you owe money to us we bought the debt.. Should i SAR the DCA stating "ALL ACCOUNTS ALLEGEDLEY HELD BY YOU DCA.." Thanks
  2. How about making this thread a sticky to gather evidence about the DCA's and CRA's alleged bribery and their links to MP's and Lords?
  3. Nakered send it to the times newspaper link on the stickies they want evidence of alleged wrong doing by capquest and are building up a report to be made public in the very near future. Been told by some journalist friends that some directors of some dca's will be arrested soon for illegal practices soem of the offences carrying stiff jail sentences
  4. Re- Funding Legal Cases Rowntree Foundation would i am sure fund legal action against experian, equifax and DCA's and provide a barrister ot two and solicitors ! Research funding. Funding Funding opportunities Project holders Information for those wishing to apply for funding. Calls for proposals Call Deadline There are no calls open currently. >> Calls issued in last 12 months (all closed) | Notification of new calls How to apply for funding Guidelines and background information for those wishing to to respond to a call for proposal. Please note: we only accept proposals in response to a specific call. >> Projects we don't fund | Application guidelines | How to write a good proposal | Contact details, decision dates, reapplying, etc. | How we reach our funding decisions
  5. UK26 just athought, why dont you contact the law dept at your local university and ask if some of the final year students wantto meet with you nd give them real life law problems so that they can come up witth the solutions for you to win the case im sure many of the law students would be keen to add the experience of helping you on to their cv when they send them to prospective employers in future
  6. Go get em UK26. On another subject great photo of handcuffed nat west bankers in the daily telegraph today i have tried the online telegraph to copy and paste the phot but cant find it. Over 3 years jail they had tut tut. Who will be next and what dca official will be first to be jailed, some have come close looking at other threads. Just a thought the names on the paypal paid list , could they be used to id people and does it matter that dca's could get info from paypal regarding addresses for old debts they may be chasing " i do not owe any company money etc"
  7. I Used To Work Pt For Cab, Some Advisors Were Well Trained And Some Were Never Trained And Gave Very Very Bad Advice That Was Wrong, Lack Of Funding Im Afraid
  8. just donated £10 add below to your post when you donate "when someone donates keep the paypal donation link below in your post it saves time and makes it easier to donate" https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/websc...ton_id=2638492
  9. Keep a small container of urine ( cover with clingfilm) near the door , if they turn up again , remove clingfilm and throgh in dca face
  10. email them tonight (google for all email addresses) and the fso, office fair trading , trading standards at your council, send copies of email to the local police and make a formal complaint to police and ask police to phone the bullies. the sooner you send emails the quicker you cn stop them using official authorities and bodies who the bullies cant ignore especially the fso then send comlaint letters to all the athorities after downloading the forms from the relevant sites like fso, send copies to the bullies so they know that you have sent letters as well as copy emails) good luck
  11. Barclays are in as bad a mess if not worse than RBS says Vince Cable Lib Dem on Newsnight tonight . Anyone into shorting shares of Barclays will be rubbing their hands tonight as Barclays shares head for 12p or less within days?
  12. Barclays are in as bad a mess if not worse than RBS says Vince Cable Lib Dem on Newsnight tonight . Anyone into shorting shares of Barclays will be rubbing their hands tonight as Barclays shares head for 12p or less within days?
  13. Re-Post 32 Quote: Originally Posted by rory32 . Failure to do so will result in me reporting this matter to The Financial Crime Branch of HM Treasury and any other authorities as I see fit. :grin: "I just love the money laundering angle - it just worked a £14K charm for me. They will know those Treasury people will be all over them if they think their AML compliance is non existent." --------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi All Can i ask your advice please, should i use the same template letter that rory32 has written in this thread for my situation: CCA original creditor and dca , they could not produce one. Original creditor admit they do not have cca. SAR original creditor and dca , they could not produce one. Alleged debt was from 1999. Its six months know after CCA requests and DCA have entered lots of U's on my credit file going back to 2000 NO DEFAULT THOUGH so original default must have dropped off. DCA say debt not statute barred as i made a payment and 6 years is not up they say for another 3 months. Thanks
  14. Hi UK26 I will BACS you £10 to contribute to the costs , if we get 100 caggers investing £10 in your case then all your costs are paid? Whats you bank acc number or would you prefer a cheque for security reasons? Send me a PM . Lets see if we get enough caggers to fight experian and raise £1k. Or as i have always sUspected are the brits too compliant, deferential and submissive to their so called "superiors" is it the royal family spin doctors who have made most people in UK subservient? If we lived in Spain or France do you think we would get £10 donations very quickly and or would their nationals just get a JCB and bulldoze the HQ of experian? And knock on the doors of their local MP's (equivalent of) at 2 am and demand action against illegal activities of DCA's, or maybe visit in their hundreds the offices of Capquest and other DCA,s and use direct action to close the "unfit illegal actions of" DCA's? In UK we eat too much cucumber sandwiches and drink our tea and rely on petitions which are a load of boll***s as far as getting things changed n UK. What do you think?
  15. Hi SH I have an alleged debt. Can i use the letter in post 4 to send to a dca that has just sent me lots of statements but no cca as part of my SAR request. They ignored my original CCA request ( because they knew they dd not have it!). The DCA did not send a CCA as part of my SAR but said they have complied to my cca request by sending terms and conditions of credit card (not complied! ). The original creditor a bank (CC) admitted to me some time ago in a letter as part of my SAR request to them (OC) that they could not find a CCA. Thanks
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