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Everything posted by bigspenda

  1. Hi Everyone, I'm currently having the following fun and games, any advice: I took out my Policy with my insurer in December 2014 and sent them the appropriate NCD proof. All fine until July 2016 when I move house and, then, approaching renewal time in December 2015 a week before reveal I hadn't received anything from them. I call them and then realise I had forgot to tell them of my change of address. This is an important bit, what I was told 'you cannot renew a Policy to a different address to that of your renewal,. I tell them fine I'll start a New Policy online which I duly do adding 1 year to my NCD. Receive Policy and all is well until May 2016 I then get back to find my front reversed into in a car park with a towbar do a fair bit of damage. So I call my insurer to start the claims process only to be told my policy had been cancelled back in March 2016 because I hadn,t sent proof of my NCD to them. I point out that, no, I hadn't because my previous insurance was with them so why would I need to do so? I also questioned why I hadn't received a request for NCD proof nor advice that my Policy had been cancelled. Now because the policy was cancelled there is nothing the Insurer can do. Fuming, I email their customer service and customer complaints teams demanding to know why they would need a copy of the NCD proof when I was insured with them last year, why cancel my policy for this reason and finally, and for me, most importantly I've been driving round uninsured for nearly two months. Today they call me back in response to my e-mail basically to tell me that because I changed to a new policy I should have sent my NCD proof even though it's with the same insurer. They claimed to have sent letters, emails and texts advising that unless I send them the proof they will cancel my Policy. I pointed out I never received last years NCD because after it went to my old address I was told to cancel that policy and start a new. Does the above ring true with you guys? The damage occurred in a car park near where I had an interview and, ironically, I was offered the job but have now lost it because my car is non-roadworthy.
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