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  1. ok no problem, that makes sense. Just one other question, a small amount of the fees i hope to reclaim are for quarterly fees, which include use of ATMs and use of debit card for payments. Should I claim for these chgs, or only chgs such as DD setup, SO setup, DD cancellation, SO cancellation, daily overdrawn fees? Thanks for all your advice.
  2. IN the bank templates section, the thread called Money Claim On-Line (MCOL) Particulars of Claim. When you click in there, it says if you haven't already sent schedule of chgs to bank then STOP! and follow the process given.. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/34887-5-money-claim-line.html I found it a bit misleading..
  3. I've looked in the templates library for the letter to request a refund. I noticed there the MCOL, which suggests filing an online claim with a court before even requesting repayment from the bank. Surely it would be best to request a refund from the bank using the 'preliminary repayment request' template before processing the MCOL claim form. Any advice would be appreciated..
  4. Ok...before i needed to make the phonecall or send the non-compliance letter the statements have arrived. The fees charged total over £400. Some of the charges include: set up DD fees, stop DD fees, cancel Standing Order fees and stop cheque fees. Are all these fees reclaimable on top of the 'referral chgs' - (daily chgs for going overdrawn), and other quarterly fees and interest.. Thanks for your help.
  5. I am now right at the forty day amrk, and i've received nothing except a letter saying that my request for statements has been received and that First Trust will get back in due course. that was received about 10 days after i wrote the SAR letter. Can someone confirm what my next best step is? Thanks
  6. thanks, good luck with the court case in the new year.
  7. I've read through most of the cases going on in Northern Ireland. Most seem to get to the court case and then i don't see any outcome details!! I hope this is down to the 'keep quiet agreement' before the bank settles. I've sent away my S.A.R to First Trust and received a reply stating i'd have what i need within in 40 days. I just hope it's all this straight forward. I'm following this thread with interest.. Good luck
  8. I've sent the first letter as per the template on this site to request my copy statements. I received a letter back approx 10 days later saying i would have the information back within the specified 40 days. Fingers crossed! Theres still at least 3 weeks before the 40 days is up! I'll update progress when appropriate.
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