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  1. Thanks for clearing that up VNK, and apologies for my sexist assumption:oops: Looks like I should swerve claiming back the charges then... Gutted, as it's just over two grand:cry:
  2. Thanks mate - saw that. I thought he lost because his Nationwide debt was not included in his IVA though, so they used the money he won to pay off his debt to them? Once Nationwide have accepted the terms of the IVA, I don't think they can request additional monies until the 6 monthly review - but I'm not sure on that, hence my question.
  3. I see. Once an IVA is agreed though, I understand that they cannot take additional payments on top of what you have commmitted to pay monthly. The IVA is reveiwed every six months, and they can ask for higher payments based on any additional income you have, but if it's already spent.... Just wondering if they can refuse to pay out becasue I am in an IVA. If so, I won't bother investing the £80 with the court.
  4. Can anyone tell me if being involved in an IVA with Nationwide would prevent me from recovering charges from them? Thanks.
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