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  1. Thanks for that. Is there any way that I can find out what the court actually ordered when they gave me the CCJ? It is a CCJ by the way. I don't mind contacting the court, but I'd rather not if it means they'll know I've never made any repayments and I end up in more trouble!
  2. Thanks for the info. Would the best strategy be then to lay low and ignore any fishing letters should they turn up? And then if I were to be tracked down finally and thratened with court etc; just offer £1 a month or something similar?
  3. Thanks, sounds like good advice. The only problem is that the CCJ is for almost £13,000 so if I can avoid paying 50% back, it would be preferable. I've never heard a word from anybody about the CCJ. I never even got the summons because I'd already moved when it arrived. I'm amazed that they've never tracked me down as I've been on the electoral roll at my new address for years. I do know that the debt has been bought by a debt collector though as I found out that they had sent a fishing letter to my old address about six months ago. It went straight into the shredder.
  4. Thanks. If they did track me down one day, could I get way with offering a token repayment each month, £1 for example? Am I right in thinking that as long as I offer something each month and make sure I pay it, I won't end up in court again?
  5. I have a CCJ on my credit reference files dated 01/10/2000. This is approaching six years ago, and is preventing me from getting credit at the moment. Will the CCJ be removed from my credit reference file on 1st October this year, and will this mean I should find it easier to get credit after this date? I've never actually paid anything towards this judgement as the debt was incurred by an ex-girlfriend, and I moved meaning I've never heard from the county court concerned (my ex told me about the judgement after the case had been heard). Will the fact that I haven't paid the judgement off have any bearing on whether it's removed from my credit reference files? Thanks.
  6. Thanks for your reply. I've got copies of my credit reference files and they are clear of any bad debts/defaults, etc. There are no financial links or associations with any other individual listed, so it seems that I've been refused credit without there being any actual negatives related directly to me on my files, only with old addresses that I lived at over 6 years ago. Which seems a bit odd! Any other help, suggestions or advice would be gratefully appreciated. Thanks.
  7. I've recently been turned down for credit, and was told by my bank that this was due to information recorded at an old 'linked address' on my Experian Credit Reference File. My credit reference file is clear. There are no bad debts or other negatives listed, and I've lived at my current address for more than six years, so I'm confused as to why any problems at my old address might be showing up in the lender's search. Does anybody know if I can contact Experian and ask for this old 'linked address' to be removed from my Credit Reference File? I haven't lived there since 12/09/1999 so I'm hoping that as this was more than six years ago, I can ask for the data to be removed. Thanks.
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