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Posts posted by chipsandsausages

  1. No, I feel like the dmp was the best thing for me as it has helped me with budgeting skills, something I've never had.


    I knew it would negatively affect remortgaging but not make it impossible. 


    I can't just end the lease. They won't let me. It's in  the contract but worded in such a way that made it vague to anyone not familiar with the terminology. 


    I think my only way of ending it would be to take them to court but I don't know if I'd have a case.

  2. I kind of had very little choice. I'm at the end of a DMP and need work done on my house. My current provider wouldn't release the funds. I'll be debt free on September 1st.

    I can't believe it's caused all this trouble. I had absolutely no idea about all these problems. 

    The salesman told me it wouldn't negatively affect me, my mortgage or any future sale. In fact, he said it would be better for me as they're a great selling point. That's the part I take offence with. Has anyone successfully terminated their lease for this reason?

    Most of the posts I can see are about the boiler scheme or birds nesting / costs.

  3. I don't know. The email from ASG's legal team quotes this:

    There is no good reason for Kensington to place a restriction on an airspace leasehold title (that runs for 25 years – so likely beyond the life time of their mortgage on that property) that belongs to A Shade Greener, no other lenders have ever come up with this idea.


    The land registry has a restrictive covenant and easement attached to my property as "the airspace above" my address.



  4. Ah ok. I did click the link, but it seemed to come up with a lot of ads. I'm keen to know if anyone has tried to make a claim for being "misled" by the sales team? I'll take another look. Thanks. 


    I don't really think I've had much benefit at all. I'm ten years into a 25 year contract to keep them on my roof and it looks like the lease can only be terminated by them or by a mortgage company, but only under specific conditions,  and my remortgage application isn't one of them.

  5. In 2012, I was approached by a sales person from A Shade Greener, selling the idea of solar panels.


    I had been interested in learning more and they told me they fit solar panels free of charge, I get to use the electricity that's generated and they sell on what's left over. He said they don't rent my roof, just the airspace above it. He told me there was nothing to lose, really. They'd take care of everything, including maintenance and repair.

    I signed up.


    Fast forward 10 years later.

    I'm trying to remortgage, so that I can get work done on my house and the mortgage companies won't entertain it, unless I terminate the lease or have them change some of the terms of the contract. (The lease doesn't accommodate me changing my mind down the line).


    I feel I've been misled as this wasn't explained to me at the time and it was an employee of ASG who signed the contract as a witness.


    Has anyone any experience of this situation? 


    Would you think there's a legal case for misleading me? 

  6. This topic was closed on 10 March 2019.

    If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there.

    If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened.

    - Consumer Action Group

  7. This topic was closed on 10 March 2019.

    If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there.

    If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened.

    - Consumer Action Group

  8. This topic was closed on 03/07/19.

    If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there.

    If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened.

    - Consumer Action Group

  9. This topic was closed on 03/07/19.

    If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there.

    If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened.

    - Consumer Action Group

  10. That's utterly disgusting. Please keep us posted on how you get on. I feel for you and your wife, I really do.


    Try to remain positive. As one door closes, almost always another door opens. Use this as an opportunity to look at your horizons. If she is a talented hairdresser and some of your neighbours are boycotting the shop, then hey, mobile hairdressing opportunity!!


    There's always a silver lining.


    Best of luck and big hugs x

  11. This thread has gone a little off the point. From qualifying as a paramedic, which took blood, sweat and tears as a single mother, to asking for advice regarding the legalities of a civil law suit, to being advised to "ditch" my career and look for something else.


    I refuse to let this idiot win.


    I've instructed a solicitor.


    I have enough to go to a civil court.


    Thanks for all your input guys x

  12. My aim is justice. I don't want cash. Why would I want cash when there is a direct threat to my life?


    I did grievance it and also requested a dignity at work investigation. Both were denied due to lack of evidence. The police found the previous malicious calls were coming from a mobile phone registered to my employer. As phones are not booked out to individuals, it didn't prove beyond reasonable doubt. It was handed back to my employer for an internal investigation and was closed. I have no other problems with any other colleagues. Plus, I recognised the voice as his. But it's still my word against his.


    These latest messages are from a mobile not registered to my employer. The police are doing a subscriber check which will tell us where the sim card was bought and how it was topped up etc.


    The content of the text messages say that I am going to be killed whilst on duty, with a knife. They also mention my other colleague is also going to be killed and that the police can't help us. They used words that were used in the calls from last year. (You cowards etc.)


    Everything points to him.


    My employer is doing absolutely nothing. Not even asking him about it.


    I'm so frustrated at their lack of urgency and lack of care it's astounding.

  13. The police completed an investigation last year. He was issued a harassment warning on the other member of staff and was arrested for making threatening phone calls to me. He used a mobile phone from work to make the calls and because that didn't prove beyond reasonable doubt it was him (only my word that it was his voice) it was passed back to my employer to deal with it internally. They took no fuirther action.


    I do believe these latest messages are from him as they use the same wording as his calls, and refer to both myself and the other member of staff involved.


    I need to ask the police to trace the sim card used, as it was not a work phone. That will take a little time I know, but I wondered, if the police still can't prove for sure, is there enough for a civil case against him? I'd also take my employer for failing to protect me from violence at work.

  14. Hi, this matter has been ongoing for some time, and I really need to sort it out now.


    Myself and a colleague made a report on somebody at work for gross negligence. Now I'm really not one for telling tales, but this person was responsible for the death of somebody in their care and was about to do it again, so I think we were justified.


    The person in question was suspended but reinstated after the management identified a "training need".


    Since this person returned to work, both myself and my colleague were threatened both in person and by malicious telephone calls. The police were involved and issued a warning.


    My employer did nothing.


    Some time has passed, and I have now received death threats by way of text message. I have gone back to the police who are investigating, and I strongly suspect it is this person. They have said it will happen at work with a knife.


    My employer is doing nothing.


    My question is this.


    If the police investigation cannot prove "beyond reasonable doubt" who is responsible, will I have enough for a civil case with a diary of incidents and a file full of emails to my manager that went unanswered?


    This harassment started since the report was made. Nobody else has an axe to grind with me.


    Many thanks for your help :-)

  15. Hi, I successfully used this site some 5 years ago to reclaim bank charges, (THANKS :-)) I was just wondering, does the six year rule apply to PPI?


    I took out a loan for just £800 with Lombard Direct at least 8 years ago (Could be more than 10 years ago). They automatically sent me a credit card (which I didn't ask for) and I used it up until a couple of years ago, until Lombard passed over to Bank of Scotland and they cancelled my card, as it had a zero balance.


    My account is closed, and I have no paperwork for it.


    I've looked on this site for details as to whether I am eligible to claim, as they included ppi without my asking for it and when I tried to cancel it, they kept referring me to another department, which never answered the telephone, so I was never able to cancel it.


    I don't know exactly when I took out the loan. I don't remember when they cancelled my card (although I believe it was perhaps about 2 or 3 yrs ago) and I don't have any account numbers or anything.


    Am I a lost cause?


    Thanks for any help you can offer x

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