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  1. I decided to sign as guarantor for someone because they were family. Unfortunately my sense of duty has blinded me because they've reneged on payments and now the housing benifits office won't pay the full rent due each month - because the valuer didn't believe it merited it. I want out and I want rid of all this. I'm frantically looking for the guarantor agreement but can't find it - I'm writing for a copy to be sent. I did find a letter saying that my guarantee includes all future agreement extensions - I don't want this. Okay - I know I may not be able to cut this short but I want to at least stop it continuing past the original 6mth agreement! Also - I've heard mention that I can remove my guarantee - with the tenant then needing to get out or find a new guarantor. I'm willing to do this. The family member can go to hell as far as I'm concerned (there's more personal reasons to this story btw). I understand guarantor statements are locked down to the hilt so I know I can't escape entirely unscathed if it goes pear shaped but I do want damage limitation. Please help - I went through hell as a student with debts and I don't want my life being turned upside down again by some vindictive b**tard.
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