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Everything posted by teddypompom

  1. This topic was closed on 09 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. Sorry BotB, are you in cahoots with Black Horse? "If they have rescheduled the payments, doesn't that solve your problem?" No - the problem is the astrinomical amount of charges being put on the account. "Or is the real problem that you can't afford to keep this motorhome because the repayments are simply beyond your means?" Meow!! The charges are such that I can't ever clear them. Am I on the wrong board? - I thought we were here to discuss charges & the implications of them. "Have you had the vehicle properly valued?" Well this of course would be an obvious thing to do, wouldn't it? £10k on a bad day maybe £15k on a good day, in the current market. £22K through a dealer. "As you have already been in contact with National Debtline, then I would hope they have given you advice on the best way of resolving your financial difficulties." To unravel the legalities of the unregulated agreement as you maybe can imagine BH weren't keen to enlighten. "If you were hoping for an answer here that would somehow enable you to not have to pay the debt that you're left with, I doubt anyone will be able to suggest anything." Just to clarify - my query is regards to the charges & the rights I have/do not have under this particular agreement. As under regulated HP you are liable for only half the remaining debt, once the item is sold off. It goes to court & you are able to make an arrangement to pay the remaining half. Under my agreement I am liable for all of it - I'm trying to ascertain whether it is demanded in full & what action can be taken. Is this a consumer action group? To assist people who are struggling with these finance companies? My hope in joining this forum was to get information that would help me, as the consumer, who is being ripped off. I am offended at your comments that imply I'm looking to get out of paying the debt. How rude.
  3. I really am desperate for any advice/information on a £39,709.35 HP agreement I entered into 2 years ago. Found out it is 'Not Regulated' which I'm being told means I have no rights. HP over £20k becomes Not Regulated. If I return the goods where do I stand with the remaining amount owing? Will be £25 - £30K! I can't see them letting that go. But I can't find out anywhere what will happen. Does anyone know? The situation is a. Will be taken back - bailliffs, will put on more charges. They don't need to go to court they can just turn up & take it. b. I can ask them to take the goods back. Will save myself a £1,000 charge but in both situations the motorhome will be sold at auction for whatever they can get that day. Have been told I'll be lucky if they get £10k. I currently have £2,500 arrears which they have agreed to putting on the back end of the loan. But I'm being hammered with charges. My monthly repayment is £470.19 - I paid half yesterday & can pay the other half next Friday. Should have been paid on 28th April. I was told last night that I'm on dangerous ground! I need to make sure all of May's payment is paid on 28th. How they talk to you is just awful. I wish I'd never bought it - it's been a nightmare - but I can't see how I can get out of it - with as little damage as possible. I don't want to go bankrupt - not sure if they can make me. I live with my mum so technically they (bailiffs) can't enter the property however, I understand that bailiffs aren't keen on getting the facts. Had it been a regulated agreement I could have made an agreement through the courts to make monthly repayments - with Not Regulated I 'm told this isn't the case. The company I bought it from went into receivership las year - so they can't take it back either. I don't think I would get permission from Black Horse to sell it - plus the market isn't good. Anyway, would really appreciate any advice. Has anyone got the same problem? Is it really true I have no rights with this agreement? Damage limitation - what would you do in this situation? Please Help! Moderated - THREADS MERGED 30/04/06
  4. Hello Is there anyone who knows more about this kind of finance? Many thanks
  5. Thank you sooo much for a fantastic website - found you through Martin's Money Tips. I have a Lloyds TSB account & mastercard - the mastercard wouldn't accept lower monthly payments & charges were completely out of control - it's been going on & on for months but every now & then they would help themselves out of my current account to make a payment on the mastercard!! Opened a co-op cashminder & have moved everything out. I'm in the process of getting my letter together & working out total they owe me. Anyway, BLACK HORSE FINANCE. I purchased a motorhome for £29,950 now two years ago. Have been struggling terribly with the repayments which are £470.19 per month. The idea was to use it for family but also go to shows & country fairs & it would pay for itself. Attended a number of shows (lost money on everyone) was told by the 'pros' it was the worst trade they had seen for 30 years!! Black Horse have hammered me with charges. I now owe nearer £40,000. I can't sell it, has depreciated so much, as have all motorhomes, the petrol prices, people still aren't happy parting with money. Have already had a visit from the heavy mob, 2 big men. I was told by customer services that I would get this visit, I was 6 weeks behind & it was an opportunity to make an arrangement & as long as I kept to it everything would be fine. Once they arrived I realised they were bailiffs. Wanted to use the toilet (to enter the property), wanted to check the mileage (need keys to do that). Anyway, stood my ground after an hour of being intimidated & lectured I got rid of them - said I needed a day or two to decide what to do & it was past my little boys bedtime. They said all arrears were due now + £1000 charge - it was about £2750 or they would take it back. Contacted National Debtling & they said all I could do was try to plead with Black Horse directly as a last resort. I understand now that once Black Horse pass your account over to this company the BH customer services are not allowed to speak to you at all. I was very forceful (in a nice way) & he said I didn't owe £2750 - that I was only a month & a half behind. He then reset up my account & payment schedule with little fuss (nice man!). Thankfully he sent it out to me in writing. When I called the bailiffs they didn't believe me & went mad at Black Horse & then they denied it all, said that I was lying. I faxed them all a copy of the letter & they had to back off. I have been told that because the debt is over £20,000 I have absolutely no rights at all & am not even covered with the Credit Consumer Act. National Debtline have told me that if I had been covered by CCA I could at least offer it back, & the difference owing would be halved, then that could be negotiated over monthly payments. I had no idea at the time I purchased & signed on the dotted line, I thought it was higher purchase. I've been told I would be lucky to get £10,000 at auction for the motorhome in the current market & I would owe the remaining £30,000. I would be liable for all of it & this would be enforcable with bailiffs. Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I just don't know what to do. It's causing so much stress. Thank you
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