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  1. Thanks, they have already told me they do not have a copy of the CCA signed by me. Do I still need to SAR them, or should I do that anyway to see what charges have been added?
  2. Hi, I wondered if someone had some advice regarding the following default removal. My ex wife opened a next catalogue in my name and ran up debts which defaulted in 2008. Earlier this year Iqor sent me a letter saying that for a reduced fee they would settle and close the debt. Due to the fact that I was looking for a job at the time I settled to try and clean up my history a bit. Subsequent to this I have contacted Next and asked them to remove the default as I was not mine. Due to the matter being as they described it, a domestic dispute, they refused. I then asked them to send me a copy of the credit agreement which I signed allowing them to pass data about me to credit reference agencies. They could not supply this, instead they sent me a blank photocopy of their credit agreement. What should be my next steps regarding getting this removed?
  3. Thanks for that, i have already looked at that thread but it has no advice for when the judge may order the stay and there is no AQ.
  4. I have not been asked to file an AQ and been informed by the court that they may be ordering a stay in the hope that Lloyds will settle. Should I write to the judge asking not to stay the case and request a strike out on the grounds that Lloyds are abusing the process?
  5. Anyone have any ideas?
  6. So I recieved a letter on 21st from the Court saying that the has been transferred to Southend Court and is to be placed before District judge Dudley for directions. I phoned Southend Court today and asked what was going on and was told that the case would go before the judge and it was likley that he would order a stay for a month to see if the bank settle. Should I send a letter to the court now with suggested directions and asking for him not to stay the case as I have been trying to resolve the case and believe that Lloyds will just use the month to prolong the proceedings?
  7. I created my case on MCOL on 2nd April. Case was transferred from Northampton to Basildon without an AQ and then transferred again to Southend. I have not been asked to fill out an AQ.
  8. mickand

    Sam v Lloyds

    Just do it. The court will serve the papers to let them know you are taking action against them.
  9. Hi my case has been tranderred from Basildon to Southend. I filed against Lloyds on 2nd April, no court date as of yet.
  10. mickand

    Sam v Lloyds

    Don't give them the extra 4 weeks. As soon as the 14 days are up start your action.
  11. Sorry put not sure if you missed my question earlier but can you tell me what court this was from as I am going through the process and am waiting for information from Southend Court. Thanks
  12. Scams telephone number is 01273 205381
  13. Angelcat, If you don't mind can you tell us what court this is from?
  14. We just rang the court and explained and they said that the claim was going to be tranferred again to another court. I am really getting fed up with the court system now they must know that LLoyds aren't going to defend why do they need to play into their hands by delaying again?
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