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  1. Thank you Dolly x When I saw that I had received my first reply - which was from cbrundle - I got all excited thinking that somebody had something sensible to add until I read it. I was quite gob smacked infact. Nice person. Anyway.... Today I checked my statement online to see if I still had the £90 available balance. When I looked the loan payment was back on my statement showing that it had been paid out yesturday and my remaining balance was £17. The loan payment, which I paid by debit card last Friday showed up on my account straight away as paid out. It was there on my statement on Monday of this week as paid out and my available balance was £17. On Tuesday I went to the cash point and my available balance was £90. Confused, I got a mini statement to see if it was my lucky day and that some kind person had paid money into my bank..not..so I went into Natwest to ask them for a full statement and that's when I discovered that there was no sign of the loan payment being paid out. Natwest could not explain why this had happened and advised me to phone my loan company which I did, and when i spoke to them they said they had received the payment. Can anyone enlighten me as to why the payment left my account twice?
  2. If you don't like what I am asking then don't bother to reply. Have a nice day. x
  3. Lose the attitude dude, I am not EXPECTING people to give me the answer least of all you. I am seeking some advice, and trying to find out whether anybody else has experienced what I have if that is okay with you!!
  4. Great advise that!! I have already rang them, but surprise surprise they can't give me an explanation!
  5. On Saturday I got a mini statement from the cash point to check that all my bills had been paid. Every debit I had made showed up on the statement and I was left with £17.00 to myself! Today I went to the cash machine to check my balance and there was £90.00 in my bank. I know why. I paid £74.00 off my loan which showed up on my mini statement and my online statement. But today it had dissappeared from them both. I have rang my loan company and they say they have received the payment. So, why have the bank reversed the payment back into my account making me think I have more money than I really have?
  6. Have I posted my last message in the wrong place?!!!!!!!!
  7. I keep getting frequent harrassing calls off Citi Cards. Practically every other day. Me and my hub have split up so I wrote to Citi explaining that I could not afford to pay my monthly repayments in full because my circumstances have changed. I sent them a financial statement and told them I could afford £15.00 a month and asked them if they would freeze interest and charges. I then received a call from Citi putting pressure on me and asking me if I could afford to pay more. I'm like hell no. (I only work 5 hrs a week, got 3 young kids, so I am living off my salary, tax credits, child benefit and get £80 a week off the ex. I have to pay full rent, council tax, gas, elec, phone, etc etc) Anyway they asked me to send them a financial statement, and I'm like WTF I've sent you one. Next, they are asking for a payment straight away, and I'm like I will pay you in a few days when my cash goes in the bank, and they say, yeah fine. Two days later I receive another phone call, (I always receive these calls around 7.30pm when I am getting my kids ready for bed etc, and I am like at home from 1pm and they don't bother to ring then do they!,) anyway I receive this call from another person asking me exactly the same question again "can you pay more, can you make a payment now, send a financial statement bla, bla bla," I'm like HOW MANY MORE TIMES???? A day or 2 later on a Friday another phone call. This time I am told I am in arrears bla bla bla. I repeat myself again and make a payment of £15 by debit card, then they ask me to make another payment in the next few days, and I'm like no, I have made an offer to pay £15 a month, and again they tell me that I need to send a financial statement. Well Jesus F*****G christ, put me through to somebody who is British! What do I have to do to get through to these stupid bunch of dimwits! I still get calls, off somebody different each time, asking me for payments, to send a financial statement bla bla, and I end up repeating myself over and over again. Frustrated, and distressed because I am having a bit of a shit time at the moment, I wrote to Citi, again, with my offer, sent another financial statement and added a complaint of the frequent harrassing calls. I am hoping these calls will stop because I am getting really peeeeeeed off now. I feel like I'm banging my head against a brick wall!
  8. Send a letter of complaint asap to Energywatch, also go to their website and email a complaint energywatch: Home Page. Energywatch Head Office 4th Floor Artillery House Artillery Row London SW1P 1RT Up until this week I have had problems with BGAS for several months. They enforced legal proceedings on me for money I didn't owe them. As I was getting knowhere with them on the phone, I was advised to send a letter of complaint to Energywatch. I did this and Energywatch replied within days, and a few days later my on going dispute with BGAS has come to an end. If you get Energywatch on your side British Gas will sort your heating out very quickly. I hope they do anyway. Good Luck.
  9. Thank you Surfer I sent BG a letter of complaint, forwarded a copy to Robinson, Way and Co debt collectors and I sent a letter of complaint to EnergyWatch. British Gas sent me a letter and an email. Here is the email they sent me below: Dear Mrs Davies Thank you for your letter that I received from energywatch dated 14 December 2006 regarding your payments on your gas meter. I tried to contact you today by telephone; however you were unavailable at the time of my call. Please find details of my investigation within my email. I am please to inform you that we have located your payments and allocated the total you have paid to your gas account. Your payments were allocated to a different Customer Reference Number than your actual account and I have transferred your payments to cover your usage. Therefore you do not owe British gas anything. I am truly sorry for the problems you have encountered with our service and for the delay in sending you a prepayment card. I assure you that we are aware as a prepayment customer you pay in advance of using your gas and there should not be an outstanding balance. Please accept my sincerest apologies for any reminders that you have received as your account should have been placed on hold until a full resolution of your enquiry. I assure you that you will not receive any more reminders after today’s date as your payments have been allocated to your gas account. Thank you for bringing this matter to my attention and I trust I have resolved your enquiry to your satisfaction. Yours Sincerely Stuart Maidment Customer Relations So I guess that is the end of that. Thank you everybody for all the advice. I expect I will be on here soon to have a moan about something else!!
  10. I have sent my letters of complaint, and I am now waiting for a reply.
  11. Thanks for the advice guys. I have actually spoken to Robinson, the debt collectors. They rang me this am. asking for a payment. I explained that I am in a disbute with British Gas etc. etc. and that a letter is on the way to Robinson that explains everything. The advisor I spoke to was very helpful. He told me that when I send my letters of complaint to BG to also send Robinson copies of my letters. I am on a mission now!!
  12. Yes they say the £123.01 is for gas. I received a demand for payment from Robinson, Way and Co debt collectors in October. I called BG and they told me they would stop the demand and to disregard any further letters i receive from Robinson. This week I received a notice of Legal Proceedings, I called Robinson to ask if BG had put a block on the demand and they had not. I explained to them the ongoing dispute I have been having with BG and told them BG had said to disregard their letters. The call ended in my being told if I ignored their letters I would incur court costs & legal fees. I then rang BG and I spoke to a lady called Rebecca who assured me that this matter would be resolved once and for all. I am in the middle of sending a letter of complaint to BG. I have records of all the conversations I have had with them including the dates. I am worried though that I won't even get a reply. I did email their complaints dept. when the engineer failed to turn up. I waited a few weeks for an explanation and an apology but did not get one, so I switched my supply back to Swalec. I was only with BG for 6 weeks, and I did not use £123.01 worth of gas in that time. Like I said, I am a pre-payment customer and if i don't credit my meter I don't have any gas!!
  13. Thanks I don't owe them anything. If I don't credit my meter I don't get any gas. BG have told me they will contact swalec themselves to recover the £123.01. Mind you, they have told me this 4 times now over a 7 month period!
  14. British Gas are taking me to court for £123.01. I don't even owe this money because I am a pre-payment customer. I switched my supply over to BG from Swalec earlier this year. An engineer was supposed to calling at my home to reset my gas meter so that I could use my new card BG had sent me. I was told I couldn't use my new card until my meter was reset. However, no engineer turned up, so i could not use my new card. I carried on purchasing credit with my swalec gas card, so the credit was going to them and not British Gas. After 6 weeks I switched back to swalec. I then received a bill for £123.01. I have made continous calls to British Gas explaining that my credit had gone to Swalec, and they need to recover the money from them, and each time I am told it will be sorted. It is not sorted and now I have debt collectors after me!!!
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