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Status Replies posted by BankFodder

  1. I can declare with confidence that  is a very reputable and reliable domain registration service provider, because I am an expert in the field of domain registration. They provide a variety of domain name selections at affordable pricing, and their website is simple to use.

    Excellent customer service is one of s best qualities. Customers can get help from their professional, accommodating support staff with any queries or issues they might have.

    Overall, I would heartily advise anyone wanting to register a domain name to use  With affordable prices and first-rate customer service, they provide a streamlined and stress-free experience.



    Actually the truth is that I have come onto this forum to spam people in order to drum up customers.

    The reality is that you should never start dealing with any company which has to resort to spam in order to increase its business.




    1. BankFodder


      This company has visited this forum in order to expand their product.

      You should not get involved with any company that has to resort to spam in order to drive its business.

  2. To the team at CAG - I have just sent a donation for all your efforts not just for me previously and possibly currently, with my PRA HFX loan, but with everyone else who has been in need of someone extra to help fight their corner.! 


    Thank you @dx100uk @Andyorch

    1. BankFodder


      Thank you very much indeed.

      I've sent you an email although I see that you have an outlook email address so you may have to check your spam folders.

      Anyway, it's a very generous gift and thank you.

      I have flagged it up to the team as well.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Apologies, I have forgotten the sequence of hyperlinks/buttons/clicks needed to send a PM to another consenting user.

    1. BankFodder


      Top right corner - there is a little envelope

  4. Hi BF

    "This topic was closed on 03/05/19. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support their. "

    Great work in tidying up going on here. Dare I mention you are misspelling the word "there," you are using the wrong word , their is the possessive form of the personal pronoun.
    No need to thank me. Seriously, love the new format.



    1. BankFodder


      Thanks for this. I'm  pleased you like it.

      I'm afraid the use of the possessive is down to my dictation software which never went to skule and me who doesn't pay enough attention before I click submit.

      Could you send me a link to the incorrect spelling please


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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